Another LBS ?


How long does this LBS process go on for? I've worked out a 16-week rotation for myself, and I'm thinking ahead and wondering if after the 16-weeks I am utterly pleased with my results, is this a permanent thing? Will I always have to work my legs 5-6 days/week to maintain, or will I be able to fall back into a more reasonable lower body workout like 2-3 days/week? I can do anything for a few months, 16-weeks being 4 months, but the thought of keeping up with a heavy duty workout load like this for a longer period of time has me wondering a bit?
So I'm just wondering if this is meant to be a short term workout to achieve a particular goal, or is this meant as a way of life that has to be continued?
Thanks, Donna :)
I questioned either Laura Dayton, or, was is Cheryl Shakeshear (spelling?), the one on the Virtural Fit sight, and she said it is long term. I could keep up the four days per week, but not 6. For me 6 is too much. The concept is AT LEAST four days per week, and as much as 6. So you don't have to do it 6 days per week, according to the gal who came up with the program.
I have been doing this rotation for 13 weeks now and I agree working legs 6 days is getting a little old. I do like the results but I am cutting back to 4 days (2 standing & 2 floor).
Using Cathe's PS legs and abs lets you do this nicely.
Honeybunch I have read that you did do this for a long time but a personal trainer gave you another leg workout. I was wondering how this was working for you and what was their thoughts on LBS or how often legs should be worked with good results.
Thank you both for your input, and I think I'm going to begin with 5 days, 6 days does seem extreme to me, plus I don't want to overtrain (due to inexperience) and possibly injure myself which will only slow my progress in the long run. So I'll begin with 5 days for at least the first 16 weeks, and then re-evaluate at the end of the rotation. :)
Thank you for the "education",
Hi Donna!
I think you are right to ease into LBS and listen to your body! I started 6 days right out of the gate - even adding in "heavier" days 2 days per week - and have been very happy with the results (no bulking of my legs, tighter "bottom line", all visible signs of celulite gone). But, I was a ballet dancer for many years and was used to working legs very strenuously every day of the week!
Even though I am happy with this program, I too am wondering how long to keep it up before results start falling off.
Keep us posted - I'll be interested in your results.


P.S. I might add that while doing LBS I changed my strict vegan diet by adding more "good" fats, decreasing carbohydrates and adding more vegetable protein. Maybe this added in part to my results - who knows? :)
I really feel that doing my current program, two days of standing and floor work combined is working just fine. I was very burned out trying to do 6 days per week, and I was disappointed that my legs did not look better.

What I do now is high reps and weighted work combined with non-weighted work, sort of like Joyce Vedral does in a couple of her tapes, "Bottoms Up" for lower body in particular. You just have to play with this LBS and see what works for you. Educated by reading and just plain old trial and error.

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