Any Black Friday shoppers out there?


:D Do any of you rise and shine early the day after Thanksgiving to grab the specials? I can never bring get myself up that early, especially when I take the day off from work! I take the day off to go to the annual Christmas parade and by the time I get to the stores, the bargains are all gone! HAVE FUN!
My Christmas shopping is already done, but my daughter and I will be shopping Friday! We need shoes and jewelry to go with our dresses for the weekend after next. My daughter is turning 13 this year, and we're taking her to a Cleveland Orchestra concert, as well as dinner at Severance Hall (where they perform) beforehand. She and I bought formal dresses for the occasion, and we need the proper footwear and jewelry to go with!! My daughter plays the clarinet, and she's an aspiring musician. The concert we're taking her to features a clarinet solo, and we have front row dress circle seats! Hey ... you only turn 13 once, you know? I know we're probably nuts to go shopping this on Friday, but I work Friday night, and it's either Friday or Saturday afternoon/evening, after I've slept. Either day will be mayhem!! LOL!!

I do every year! and last year was too funny I came home with a HUGE bruise on my leg, Wal-mart stays open 24s here so we can wait inside, and there was a huge crowd around the pile of toys they had. and I was in the front ready to grab and run LOL and I ended up getting trompled lmao!!! I still laugh about it. Missed out on the great deal for Nintendo gameboy advance though:( oh well. I get up at 3:30 and go wait in line, I know I must be nuts LOL
:D The concert sounds like it will be fun Carol! Isn't it fun to get all dressed up? It sounds like your daughter and you are very close! Wish her a Happy 13th Birthday from me! Happy Shopping!
Thanks!! I sure will! She is SO excited about it, and so are we! My hubby even bought a new suit - LOL! I told him that leisure suit just wouldn't cut it ... LOL!! Now if I could just get him to cut his hair ... :D

OMG Leslie! It's really not funny but I can't help but laugh! I can just see you in WalMart, grabbing toys! LOL!! There are two women with whom I work who said they get up at 4:30 AM the day after Thanksgiving to buy their kids Christmas presents. But hey, toys are expensive and a great deal is a great deal! Have fun, and be CAREFUL!!!

OMG if I don't start in September, it doesn't get done. This time of year we get slaughtered. My birthday is in October, our wedding anniversary is in October, then before we know it, it's December and Nik's birthday is three weeks before Christmas!! If I don't plan for all this, not only do I run out of money, but we're buying Christmas presents the day before!! And with my crazy schedule, there are only so many days I can do serious shoppping. I'm still having trouble believing it's almost December! HELP!! Where did this year go ??????????????????????

Hey I like last minute shopping, less to choose from and not as many colors to decide between,LOL:7 . Everybody gets whatever is left over, makes for easy shopping.LOL!!! I have been known to shop on Christmas Eve before, and we have my dh's birthday is tomorrow, Thanksgiving the day after, youngest ds's birthday is the 13th of Dec., then Christmas ,New Year's then our anniversary of the 13th of Jan. so this is a busy time of the year. I don't even decorate until after my son's birthday so it doesn't get lost in the shuffle of Christmas. My dh's birthday always got lumped with Thanksgiving and he didn't like it so he did NOT want his last son's birthday to get lumped with the Christmas spirit.

My dh has gone out on Black Friday before but arrived too late and missed the deal because they were all gone.:( . Not sure about this year yet.
No way! I hate fighting the crowds! And in the past, I've always had to work the day after Thanksgiving. This is my first year to have it off - I'm taking it easy! I do a lot of my shopping online, anyway.
I used to do Black Friday...I will be out, but we're going to a local arts and crafts faire, which will be crowded, but at least not frenzied.
We all saw The Marriage of Figaro two years ago!! What a blast!!!! We haven't been out all dressed up like this though in a long, long time!! I'll let you know how it goes!!

I made the mistake of going to the mall last year on the day after Thanksgiving. It about made me homicidal! I hate crowds of people anyway, but the idiots standing around blocking the aisles, and the pushy people, and the people talking loudly on their cell phones. Good thing I didn't have a weapon with me! ;-)
I hate shopping more than dental work. I don't go anywhere on heavy shopping days. I stay home and get housework done.

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