Another article of interest in People Magazine

I never ever buy tabloid magazines but sent my husband out to buy the latest People last night so I could see Pinky's name in print. Well, after I read the article I had to reread it because I didn't see Pinky's name. It took a second reading to realize that Pinky is Annepely Dakay (what a beautiful name!) and that she's not a dork like me that uses her full first and last names as a user name here. Hmmm, maybe I'll change that soon.

Anyway, the article about Jessica Simpson was interesting as well. It seems she used freestyle training to get in shape for The Dukes Of Hazzard movie. During her 2 hour workout sessions she did squats with out weights, lunges, reverse lunges, walking lunges, leg extentions.

I'd say that there really is something to freestyle training. I ordered the book awhile ago but have had to wait for a new revision. It should be here Monday or Tuesday. Can't wait to give it a try......
there are several threads about this if you do a search. i need to read them myself, but i remember seeing them. HTH

I just started freestyle training...

I was wondering if Jessica used freestyle to get thinner so fast.

I will try to summarize briefly what I have read (I have not yet ordered the book). Someone in the late 1990's realized that women dancers work their legs every day, stay lean and are not overly prone to injuries. He felt that women should weight train differently than men (lift muscles inbetween workouts to allow the muscle fibers to bul k). Freestyle is believed to be "more efficient" way to work out.

Work your legs 6 times a week. Decrease the weight you use by 25% (I often use no weights or even 50% of what I normally do). Lunges are more effective to lean a woman's body than squats according to freestyle.

Work your upper body 2 times per week. Do cardio 2-3 times a week.

I found some info on this forum and

I have only been working out this way for 10 days. Very happy with the results so far. I keep my workouts at 60 mins.

Check the rotations forum. Someone posted a freestyle rotation using cathe videos.

Good grief, Elaine... now everybody knows what my real name is.:)

I'd say there IS something to freestyle training, and I think it's especially good for pear shapes. I'm not doing it because I don't think my knees can stand it, but I do work my legs 4-5 times a week, two weighted endurance sessions (very light weights), two kickboxing sessions, one floor work, and when I do cardio, I pick workouts that really do a number on my legs like Low Max and RS. My legs seem to do better trained this way than with very heavy weights.

just edited my original post

You decrease the amount of weight you lift for legs by 25% (not 75%)

I was doing squats with a 28lb I use a 23lb barbell.

Hi Elaine...I've been doing Freestyle a couple of months and have had good results. My legs are much stronger for running and have gotten smaller. If you have any questions feel free to email me...:)...Carole
Hi Elaine,
Can you give me a link where you found the book. The only books I can find on freestyle training are by George Snyder and are out of print.
I read that article too, last night. Wow! I didn't think she needed to do anything before, but she looks awesome!

Now I'll have to look into this freestyle training as well.


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