Another Question for Fitness Freak

Hello Debbie,

Once again, thank you for all the fitness knowledge you post on this forum. I have a quick question-

I finished your Muscle Building and Staying Lean Rotation recently and got great results. However, I had a horrible diet, so my results probably could've been a lot better eating healthy. What kind of diet should I be on if I don't want to lose any weight (I'm 5'2" 105-107 lbs), but want to see my muscles start popping? I've started eating a little better, but should I increase protein, carbs, take supplements? Thanks for your help. :)
Are you eating 5-6 times a day? If not, then you need to start. Keep your meals to around 250-300 calories each. If you want to lean out, cut carbs to about 100 g and under each day. Try to eat all your carbs early in the day and phase them out as the afternoon hits. Increase your good fat intake as well. I keep mine around 50-55 g. a day.

Are you taking BCAA's? (Branched Chain Amino Acids)? If not, I highly recommend them. I get mine at the Vitamin Shoppe. I take 2 before my workouts and 3 right after. They help a great deal with muscle recovery. The only other supplement I take is Glucosomine and Vitamin C.

I heard that you have a before and after photo out there somewhere. I couldn't find it, but I was wondering what your motivation was, if the change was hard, and what was the key to your transformation--diet, different rotation, heavier weights?

I've read a lot of your posts and you are definitely strong and lean and very knowledgeable. I've been working out for many years now, and although I am a healthy weight and look fine, I don't have much definition.

I used to think that cardio was the answer, and I would do this five times per week. Now, I am much more into lifting and I am trying to increase my strength. I just want my body to match my efforts. I feel like I'm doing these intense workouts, but I don't have the leanness and definition to match. Reading your posts gives me a new appreciation of what actually is heavy lifting--I though I was lifting heavy when I was able to do 15's for side lat raises! Your numbers blow me away! Any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated. TIA!!
Yes, I have before and after pics but don't make it public anymore for personal reasons. I tried to pm you the link but your profile says it's not even active. Weird.

Anyways, I don't have time to answer this right now, but I will get back to you when I get a few minutes.
Thanks, I appreciate it because I know you're busy. I don't know how to enable the PM thing. I'll see if I can figure it out.
I started eating 5-6 small meals a day on Monday, but I'm still trying to figure out the best choices for my meals. Been eating a lot more protein and just purchased some protein powder, so maybe I can have a shake as one of my meal replacements. I'm not taking BCAA's, but I'll give it a try. Thanks for your help with this.


My transformation came with years of advancement in workouts. If you can pm me, I can send you the link to my before and after pics. Anyways, I was about 40# overweight at one point. I've been working out for years but had a back injury in the 90's and that put a stop to my workouts. Finally the back got better and I started incorporating workouts like Leslie Sansone's walk away the pounds. Then when that got to easy I moved onto The Firm. Then I met Cathe and she has taken me to the level I'm at today. I now do my own rotations and do free styling weight workouts with minimal cardio. Cardio is about 2 hours a week.

When I put my mind to losing weight I joined Weight Watchers. I lost 20# on that and then read the book "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle" and that is what has made me lean and muscular. If you've never heard of it, it's an eBook and you can download it at - you have to print it out on your own or read it on your computer. It is costly, but worth every penny. I still follow this plan and have had great success with it.

Diet is the biggest factor in getting lean. Seriously, you can do all the cardio in the world, but if your diet is not right on, then forget it.

Anyways, not sure what you are looking for with your post. I'm just giving you insite on how I did my transformation. It doesn't happen over night. We are talking about 8 years in the making here. It's been a battle but I've enjoyed every minute of it!
Thank you so much for response. I find it completely inspiring that your journey took you eight years. Like I said, I have been focusing on cardio almost exclusively and have just recently (last year) begun to focus on weights. And I have made improvements. Not to the level that I want to get to, but after hearing from you, it has given me hope that this is going to take even more time. And like you said, the journey there is enjoyable.

I get frustrated when I can't do more than 15's on overhead presses and I want to bump up to 20's. But, I've improved and hopefully will continue to do so.

Thanks again for all you wisdom and for sharing what has helped you, your rotations, and how much weight you use. I know it sounds silly, but looking at what others lift helps me set goals and realize that it is possible to keep going higher.

Also, I have heard about BTFFTM, but haven't yet made the investment to purchase it. I do get Tom's newsletters and I always find them informative and right on.

Thanks again for taking the time to offer me some advice and guidance and for sharing some tips. :)
You're welcome! Any time.

One thing about getting your weights above 15's for overhead presses. This was REALLY hard for me as well. I'm shocked that I can use 30's now for that exercise. What you should do once in a while is go a little heavier even if its for only two or three reps. That builds strength. Don't jump up 5# at a time with shoulder work, go 2# at the most and work your way up. It will come.
Yes-30's are shocking! You go girl! I will definitely try this from now on. I had a great workout tonight, felt strong all over and was able to bump up the last set of biceps to 17's instead of 15's. That was after a pyramid up (started at 10's for 12 reps and ended at 20's for 6 reps), concentration curls (two sets-first set varying rep speed and using static holds using 15's and then one straight set of 8 with 20's). Shoulders though, eeked out 3 sets of 10 with 15's and was hurting! But, I will start going heavier for just a few reps and see what I can do. Thanks again!

PS-this has totally motivated, I had a great workout and ate pretty clean today AND have a great mental outlook! You rock! :)
I've been struggling with my diet and emotional eating lately so my interest was peaked by your mention of BTFFTB. Right now, supposedly, you can download the book for 39 dollars. Is this the system your talking about? Does he deal with craving, binging or emotional eating at all? I'm sure once a person starts cleaning up, those cravings lessen but just wondering.
Thank you,
Goldenrun - Excellent!! You are doing great. Just be patient. Push yourself but not to the point where you will injure yourself. It will come, I promise!

Sandi - BTFFTM is the $39 download, yes. I honestly can't remember if he hits binging/cravings in the book, it's been a few years since I've read it. But the key is that when you do clean up your diet, the cravings will go away. I can attest to that.

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