Another Slow and Heavy Question


New Member
Hi everyone. Sorry if this has been asked/answered already, I am new to Slow and Heavy. I have been doing these videos after work for about a week and a half and as much as I LOVE them, they make me so tired, I am falling asleep really, really early. At times, I am too tired/sore for cardio in the morning. Am I unique? I am an experienced lifter and never remember this happening with PS. Any input is appreciated!
I have never experienced being really tired or sleepy with S&H, but I have read alot of posts where people have said the exact same thing. Not much of a help, I know, but thought I'd throw in my .02.
Another thing I haven't experienced from the series is soreness. No matter how heavy I go, I NEVER get sore from S&H. Now, endurance workouts, watch out! I believe the lack of soreness in S&H results from the long break in between sets. Where do you experience soreness? (I don't want to miss out on any soreness if I can get it.:D) Sick, huh?
I think if you're too tired to do cardio the next morning, than you know you're being taxed to the max and need to listen to your body.
Hope this helps.....I hardly ever answer anybody's posts for fear I'll give them the wrong advice, but I'm feelin kinda spunky today! (And I'm a personal trainer!):)

Hi Sherry,
Hope you don't mind my butting in.
I very rarely get sore from any workout, but S&H chest/back makes me so incredibly sore! Mainly my chest, but also my shoulders and triceps as well. This is my very favorite strength workout - probably because I really feel it the next day.
Hi Erica!

You're not butting it at all....I love to hear people's feedback. I guess everybody's bodies respond differently to different types of training. I love the S&H series also. I've been on a PS rotation. (Well, not really, I'm not a rotation person.) I'm definitely going to do S&H next week and see if I can get sore!}>
Geez, I think they put something in the air in Phx. It's finally cooled off some here and my mood has skyrocketed!!! (Or maybe it was that extra cup of joe!):7

That's why it's nick named Sleepy and Hungry. I used to get some real good sleep right after doing this after work too. Just finished a PS rotation and started it last night. Have fun!
Are you doing only these tapes and only once a week per tape? Just trying to see if you're overdoing it?
Hi Sherry
I experience the exact same thing but I do see the results from S&H.I am always more fatigued & sore from MIS,PS series & PH.In fact I add on a cardio workout after I do S&H.It's strange how all our bodies react differently.I have seen good results from circuit style programs ie:Circuit Max & the professionals say it is not the best form of either exercise.The other amusing thing is my body responded to easier programs such as Keli Roberts circuit video & Gilad.weird.
I have only been able to manage them once per week! Part of that problem is the soreness because I am sore after these tapes, especially in the chest, triceps and glutes. "Sleepy and Hungry" (I love that :)) soreness isn't as intense as PS, but it sure does last longer. I am so glad to hear your input because I was wondering if it was just me. It sure is a great series, I really have been enjoying this style of lifting. Thanks everyone :)
It really does make me sleepy and hungry! I woke up this morning and my upper body is dead tired and couldn't make myself wake up till round noon. It's better than a sleeping pill.

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