Angelina Jolie & Cathe


Hey folks, I think you'll enjoy this one.

My son walked by my computer while I was browsing the Stretch Max pics and said "Huh, she looks like Angelina Jolie." (Man oh man, I'd take THAT comparison any day, ya know?)

Perceptive kid, that boy of mine. Check these out (NOTE -- You'll have to click on the last link -- it won't direct-paste the picture here.) :), Angelina Kathy S.
Not a bad likeness at all

But I have to say (and trying not to take anything away from your irigional post) but

Cathes awsome "arms" took the focus of her face for me.

All I can say is WOW!! and WOW!!! - I should be so lucky........ lucky lucky lucky

Just borrowing from good old Kylie


Wow, Cathe and Angelina do have the same lips in those pictures. I sure would be happy to resemble either one of those women.

Did you know that Angelina donated a few million dollars to the crisis in Sudan. I know she has millions to give probably but still I think she must be a truly wonderful human being.
I would take either: the face or the arms. Or something half-way close. Cathe is just beautiful. And so are Jai and Lorraine. <sigh>

Where have you been Kathy? Nice to see you again!!

Other than Angelina having a few inches on Cathe...there seems to be a resemblance. I don't think there's that much though.

I personally think Cathe is much genuinely beautiful.
Hi Nancy!

Nice to "see" you too! :) It's a long story, but in a nutshell I've taken what amounts to six months OFF working out (and that's not good) because a lot of life events sort of caved in on us at once. Nothing bad, just frantically busy and overwhelming. I'll e-mail you later with details. All's well and settled down, and I'm slowly working my way back into a regular workout routine (and have lost, gee, maybe 75% of what it had taken me a year or more to gain in strength and cardio endurance). I can't fret about it -- stuff happens that you can't control -- and am trying to simply look in a forward, positive direction.

The Hardcores will most definitely be something to work UP to and motivate me! Kathy S.
I don't think Cathe and Angelina look alike at all. I agree with SCM about Rachel. In one of the dvds, I think it's the last set of dvd, the beginner's one, not sure....She looked almost exactly like Keira Knightley. I couldn't believe my eyes.
Hi Susan.. I do think Cathe looks more like Rachel than Angelina, I don't really see a resemblance to Angelina myself.... but everyone sees things different......... Rhonda

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