"Any guys out there?" 7-29


Hey guys!!!

2nd day of the endurance rotation and it was time for MM Upper Body + Abs. Boy, after months of strength, MM sure did kick my @ss!!! Lighter weights but almost no rest in between sets... phew!!!:p

C U 2morrow!!!!

Basic Step for me today...the energy in the RT step class has me bound and determined to become a better stepper!
Hey guys-

I did 4 miles on the tredmill today, but I did it kind of fast. Plus two more 1 rep maxes. I can't seem to get on the workout manager so far today. Maybe they're working on it.

Hi Guys! I did MM today, like Christos, but I did the whole thing. MM is one grueling workout. I can't help cursing at Cathe sometimes!

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