Amy Bento


I'm intrigued. I've been checking out Amy Bento's workouts on Collage. Who has them and which ones are your favorites?


I watched some of her previews before I went with Cathe. I can't put my finger on it, but there was something about them I didn't care for. I'm sure she's good, but I am more than happy with the decision to go with Cathe.

If I want an alternative to Cathe for kickboxing, I also have Powerstrike with Ilaria Montagnani, which is a fun workout.

Thanks for the suggestion, Jerry.

I really am in the market for "more" kickboxing. I love Cathe's--I just want more of it.

Hey Carol,

I agree with what Jerry said there is something about her personality that I just really don't care for. Also my friend purchased her kickbox xreme video and it was a total waste of her money. There is absolutely no flow to her moves and I think many times that her moves are dangerous not only because they are done at a really fast pace but also because they are just uncomfortable moves. For instance she calls a "jump kick" but then she does a jump kick to the side! I have never seen this done before and I am a certified aerobics instructor teaching kickboxing for about 3 years now.
I really could go on and on about how I don't like any of her workouts actually, she always seems to miss the mark for me. Cathe is really superior from her cueing to her ways to motivate you even when you have done the workout hundreds of times.
If you really like Cathe I think you would have a hard time liking Amy Bento, in other words please do not waste your money.
My friend never even finished the video because she was so frustrated from Amy's total lack of cueing, lack of flow and congruency, and just an ineffective workout.
I think it's something where if you are intrigued you should go ahead and give it a try. I am one who loves Cathe and also likes Amy Bento. My workout collection is about 75% (or more) Cathe but I like to make a little room for other instructors as well, and Amy is one of them. I like her Kickbox Xtreme, though I know a lot of people do not. I have to agree about the side jump kick thing, though--I never do it to the side. I also like her Abs & Stretch DVD, her Cardio Pump Step (which is good for a day when you don't have a lot of time but want both step and weights) and All Pump (also one of her more brief workout--fun all body weights in only 40 minutes--the abs alone are a big favorite of mine).

For some reason Amy doesn't get a lot of love from a lot of Cathe fans, and that's understandable--we all have different tastes (aside from our love of Cathe) so just give Amy a try if you are interested. You can always re-sell on eBay or something if you decide it's not for you. Her videos are not too expensive either.

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=teal]***Lainie***

"The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself." -- Mark Twain[/font]
I have Amy's Kickbox Extreme, and it is a great, great workout. More choreographed than Cathe, and it relies less on high impact for the intensity. I was more sore in my legs after doing this workout than I ever am with Cathe's kickbox workouts, which I think emphasize the upper body too much.
I like the way this workout is broken down--she builds up each combo, then repeats it several times, then throws in an intense interval. It's chaptered so you can skip directly to the next combo if you don't want to do the interval.
I love the way the moves flow into each other--the choreography is fun but not dancy and not overwhelming. There's just more movement involved in each combo, rather than basically staying in one spot and throwing a variety of punches...
There are modifications shown for all high impact moves(which is something I would love to see Cathe provide, btw.)
I don't have any of Amy's other workouts, but I would definitely give her a try if the clips look interesting to you!

I started my AMY BENTOS workouts with Advanced Step Workout. After a while, I have learned to LOVE all of her cardio routines...both the step and the hi/lo/ Many times I mix up CATHE and AMY BENTOS. AMY is advanced (in my opinion!). I pre-ordered her new DVDs and can't wait to get them !
i do her hi/lo extreme alot and mix her kb extreme with cathe and powerstrike. i dont like the jump side kicks either so i do something else. like someone else said,instead of thinking should i or shouldnt i just go for it!

Hi Carol,

I have Amy Bento's Kickboxing Extreme. Personally, I have not been able to get into it, and I absolutely love Kickboxing. I have tons of Tae Bo, all of the Powerstrike and Cathe Kickbox workouts. A few by Janis Safell and Tracey Staehle's kickbox Sweatfest and a few CIA workouts. Amy Bento's is the one kickbox workout, I just have not been able to get into. I usually will just modify moves that don't feel right for me, and I do this with Tracey Staehle's Kickbox Sweatfest, but Amy's just takes to much creativity, which I don't have, lol. I would say, if you're intrigued by her workouts and they look good to you when you preview them, then go for it. Everyone is different, and there are tons of people who love Amy Bento's workouts. I still have it in my library of workouts, and will do it again, but for now, it just isn't the kind of workout that grabs my attention.

I also have her All Pump Extreme. There again is another workout, I've only done maybe 1x or 2x. I just like Cathe soo much better, that this is another workout that doesn't draw my attention.
I like Amy a lot, I find her fun and motivating! She provides intense workouts and she seems to get better with each new offering (seems she just recently got started providing home workouts). Her hi/low extreme and kickbox extreme are both great workouts! I wouldn't compare her style to Cathe, she has her own unique style but still provides consistent workouts for the advanced exerciser. I look forward to her newest offerings which will be released in November. You can check out more on her website or check workout clips at Collage.
Hi Carol

Do you have Netflix? You can try borrowing a few of Amy's work out from there before you commit yourself to buying them.

That's what I did. That first one of Amy's I tried was "A Team Boot Camp". I didn't like it too much at first because of all her "whoos". She said a lot of those, even during the warm up. After a while, I got used to them.

Amy Bento is tough but in my opinion, Cathe is tougher.

I have Advanced Step Challenge, Cardio Pump hi/lo, and Cardio Pump Step from her first series. The ASC is a great cardio step workout, and is my favorite. OTOH the other 2 have very short cardio segments, with weight work added on. I enjoyed the cardio in these, but really wish they had been longer.
I ordered her Hi/Lo Extreme, but did not care for it.
I have All Pump Xtreme and Kickbox Xtreme. I love All Pump Xtreme and use it often, but I've only done KB Xtreme once and got very frustrated because I couldn't follow it.

Hi Carol...I have the 3 of Amy's Xtreme workouts. I have not done the Hi/lo often as the choreography is very tricky. I have used APX the most and I like the different weight exercises Amy does. I do think change is good for the muscles, always keep them guessing! Her Kickbox Xtreme is very fun IMO. Some of the moves are tricky and like others have said kinda dangerous. I just modify what I don't like with something else. I really like the music she uses in these workouts....:)
I love her Hi/Lo Xtreme. It is a great hi/lo workout which kept my heartrate up practically the whole time. It was not hard to follow (more athletic than dancy). The music was decent and the workout flew by. It was a lot of fun. I have her Advanced Step Challenge and have preordered her new series. I love Cathe but I too need a variety to keep me from getting bored. I also plan on getting her Kickbox Xtreme.

I ordered Amy's Extreme series first then I went back and acquired some of her first offerings. Her production values are a lot better than her first offerings but with that in mind, I still use and enjoy all of the workouts I own. My favorites and why:
Advanced Step Challenge - fun, somewhat complex choreography that keeps moving yet athletic and intense with an optional power up section. Fun, motivating, sweatfest!
Cardio Pump Step and Cardio Pump HiLo - great for when I went to hit it all in under one hour. Short and sweaty step or hi/lo followed by short total body weight training with a somewhat functional feel.
HiLo Extreme - awesome and fun hi/lo cardio workout. Fun and motivating music and awesome premixes including 3 premixes utilizing footage from All Pump Extreme and the hi/lo to make 3 circuit type workouts.
Kickbox Extreme - hi/lo with kickbox flare...some odd combo's but total fun with motivating music. There is a nice bonus bag section and a good core workout on here as well.
All Pump - total body weight training in under an hour
Abs & Stretch - very nice
I've preordered her newest which includes Advanced Step Challenge 2...woo hoo and a 3 day split called Slow Mo and a hi/lo/bosu workout. I can't wait to see the finished product as Amy really knows her stuff, listens to suggestions without going overboard and trying please too many people within one workout. She delivers what she says she is going to deliver and you will find the finished product is exactly what you expect. Cathe is my all time favorite but Amy is a close second.
I just did the kickbox extreme yesterday. I think that once you get the choreography down it will be a great non stop cardio sweatfest. But, I don't think she is as smooth as Cathe and the cueing could be better, but the music is great and it goes by very fast. It is just like a lot of Cathe tapes where the choreography seems impossible at first, but once you master it is a lot of fun. I think that is what this will end up being for me. She has a blast after each combo which is not choreographed and that definitley gets the heartrate up. She never slows down and in between combos you just jog in place. It really is non stop. I think for me it is definitley a keeper. If you do not like fast choreography, it may not be something you like at first. I like her personality in this one too.

I really love Amy's stuff. Especially, her hi/lo workout. If you are looking for more kickbox, I don't suggest Amy. I would highly recommend Kimberly Spreen or Janis Saffell. Kimberly is much more intense than Janis though. I always feel "worked" out when i'm done with Kimberly.

I could have written Susan's post regarding Kickbox Extreme. Once I learned the routine, it was a blast and the time flew. Don't expect a fierce, martial arts kind of workout. It's aerobics with kicks and punches to have fun with and work up a sweat.

I also have her Hi/lo Extreme. I'm not a fan of Hi/lo, so don't do it often. However, nearly ALL of All Pump Extreme is included intersperced in the premixes! You basically get two workouts in one. I've often skipped around and created a full upper body workout (1 hour) and a lower body workout (45 minutes). There's also a long core section in there too.

I love Amy's personality and the music on these two is great. I do find I modify a lot of what she does (both choreo and weights). This doesn't bother me, but it might bother others.


PS - I purchased All Pump and sold it. It didn't have a section dedicated to shoulders and seemed incomplete (shoulders are worked in some compound moves in the beginning). And production values didn't compare to those in APX.

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