<--- And I shall call him 'Squishy'

<--- is back from her errands
<--- thinks Costco on a Sunday afternoon is insanity
<--- walked in, toured around, saw the cash line-ups and left
<--- loves listening to all you legal eagles talk:)
<--- is trying to sort out the running dilemma in her head before she commits it to paper (or screen, as the case may be)
<--- wonders what Nancy meant by this?

"<--asks if Rogue saw <--'s reference to Shelley's picturetrail?
<--apologizes to Shelley for potentially sending many Catheites to Shelley's picturetrail to see Sophie's picture"
<--- says "never mind"
<--- just found Nance's comment in the Breast thread:)
<--- says that she is trying very hard to help Sophie grow up with a great attitude about her body
<--- is happy that Sophie LOVES <---'s muscles and often works out with <---
<--says that Shelley is doing a terrific job with Sophie and is glad that Shelley doesn't sound too angry with <-- for mentioning her picture trail
<-- absolutely agrees with Nancy about Sophie growing up proud and strong thanks in large part to her crazy mom!!
<-- promises to get right back to the reading notes... really...
<-- is going to go turn off the dsl connection before the library opens in 2 hours.
<---is just hanging & doing laundrymax
<---has to go to Mom's house later for dinner
<---congratulates Shelley on the unassisted pull-up:7
<---also likes reading all the legal-eze
<---also was registered at Macy's.... way back in the day
<---has been married for a very long time ~ 24 years this year:eek::eek::eek:
<---Says NO WAY to Tammy! You look too young :)
<---tells Nancy that I liked her comments on the breast thread:)
<---Says the worl would be boring if we all agreed on everything
<---has some REALLY sore calves from yesterdays workouts and doesn't know why

<--thanks Terri whole-heartedly and agrees with her
<--decided not to go to gym after all
<--unfortunately has been having an achey tooth this weekend and has been taking too much vicodin to have the energy to do anything
<--will just lie on the sofa the rest of the day and read boring tax articles
<--tomorrow morning will try to schedule a root canal
<--is feeling too lazy to even return the Wedding Crashers DVD to the video store
<--wonders if anyone else saw Wedding Crashers?
<--was not particularly impressed, but thinks she saw the wrong version of the movie
<--says that at the start-up, the movie choices were "uncorked" and "theatrical" and DH picked "uncorked"
<--thinks the theatrical version would have been shorter and funnier than the "uncorked" version, but isn't sure
<---tells Nancy that <---saw the movie and Liked it.
<---hates tooth pain and hopes you feel better
<---needs a bunch of dental work done and keeps putting it off

<---thanks Terri for the kind words
<---is sorry Nancy is having tooth woes
<---thinks the vicodin part sounds fun though:+
<---thinks a day resting on the couch is just what the doctor ordered
<---offers a cheerful good afternoon since it's 12:30 here in the mountain time zone
<---is excitedly looking forward to calling joing the ranks of the runners again in three weeks after a week of CTX, Timesaver and three cardio/strengthh dual workouts and a few extra cardio days thrown in
<---invites everyone to join her for yoga
<--is off to do some laundry and cleaning ans wishes everyone a wonderful Sunday
<---blows kisses to everyone and exits, la la la, just keep swimming...
Bobbi "Chicks rule!"http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/tiere/animal-smiley-032.gif
Tell me what you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
<--- steps back into Cathe land and waves.
<--- extracted self awhile ago from foo-foo Starbucks but it wasn't easy!
<--- waves wildy to Super Debbie and sends gooey fooey drinky pooey her way!
<--- tells Nancy that yes <--- saw the pic awhile back and adored it!
<--- says most people make a short inflammatory statement and run.
<--- thinks that those that stick around and explore their own inner thoughts and feelings are very strong indeed.
<--- realized from the breast thread that <--- may not have "face to face" friends who have undergone augmentation but has "virtual" friends who have.
<--- would not trade away these virtual treasures for anything.
<--- must now go do some chores and stop thinking about foo-foo drinks!
<--- just finished ME
<--- LOVES ME and thinks Cathe is at her evil best in that w/o}(
<--- usually laughs all the way through it (except the biceps part, where there are tears and screaming)
<--- says Mr. Sleepy Pants slept on the couch all the way through it
<--- should clarify and say she means the dog, not her SO:p
<--- is now drinking a delicious and nutritous strawberry banana protein shake
<--- hopes everyone is having a super-duper Wonderful Day Eve:D
<--- 's SO just called to say he can't go for dinner with her because he's going for dinner with the guys from work
<--- may have broken the phone when she threw it across the roomx(
<-- waves at Nancy
<-- tells Nancy she has been scaling back her internet time in the interest of getting more things done that need to be done
<-- won't give up Cathe-time totally, just needed to impose a little self-control
<-- wishes everyone starting the Jan rotation tomorrow luck, it's a doozy!!!
<-- warns you there are times when your legs will rebel and scream "you are crazy!!!"
<-- 's screaming legs were often drowned out by <--'s screaming heart yelling "are you crazy?!!"
<-- thinks the Jan rotation is definitely not for the faint of heart
<-- loved it!!!
<---waves wildly at all you lovely ladies
<---is sitting in DD's dorm, using her computer to talk to you on a drizzly Sunday evening
<---DH and DS are sitting in car waiting for <---
<---didn't have time to read today's thread
<---will catch up tomarrow
<---better get out to car now
<---hugs and kisses
<---to all of you and DD, who is being dropped off at school after coming home to do her laundry
<---waves Hi! to Robin
<---waves Hi! to Robin's DD
<---invites Shelley over for dinner
<---Thinks Jane is a wild & crazy Cathe-ite}( }(
<---is sitting in front of the fireplace, watching the SAG red carpet and sipping a glass of wine:+

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