Any Cathe beginners?

welcome Samonia & Jennifer!

Just finished Low Impact Step this morning - felt good but it is definitely more challenging when I do it the day after Pyramid Lower Body. I'm not as sore this time after Pyramid but still pretty sore. My calves are really feeling it this time. :p

Nancy (betterallthetime):
Congrats on figuring out that last step section on 4DS Lower Intensity Step!! I love that workout. And awesome job on completing the first 5 parts of Low Max!!!! You are making great progress - it's a big victory!

You should definitely give the Pyramids a try - you can use any weight that works for you (or no weight for some parts too). I'm a big believer in just trying workouts - you don't have to do everything perfectly and you might have to take breaks but I find it really pushes you past what you think you can do when you try something new.

Welcome to our check-in thread! Great to have you with us! Great job with MMA Kickbox! How do you like that one? I haven't tried it yet. The only Shock Cardio one I have tried is MMA Boxing and I liked it.

Welcome to our check-in thread too! Great to have you join us as well! And you are definitely not a wimp with starting with Basic Step and Body Fusion! I started with Basic Step for a few weeks (and off and on a month or so ago). I just get bored easily. :p

That's great that you are feeling a difference with Cathe's workouts! And I think you might surprise yourself about doing the more intense DVDs and the ones you don't think you would be able to do. I love Kick Punch & Crunch. It's a tough workout but it has a lot of premixes and choices if you are short on time or just want to do specific sections. I'd definitely recommend it.

As for equipment...I'm a fitness addict! LOL I have a ton of DVDs but now that I have found Cathe, I'm only using hers. As for equipment, I have weights (adjustable ones and plain dumbbells), a barbell, step, high step, resistance bands, stability balls, medicine balls, etc. I used to have even more but I got rid of the bigger things and just focus on the stuff that I use regularly.

I love the Workout Manager and use it for scheduling my rotations and keeping track of my workouts and goals. I also recently signed up for the Nutrition program too and am getting used to it.
Jennifer- Please do not be misled. I started Cathe in February and did the Beginner Rotation. I am trying to move up and build my endurance. I started with Jane Fonda and did The Firm before finding Cathe. A Cathe beginner workout is a lot tougher than those. I did Basic Step and then Body Fusion. The next DVD I did was Low Impact Step. I am trying to move on from those to keep things interesting for me, but no so "interesting" that I can't keep up!. We are all in this together and I am really enjoying the forums. The suggestions are great and there is so much knowledge and wisdom here. It motivates me to know I need to "report in" later and I love hearing how well everyone else is doing.

Nancy (the other one)
Nancy #2, I hear you about not so interesting that it hurts you. I am avoiding workouts with the name "extreme" or "terminator" in them.

Today I was going to post, shamefully how I did not do anything because I slept late, did too many other things, etc. I got home from the library this afternoon and while my husband slept on the couch and my 8 yr old daughter talked to me I did low max- on 4"- telling myself I would stop after 4 circuits. Instead, I kept going and good gracious, I finished it!

Nancy #1, I probably wouldn't have attempted it without your encouragement to try something new. 70 minutes! I think I will be hurting tomorrow- starting the Naprosyn now, but endurance wise, I did it!

Samonia- Welcome, I am intrigued by the new STS workouts, I like that the cardios are less than an hour long.

Jennifer- are there new Jane Fonda workouts??

Thanks for such a warm welcome. You ladies are helping me figure out what workout to do. I went to the Pyramids since you all were doing PLB. However, I did PUB (40 minutes) today since I want to increase me step height tomorrow in LIS.
I liked the MMA Kickbox. I find that Cathe increased the intensity in this one but it is still pretty manageable. The moves are very simple and repetative and the DVD is shorter that the others. If you can do KPC, MMA Kickbox will be a breeze.

Let's hit it hard tomorrow!
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Nancy #2: I definitely will not be purchasing any of Cathe's DVDs with the name "extreme" or "terminator" in the at least for a while. Congratulations on working out today--Sundays are my off day to try to recoup from my week of workouts. Congratulations on finishing LM on 4" instead of just doing the 4 circuits you originally planned! That should definitely give the rest of us inspiration to continue further than we intend and succeed in the process!!

Nancy #1, my hats off to you for the encouraging Bridget to try something new and look, she finished all 70 minutes of it!!! You both rock in my book!

Samonia, I haven’t reached the point where I can do MMA Kickbox so I thought I would purchase Kick Punch Crunch to try out kickboxing and see if I like it and I have heard it is highly recommended. If I find I like it and can do it (once I get the DVD) I will be coming to you to learn more about MMA Kickbox. Keep up the great work and I'm with you--since joining the group, I feel like I have a reason (and more importantly, I can) hit it hard tomorrow and succeed because I can look to you all for support!

Bridget, no new Jane Fonda DVDs, I ended up getting two of her step routines in VSH from ebay along with her Lower Body Solutions. Jane Fonda ain't got anything on Cathe. Wish now that I had been brave enough to simply start out with Cathe six weeks ago when I started using Jane. Right now, I am so impressed with Cathe, I plan on getting rid of Jane all over again and sticking with only Cathe. Last night when I was checking out the other forums I found Cathe’s Beginners Routine, which is actually fairly close to the routine I scheduled for myself on workout manager. Originally, I had planned on doing my routine for 6 weeks, but I may re-evaluate after 3 weeks and then move on to Cathe’s schedule for the rest of the weeks; however, I am going to have to get on the ball and start buying them. Do any of you have all of the beginner’s DVDs that Cathe suggested?

Tomorrow begins a new week—everyone work hard, be careful and most of all—HAVE FUN!!
Congrats on completing LowMax!

I only did 30 minutes of cardio yesterday- the Low Intensity Step from 4DS that I love, since I can now complete it! I took my daughter and her friends to a concert on Saturday and ended up standing from 6 hours in crazy packed crowd trying to keep these 12 yo's from getting crushed. I drove them 90 miles each way as well, so I was incredibly achy and sore on Sunday, but glad that they had a good time.

Just wondering what you all think- is it better to move up in step height or workout difficulty/length of workout? I don't think I'll ever do 8" and am only doing 6" on a very few w/o's. I am wondering if it b/c of the PLB making my legs so sore.

Nancy #2
Never feel bad or shame for posting that you didn't do a workout on one day. It's OK to take a day off and sometimes you need it. The important thing is to always listen to your body.

BIG CONGRATULATIONS on completing Low Max!! It's tough and long so give yourself a big pat on the back for it. I'm attempting it again tomorrow. Sometimes the only limits we have are the ones we place on ourserlves. I know if I tell myself that something will be too hard, it usually is. But if I approach it with that I will try my best, I usually can do more than I think. You did awesome!!

Great job with PUB! That's my workout for later. Thanks for the info on MMA Kickbox - I might give it a try when I'm finished with my current rotation.

LOL on Jane Fonda having nothing on Cathe! I wish I had started Cathe's workouts years ago. I had heard of her for a long time but always though it was too advanced or 'hard core'. I didn't realize how much fun they would be and what just great workouts they are. I have the beginner workouts. I think the first part of her rotation are all workouts from two DVDs: Basic Step & Body Fusion and Total Body Stretching. After the first few weeks, Low Impact Step and Total Body Sculping (both on one DVD if I remember correctly) are added in too.

Nancy #2:
Great job on LIS from 4DS! What was the concert you took your daughter and her friends to?

Great job with Cardio + Weights. I have yet to try that one. And I usually find Cathe's ab work to be hard so I end up skipping some exercises - especially stuff like planks and pikes on the ball - just can't do them.

I don't think there is a right answer in terms of it being better to increase step height or workout difficulty/length of workout. It is a good idea to change your workouts up after 4-6 weeks since your body will start to adapt. And you'll find that for some workouts, you may use a lower step height and others you can use a higher one. It all depends. I'm sticking with 4" right now until the workouts become too easy with it but I also like to throw in a more challenging workout in the same week (like Low Max for me). But if you find a step workout is becoming too easy, definitely increase the step height!
Bridget: I agree with Nancy. I always try to take at least one day off during the week to give my body a rest and while I feel some pangs of guilt, I always try to remind myself that I am going into a new week and vow to work hard on the days I workout. That's fantastic that you completed Low Max--I don't even have that DVD yet. Although, I am watching a Low Max DVD on e-Bay that says it is Fit TV and was made in 2005 which is the same year stated on her website. Can anyone advise if this is just an older version of the one Cathe has on her site? If so, then I will go ahead and buy it.

Nancy #2: Congrats on Cardio & Weights--again, another DVD I don't have. Gee, spending time in here is going to put me in the poor house. You all talk about these great workouts and then I want to buy them so I can try them and see how great they are. I'm glad to hear others say her ab workouts are difficult--I simply do as much as I can unless I feel "bad" pain and figure I will kick it the next time I try it.

I'm excited, I just purchased KPC and decided to go with the Stretch Max (will give me something to work up to since it is considered intermediate/advanced.) Now, if you all can answer my question about Low Max, I will buy that and then hopefully be set for a while.
Just finished Pyramid Upper Body. It was tough - I increased my weights a bit and definitely felt the difference. I did the ab section but modified the plank and pike moves using the ball - I don't know if I'll ever be able to do those with the stability ball - I just can't stay still. :)

I don't know about the DVD on eBay. We don't get Fit TV here in Canada so I'm not really sure what it is except that I know it is a channel that shows workouts by various instructors. I know some people have mentioned that they have watched Cathe's workouts on there and I think they are the same ones on the DVDs but I'm not sure. I would be careful though because if it is a recording from Fit TV, it might not be legit (i.e., someone's recording of it from Fit TV as opposed to a Cathe-produced DVD). You also wouldn't be likely to get the premixes that you would get if you bought it from Cathe or other vendor. I don't know if Fit TV sells Cathe workouts or not? Hopefully someone else is more knowledgeable about Fit TV.

Woohoo on purchasing KPC and Stretch Max. Both great workouts!
You all are such an inspiration to me! I took a rest day today after low max yesterday- there is a dull ache deep in my buttocks, but it is doable. Dare I say it, am I over that beginner hump when you do an Cathe beginner workout and cannot move for a week?

Nancy #2 I think I'll try Cardio & Weights tomorrow- I remember that is a fun workout, my number 2 choice is Pyramid Upper Body- who knows what the spirit will move me to do tomorrow morning- I will let you guys know here.

Nancy: Great job increasing your weights on the Pyramid Upper Body. I just finished my Monday routine with upper body using 5# weights and I can definitely feel the burn in my upper arms. I borrowed my mother's stability ball so I am excited to try using it later this week--will let you know how I do.

I don't know if I can attach a photo of the Fit TV DVD, but here goes
. Let me know if you can see the image when you click on the URL. The cover looks legit--does anyone else have any idea?

Have a great evening everyone and I will check back later tonight.

It was the AP Tour. The acts were: NeverShoutNever, Hey Monday, The Cab, Every Avenue, and The Summer Set. These are primo if you are 12-16, which means I had never heard of any of them!

Does anyone have Rhythmic or Athletic Step? I am looking for a new challenge step-wise. My DVD's are starting to feel kind of repetitive. Which step routines do you all like most?

Nancy Dos
Nancy Dos: Well, at least I don't feel so old now seeing how you didn't know any of the acts your daughter and her friends went to see. I've never heard of any of them so we make good company.

Looking at both of the DVDs, I think the Rhythmic would be my first choice only because it has three different routines that you could mix and match with other workouts. The Athletic Step looks like it would be good, but watching the video it seems more "athletic" in the movements as opposed to "dancy" in the Rythmic. Whichever one you decide on I'm sure you won't go wrong. Whichever one you decide to get, let us all know how you like it!

Which reminds me--why is it when I do the step routines by the end I am sweating like a stuck pig and Cathe and the others never seem to even break a sweat let alone appear to be out of breath?!?!
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Low Max is an intermediate/advanced workout so you are definitely over the beginner hump!

I couldn't see the picture but I followed the link to eBay and saw it there. It's not the same workout DVD you would buy from Cathe - Low Max is a 70 minute workout and the DVD has premixes. I found this page on Cathe's site about Fit TV: It mentions that the workouts on there are edited down versions so you wouldn't be getting exactly the same things from Cathe's DVD. I think the one on eBay still looks like someone recorded it themselves and made a nice cover. I didn't see anything on Fit TV's site (there's a link from the page above) that shows they sell DVDs of the shows. Maybe they did at one point or something. But it is not the same DVD - I'd stick to buying it from Cathe or other authorized reseller. At least you'd be getting the full workout and the premixes and know it is a legit one.

Nancy #2:
I have no idea who any of those acts are either. :p

I have Rhythmic Step and Athletic Step but haven't tried them yet. I've heard a lot of good things about both workouts. The only step ones I've tried are: Low Max, Low Impact Step, Basic Step, Low Impact Circuit, 4DS Higher Intensity Step, 4DS Lower Intensity Step and I like them all. I was planning on trying Rhythmic Step in my next rotation. I agree with Jennifer that Rhythmic is more dancy and Athletic step is not so it depends on if you like more dancy ones or not.

I did lower intensity cardio on Monday afternoon - only cardio portion- for the first time. It was not too difficult in terms of intensity but it definitely requires mental focus. I did not work out yesterday Tuesday :-C. I am planning to do a kickbox that does not require too much focus today since I am feeling a little lethargic this week (Mother Nature is here).
Great job to all of you for working so hard towards your goals. Some tips that I have learnt over the years as options to not working out at all when tired... yoga, stretching, Pilates, standing abs, walking, beginners workout. It helps you keep your workout schedule.
I ordered the Rhythmic Step, Imax DVD this morning. I hope it is not too difficult choreography-wise for me and doesn't have too much impact. I did Low Impact Step this morning on the 6" step, so I definitely got a good sweat on. I think I'll try to get another 20 minutes of cardio in later since it was only 40 minutes. The Low Intensity Step is really fun, but it took me a number of tries to get the footing of the third section and even the crazy crosswalk gave me fits in the very beginning. I like those kind of steps, though, because it keeps things interesting. I hope that Rhythmic Step will be kind of like that.
No Low Max for me today - I haven't been feeling well (wasn't yesterday either) so I thought I should take a rest day today. I hope I'm not getting sick...I hate being sick! Hopefully it is a temporary thing and I can attempt Low Max tomorrow instead.

Great job with the workout and sorry to hear this week is a lethargic one.

Nancy #2:
Hope you like Rhythmic Step! I think it might have some tricky steps in it as well but you will get the hang of it.
Samonia- here's to you for working out when you aren't up to it- I am more tempted to remain in bed, a light w/o would be better

Nancy #1- I love rest days, take one!

Today, inspired by one of the Nancy's, I did Pyramid Upper Body- my first strength workout that was not a "rubber band" workout. Tomorrow, probably will take a rest day. Going every other day seems to be working for me...

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