andtckrtoo test results?


Maybe I missed the post, but I recall that you were awaiting some test results. Did they come in and what were they? Just thinking about you.
>Maybe I missed the post, but I recall that you were awaiting
>some test results. Did they come in and what were they? Just
>thinking about you.

ditto! I will look through old posts to see if I can find anything that may have been posted over the past couple of days, but I am thinking about you, too Christine! ((((((HUGS))))))

Thanks Nancy! I have an ultrasound on Tuesday for the thyroid. The breast biopsy hasn't been scheduled yet. I'll call the specialist on Monday to get that done.

You ladies are too sweet! As soon as I know anything, I will let everyone know!
Christine: I haven't been able to keep up with the Cheetah thread lately, so I had no idea what was going on... {{bigs hugs}} I'm sorry I haven't said anything until now!!

Hey there all! Well, ya know the news isn't peachy when the technician goes to check the film and the doctor comes in for more detail. *shrugs* Basically, there's a big a$$ lump in my neck. I could have told them that. Doc was a little surprised at how big, and that I did not notice it before (fast growing = bad) but honestly, who feels their neck for lumps? It could have been there for two years, since my last physical. There are also several little ones. The big one seems to be half solid, half liquid which is a little more concerning than if it were completely liquid, but I read that if there is more than one nodule then it is rarely cancer. So, that's good news. So, really what I know right now is that I need a biopsy of the big lump. That's a pretty simply proceedure - nothing major. After that, we'll know more...

But this just goes to show - if you haven't had a physical in the past year - do it! I am extremely healthy and only 42. All sorts of odd things can happen. The sooner the odd things are caught, the better.

And for anyone who wants to know - Ved, my DH was there for the ultrasound. He is basically a good man. I guess we all need knocked upside the head from time to time.

My prayers are with you. I was 28 when I had half of my thyroid taken out. Before the surgery, I had the test where they inject the die into. Then I had ultrasounds done, where the radiologist told me he had never in his entire career seen so many lumps on one thyroid. I had a biopsy or FNA (fine needle aspiration) done and it came back inconclusive, so they decided to take out half. Well what do you know, they found the cancer AFTER they took it out. So for 2 years I had half my thryoid, then in 2004 (2 year later at age 29) I had to have the other half taken out, after 2 different opinios, the second half was not cancer, so I did not have to have the radio active therapy. But from then on I am on thyroid replacement. I hope your Biopsy comes back okay for you. And yes my DH sometimes needs a good knock upside the head too!! I am not telling you this to get you worried.. Our bodies are different, but I just wanted you to know that I have been where you are going, and be lucky that you are only 42, I was in my 20s, I just turned 32 last month, but I sometimes wonder what will be going wrong with my body when I am in my 40s. Good Luck!! :) :)
I have to add that I did not notice the lumps either, I went in for a physical and my doctor could see right away that my thyroid was enlarged. Things progressed from there
I'm amazed at how many people have gone through similar things. It's so nice to know I'm not alone, but I would not wish this uncertainty on anyone. Thanks for sharing, though.
>I'm amazed at how many people have gone through similar
>things. It's so nice to know I'm not alone, but I would not
>wish this uncertainty on anyone. Thanks for sharing, though.

I am soo sorry, My intentions were not to get you in a panick, I just thought I would tell you about my situation. I hope you will forgive me. ;(
Christine....thank you for updating have been in my thoughts alot. I want to say how happy it makes me that Ved has come around. It is good to get all things checked out well....[/img] thoughts and prayers continue for a very sweet and caring Cheetah...
Christine--I guess it's good to at least know what's going on now. You're lucky to have found an attentive physician.

Yay that your DH was with you. He figured it out!!!

One step at a time figuring out how to deal with this. My fingers & toes are crossed and you are in my prayers daily!!

:) :)

You're right...I never feel my neck for lumps (until this morning that is;-) ). It's sweet of you to use this as an opportunity to remind us all to keep up with our healthcare. My doctor moved, and I have been putting off finding a replacement and getting my check-up. I'm 43. Thanks for the kick in the pants!

Continued cyber hugs and prayers,

Hi Christine! I will def keep you in my thoughts & prayers. My DH is going thru exactly the same thing you are right now. For some reason, they didn't schedule his biopsy til after Thanksgiving??? I'm hoping/praying that is a good sign? I hope all turns out just fine for you and that you aren't too stressed about it. Keep us posted. Thinking of you LOTS!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Christine, I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers. You are one strong and amazing woman, I know that you will get through this!

I know that your DH is a good man, and I agree; we all need a good kick every once in a while to keep us straight, don't we? ;)

I have you in my thoughts and prayers Christine. I'm sure this is a very stressful time for you right now. Try to stay calm as you await your upcoming testing. Hugs to you.

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