If you read over all these postings, you'll see that everyone is different. One thing may succeed for one person & do nothing for another. Also, some people can quit on their first attempt, but the vast majority have to try 3 to 4 times. Some people find it easier to "just do it" & quit cold turkey. Other people are frightened off by such a concept & may not try at all if they don't realize it's not the only way.
Try whatever makes you feel the most comfortable & if that doesn't work, try something else. Never give up! Sooner or later (hopefully sooner of course) you will succeed. If you want it.
When my doctor realized our antidepressants were apparently not enough (DH & me), he told us to use the gum and/or patch. I asked him about becoming addicted to the gum or patch. He laughed (nicely!) & said that the nicotine, while not particularly desirable, was not killing me. It was the tars & gases which were killing me. He said he would far rather I was addicted to the gum than smoking. He advised me to use it for as long as I needed to, and said eventually (& it could be up to a year or so) I would stop on my own. He was right, that is exactly what happened.
I can't tell you how much better my life is now...like everyone else, I wish more than anything that I had never started. But, can't change that.
As I mentioned before, exercise helped too, but it had to be HARD, high intensity makes you gasp for breath exercise. Which also helped keep the weight down!
Whatever you decide, you have my very best wishes for your success. If you need to talk, you are ALWAYS welcome to email me.
Take care,