Any Cathe beginners?

Hey all, it's Christmas Eve and I am pleased to say that I haven't put on a lot of weight over the holiday season. Just finished weighing and I have only added 1.2# from my lowest weight so I am pleased with that. Now, I just have to get back into my routine after the new year although, I am going to go back to eating my 5 meals a day when I start back to work on 12/27.

I hope everyone is doing well and maintaining their workouts. I look forward to getting back into this blog after the first of the year and hope everyone else joins back in as I miss hearing about how everyone is doing and I just changed my goals to coincide with the new year so I know I am going to need some gentle pushing and severe scolding to try to get this next 50# off and I don't think I can do it without you all!

Bridget: Welcome back! I think I will take a look at the link you posted and see if I can incorporate that into my workout since it seems to be too cold, snowy and icy here to do much walking or running.

Elle: Hope you are feeling better - how is the new WW program going?

Take care and have a safe one.
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I'm surprised no one has checked in at all so I am wondering if everyone has gone to a different blog post. Well, I have been keeping up with my lunch runs and can pretty much go 2.25 miles in about 26 minutes. We have added in a variety of weights to work our arms, abs and legs doing 20 reps 5 times a day. We have only been doing this for about two weeks, but already I can see a difference so it keeps me going. I am now 5# from my first goal weight - wish I could have made it before the end of 2010, but at least I am almost there and then I can start on my next goal.

Hope everyone is doing great - would love to hear from all of you!

Hi Jennifer,
I kind of thought this check-in fizzled out but i'm glad to hear you are almost at your goal! congrats on all of your hard work!:)

I'm still keeping up with my yoga and weight watchers. Yesterday I got my butt kicked in a free Boot Camp class at my office. It was really fun so I hope they offer it more regularly.

Have a great day!

Good to hear from you. I was so shocked when I finally got back to this check in and found that no one had been posting. I think that is a shame and really hope everyone comes back as the weather warms up.

Glad you are keeping up with yoga and weight watchers. We had a new fitness trainer move into our business complex several months ago and the boss and I took a free Boot Camp class - met twice a week for two weeks to try it out! I fully understand getting your butt kicked and I wish she would have the class continue, but with the bad weather she decided she wanted to wait until this spring to start back up. We told her if she has them at 6 am, she could count us in as I truly enjoyed getting my workout done before heading into work for the day!

Spent last week completely on my back with the flu so this week I have slowly been getting back into the lunch run routine and working out with weights. Hopefully, I will have lost some weight when I weigh in on Saturday since I didn't eat too much that week, but then, I also didn't expend too much energy either . . . .

Congratus to you for losing 19.6 pounds so far! Keep up the great work! Hope to keep in touch with you here in this blog. Do you know where everyone else has gone to?


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