any born again christians here?


those verses are touching i tell people i dont workout for vanity but for health reasons to show my christ like example which is true i get back pain and cathe helped my back . people never understand why we workout they think its vanity they are dumb people that think that way
Hi Sparrow, happy 4th July!!!

I'm in Dhahran, working for Saudi Aramco (I'm a secretary). You've probably heard of Aramco? Have been here just over six years now. It's a pretty good lifestyle, despite having to give up certain freedoms, such as not being able to drive off camp. But one of the good things is - gas is only 64 cents a gallon! Who did you work for, and what did you think of it? Life is pretty free on the compound, it's like being in suburban USA. And Khobar, the city just near our compound, is very relaxed, compared to Riyadh.
Me too, although I don't read my bible or go to church as much as I should. Hagin Sr. once called people like me "spiritual streakers". We have on the helmet of salvation but none of the other armor.

Who are some of your favorite preachers?

Mine: Joyce Meyers, Creflo/Taffy Dollar, Hagin Sr. (have all his cassette series), Juanita Bynum, T.D. Jakes, Jessie Duplantis, Kenneth/Gloria Copeland.
My Spiritual Birthday!!!

I am a believer. I am celebrating my spiritual birthday today. I am 8 years old in Jesus this morning. My life will never be the same. Jesus is rocking my world, and not just a corner of it. :7

I love the Lord. I love His Word too. My favorite Bible study teacher is Beth Moore because she continually inspires me to love and live God’s Word with a passion. :)

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
Yes! I am a born again Christian. I am new to this forum and fairly new to Cathe but am a long time fitness enthusiast. I love the Lord and its exciting to see so many others on this forum as well!

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