An explanation

>I am just wondering why some people assume that if you post
>on a thread (an open thread, this IS open discussion right?)
>that people automatically assume that one has an agenda or
>some hidden purpose. And why do some feel the need to go and
>"tell" the powers that be. I mean come on.
>I guess people are right about this forum, if you don't agree
>with the status quo, you are immediately ostracized.

For someone with only 5 posts and a join date of 4 days ago, you sure seem to think you know an awful lot about these forums....

Do I know you from somewhere??? }(
Wow, this forum has gotten crazy. It's so tense around here and somehow certain people (ahem....I won't name names...) think it's funny to just create drama and upset a perfectly inncocent fitness forum. Sheesh. Now, I think I understand why Dave left. Enough is enough.

Allison - It is not normally like this! Promise! We are pretty sure it's just two people who have been causing problems the last few days. They come and go, but there's always a few bad apples that pop up every once in a while to stir the pot. They'll get bored soon and go bother another forum. I hope this doesn't make you leave. We like having you here!!!

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