Any advice on what to add and rotation?


Hello! i'm new to Cathe and have recently purchased a few of her workouts. I'm wondering if any more experienced Cathe users can make suggestions as to what videos I should add to my collection. Also I'm looking for suggestions on a rotation with what I have. So far I have:

Low Max
Imax 2
Imax 3
Cardio and Weights
Boot Camp
Muscle Endurance
Power Hour
Kick, Punch, Crunch

Thanks so much in advance!
How about this:

Imax 2
Cardio & Weights
Kick, Punch & Crunch
Boot Camp
Imax 3
Power Hour

Low Max
Muscle Endurance
Imax 2
Boot Camp
Kick, Punch & Crunch
Power Hour

I would get the Gym Styles next for a 3 day split. Since you seem to like the IMAXes, you might want to get the DVD with Rhythmic Step, Maximum Intensity Cardio and Interval Max ("IMAX 1").
I think the weight workouts you have would work well for someone who gains muscle more easily (a mesomorph), but to get more muscle (if that's what you want!) if you aren't a mesomorph, some more strength-oriented workouts (with fewer reps and heavier weights than PH, or separated from cardio) would be a good addition.

I'd add either (or both!) the Pyramids, for a two-day split routine, or Gym Styles, for a three-day split routine. And if you are intereseted in more strength, Slow and Heavy is another option.
Thank you both for your suggestions.

Marcy: how did you come up with that rotation? I don't even know where to start in making one! Does that seem like a rotation that would be good for weight loss and muscle definition?

Kathryn: Yes, I gain muscle very easily and tend to bulk up a lot. I'm really short too, so heavy weights don't really work for me. Muscle endurance is what I find works the best. Thanks for the suggestions!
Power Hour and Muscle Endurance are low weight/high rep workouts for muscle definition. The IMAXes will help your endurance plus burn maximum calories. Cardio & Weights and Boot Camp are circuit/endurance workouts and Kick, Punch & Crunch is a good cardio workout which uses a lot of muscles and will help whittle away the stomach.

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