Any Football Fans Out There?

Well none of my teams made it really does not matter to me who gets there. I just want to watch 2 GOOD games without so many turnovers!
I am a Clemson fan, and haven't really pulled for a pro team since, Tom Laundry and the Dallas Cowboys (yes I am tellin' my age)! But I have to go with the Saints/Colts for Super Bowl line up! Annette
JenL13...isn't DirectTV with the NFL package so cool!!! I couldn't live without it either.

I see most of the experts on ESPN are predicting it'll be Colts/Saints for the SuperBowl....but I know they have been wrong before....:)

I guess several Patriots starters have the flu. If that is true, then if the Colts win, I will feel a little cheated, as a Colts fan. I want to beat the Pats straight up! I don't want anyone to be able to say, "Well, the Pats were sick and that's why you won."

I guess we'll see how it all turns out in about 9-10 hours or so.

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