Any advice for a stay-at-home mom?


I've been a stay-at-home mom for 15 years and now that all my kids are in school full time I need something to do. I really want to go back to work but I am terrified. I think I've painted myself in a corner. I'm thinking about going back to school to get some training in something but I don't know what in. Has anyone out there experienced this and if so do you have any advice?
I'm where you are. I've been home almost 14 years now, but because we homeschool, my kids are still home and will continue to be as long as they wish (which could be the next 9 years).

I've been restless lately. Not that my current job isn't demanding or that I'm bored ~ oy, far from it...I just want to do something else for a bit. Plus I recognize that if I wait until my younger daughter is done with her education, I could end up being 20 years out of the workforce! Perhaps this is unavoidable in some cases, but it bugs me.

I applied for a couple of part time, entry level jobs at local libraries but didn't get them. I couldn't tell you why, but obviously I didn't look great on paper. I thought I did a great job filling out the application, so I believe I represented myself well. Maybe it was the long layoff from work. Maybe it was the homeschooling. Or perhaps the lack of education. I may have a lot of strikes against me.

Anyway, after talking to some people who were kind enough to offer advice, I've come up with the plan to volunteer for a bit. That way, there's a good chance I'll get hired (after all, I'm free labor!), and I'll gain some experience. Ideally, in time I'll have something "substantial" in a potential employer's eyes to put on a resume.

Taking classes is a great idea too. I'm already knee deep in schoolwork, so I'm putting that on hold for now, but if your schedule is open enough, that would be awesome for you!

You have my empathy and support. :) ((hug)) If we're lucky, some of our fellow Catheites will offer up suggestions.
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I'm not a SAHM but why not sign up with a couple of temp agencies. You can gain experience, get references and who knows you may be offered a job.
I strongly recommend volunteering. Most jobs are found by networking and it is a wonderful way to meet people. My only caution is that you should volunteer for something you really want to help out with. People will realize that a volunteer is a phony if the volunteer doesn't really care about the cause they are supposed to be there for and it won't help to be perceived that way.

Temping is also a good way to find a job since it puts you with people who need employees and it is another way of networking.

Don't forget to put the word out with friends, neighbors and family members.
SAHM Advice

All very good suggestions! :)

I've taken up a new hobby in the past year and it's something I enjoy on my own terms. I've been having a lot of fun learning to make jewelry. I've taken workshops at my local bead store and at bead shows, and I have a TON of books. It's gratifying to create something that you, a friend or family member can enjoy. :) I'm attending a bead show this wknd, as a matter fact. Bead shows are a jewelry crafters' candy store!! :p

Do something that makes you feel good.
;) Good luck to you!
You might also consider some kind of direct sales job such as Mary Kay, Avon, Worthmore Clothing, Big Enough Children's Clothes, Prestige Jewelry, Discovery Toys, Shaklee, scrapbooking, candles, lingerie, etc. I'm a Beachbody Coach myself, but my sister sells MaryKay and loves it! There's lots of ways to ease back into the workforce and you can pick one based on your interests.
I'm in your shoes too! I'm so happy to hear that I'm not the only one. I've been a SAHM for almost 10 years, yikes! I'm a nurse and we have decided that I have to go back in the fall. DH and I wish we could wait longer because his job is demanding and he travels a lot but unfortunately with the economy, it can't be avoided. I'm a nervous wreck. But I do have to agree with the volunteering idea. My sister who stayed at home for almost 20 years, volunteered at the cancer society and now is a full time employee there. So it has it's benefits. Good luck to you. We'll keep our fingers crossed together:)
In our area there are 200-300 people applying for each job. Especially one in the library would be sought after. Most of the larger company's are only using temp services. That way they can see how a person works before they hire them. Many of the temp services here also have mini courses to make sure you are up to date on the computer programs you would need.
definitely volunteer! i have been in the non-profit field for 12 years and i have worked with many good volunteers who end up getting hired because they know the work. volunteering for a non-profit is a win-win for everyone involved!
Just wanted to send good vibes to all you SAHM!!!! You have a ton more skills than you think don't sell yourself short...

I really think Temp Agencies are the way to go....employer get a chance to see how you work without having to take a gambling and hiring you out's like test driving a car.

Good luck to all of you ....Go GET IT!!

I've been a stay-at-home mom for 15 years and now that all my kids are in school full time I need something to do. I really want to go back to work but I am terrified. I think I've painted myself in a corner.

wait.. what about going into child care, or teaching, or something with children? you have been raising kids for 15 years! that's a lot of experience! there are also these great kid gym chains around the country (here in CA we have "the little gym" and also "my gym - child fitness center" and "gym kids") - maybe you could combine kids & fitness! (it's been a dream of mine to open one of these places or franchise...) .. just a thought!

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