Any GERD Remedies you know?


I'm a GERD sufferer, and the medication I'm on from my doctor is horrible. The medication, makes me feel tight in my stomach, nervous, and confusion if I take too much.

Would love to have some help in home remedies, or whatever helped you, family member, anyone with this problem.

Hope you can help,

Hi Janie!

My husband suffers from this too. I can't recal the meds he is on but one of the things the doctor recomended is to raise the head of our bed six inches. It sounds strange and took some time to get use to but it has helped a lot! He use to wake up several times a night with his throat feeling like it was closing. It was scary. Aso he had to switch to caffeine free soda. I tried to get him to quit them all together but that was a no go. Anyway, I hope this helps you some. Oh, if your not able to actually raise your whole bed up I think they sell pillows for this very thing. It is kind of slanted. Try a google search and I bet you will find some options. Take care and I hope you find some realief soon!
Janie - Are you on Nexium? I've heard of a lot of people having the symptoms you are describing from being on Nexium, so was wondering. My parents both had such an awful experience with it they had to be taken off of it. I have GERD unfortunately and to keep it under control, I take a Pepcid every morning along with a Prevacid. I've tried Protonix, Nexium, Prilosec, you name it, but only Prevacid 30 mg works for me. In the evening before dinner, I take another Pepcid. I'm usually able to wean myself off of the Pepcid after I've gotten a "flare up" under control. I have cut down drastically on my caffeine intake. I don't drink coffee anymore and if I do have an occasional cup, I make sure it is decaffeinated. I also avoid sodas period. The caffeine is bad, but the carbonation is just as bad, so even caffeine free can cause problems. Tea is another drink I really cannot have. Everyone has different trigger foods that cause problems, so you will have to kind of figure out what those are and limit those. Also, don't drink right before bed. I've been told about elevating the bed, but honestly I just can't sleep like that. Sleeping with a few extra pillows doesn't help either, you would have to completely elevate the head of your bed for that to be effective, so I haven't bothered. With the meds, I'm pretty much in control.
Hi, what really helped mine was Natures Lining and DGL which is licorice without the blood pressure raising part in it. My throat used to fee like it was closing up when in bed and I felt like I couldn't breath. My sister-in law gave me an article recommended these two and I have gotten much better. The Natures lining you only have to use for a while and it builds the lining back up instead of taking beneficial acid out of you stomach. Also, for some Braag Apple Cider Viniger with honey and water seems to have worked. Sometimes it is actually not enough acid instead of to much. Just some ideas. Take care.
Janie - Are you on Nexium? I've heard of a lot of people having the symptoms you are describing from being on Nexium, so was wondering. My parents both had such an awful experience with it they had to be taken off of it. I have GERD unfortunately and to keep it under control, I take a Pepcid every morning along with a Prevacid. I've tried Protonix, Nexium, Prilosec, you name it, but only Prevacid 30 mg works for me. In the evening before dinner, I take another Pepcid. I'm usually able to wean myself off of the Pepcid after I've gotten a "flare up" under control. I have cut down drastically on my caffeine intake. I don't drink coffee anymore and if I do have an occasional cup, I make sure it is decaffeinated. I also avoid sodas period. The caffeine is bad, but the carbonation is just as bad, so even caffeine free can cause problems. Tea is another drink I really cannot have. Everyone has different trigger foods that cause problems, so you will have to kind of figure out what those are and limit those. Also, don't drink right before bed. I've been told about elevating the bed, but honestly I just can't sleep like that. Sleeping with a few extra pillows doesn't help either, you would have to completely elevate the head of your bed for that to be effective, so I haven't bothered. With the meds, I'm pretty much in control.

I've had the same problems with meds--tried a lot of them and keep coming back to Prevacid 30 mg, only I'm on it twice a day. I've had reflux surgery, too (Nissan Fundoplication) and DO NOT RECOMMEND IT FOR ANYONE! I really don't have any tips though. There are certain triggers I know of, but most often I can't trace it back to anything. My meds and small meals help the most. My GI doc also has me take Prevacid on an empty stomach and waiting an hour before eating.
Everyone has been very helpful.

I'm now off the medication, it's just too much and too scary to live that way. So, I'm taking your suggestions to heart. I'm now taking DGL, Mastic Gum Extract, making my own Kefir and yogurt for probiotics and purchased two books on why we need our stomach acid and recipes for reflux/ulcer disease.

I'm convinced that what I was taking (OMEPRAZOLE) would eventually be fatal for me. I also found a site that allows people like myself to write about their experiences with such drugs, and sometimes gives information on what they do to help themselves. It's not talked about very often, but in my opinion, this hits me right between the eyes on what the drug companies/FDS are doing to us. OMG!

If you are having problems like so many many people are, then here is the site to open your eyes and learn about Ulcers, GERD... MEDICATIONS.COM

There are books that are suggested too, so you can eat and cook the right things that won't trigger an attach/heartburn/pain.

Thank you all for your help and suggestions and encouragements,

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Drinking a 1/2 cup pf aloe vera juice helps. according to my mom.

I heard of that one, good to coat the stomach and it's good for constipation. I'm getting some the next time I go to the store. Thank you for the suggestion.

I suffered from acid problems in my stomach (never went to my throat, just made me sick if I didn't take acid inhibitors) for about 4 years. Every so often, the meds I was taking would stop working and I would have to switch to something else. Once in a while, I'd stop taking the meds to see if I still had the problem and it would come back. Finally, about a year ago, I stopped taking them and the problem hasn't come back. So, eventually, it may clear itself up.

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