Amy Bento

There are a few Cathe-like qualities (ie the clothes even came from Sharon and that's who Cathe recommended to us when the Hardcores first came out).

However, the "whooping" is very annoying. It is as if Amy wanted to say something there but didn't quite know what so she threw in a "whoop".

Also, the set looks like an ordinary room without furniture-you can even see the outlets on the walls.

I do think, however, that many of her moves were unique and look like fun but I'm just so used to Cathe workouts where everyone is in sync with each other, the sets are amazing and the overall production quality is exceptional.

I have nothing against Amy and I hope she does well but I'll stick with Cathe. I do think she has potential. Besides, if she did try to mimic Cathe's style, at least she followed the best.
Um, ok, my dog barked the entire time the video clip was playing! LOL

And I take it back; she may look like a Cathe clone, but her moves seem more reminiscent of Christi Taylor. That's not necessarily a bad thing.

I also agree the set is problematic (seriously, do you think it is someone's living room?), but more from the acoustic than the aesthetic side. Studios are built partially for superior sound, and I really think all of the whooping is just magnified for that reason.

Anyway, it will be interesting to read the reviews when they come in. There's some discussion and a few purchasers on VF...

My Observations and Thoughts

A few things jumped out at me when I previewed the video clips (aside from the familiar music and outfits). The whooping is definitely over the top. I do not mind appropriately placed whooping. I never notice Cedie in Boot Camp even though people have pointed out that she makes a lot of noise, so I am not one who is easily annoyed by that sort of thing. It may be because the instructor is the one who is whooping in these, which makes the noise more central. Without a doubt, that would distract me. Bad acoustics does not help the situation. What really hit me was the form on some of the exercises. In the “boot camp” workout and the “pump” workout, Amy appears to be trying to touch her chest to her knees when she is doing squats. That does not look right to me, but I am no fitness expert. I have never seen anyone do squats like that. Her form is good for the stability ball pikes, but her background exercisers appear to be struggling with them. At least one of them is rounding her back instead of bracing her core when she pulls herself up into pike position. Everyone is out of sync too. I am a visual person, so that would distract me as well.

The choreography is interesting and complex, but I would fall on my face if I tried to do that crazy shuffle! :eek: The video clip for the step workout is not long enough to give me a good feel for her teaching style. I love Cathe’s style. It frustrates me when instructors spend too much time breaking down patterns. I get bored.

There is no way I would spend that much money on an unknown instructor. She is not just new to me. She is new to the video fitness world. There are no unbiased reviews by people who do not know her personally.

I am not interested in finding another instructor who is like Cathe but not Cathe. I look to other instructors to add something unique and original to my rotation (like Kari Anderson’s ballet-inspired workouts or Jen Carman’s Strength in Movement). I guess I just do not see the benefit of adding more workouts that are similar with a different instructor. I will just wait for the new Cathe workouts to be filmed. I do not even have the Hardcore Series yet, and I already have enough workouts to keep me entertained for a long time!

I have learned the hard way to wait for Collage Video to carry products by new instructors so I can return the workouts if I hate them. I do not jump on many bandwagons. Cathe wears me out in the morning, and I do not have enough energy left to jump on any wagons! ;)

I joined the Ya Yas last April and have watched in amazement as people get excited about the latest craze then decide months later that it was not all that. As for me, I will stick with the tried and true. I am loving Kari Anderson’s videos that I discovered through the links on this website and also expect to enjoy Jen Carman’s new workout too when I try it for the first time. Other than that, I am super picky about my instructors and have been disappointed more times than I can count when I experimented with anyone but Cathe. I am willing to try new things, but I want to read a lot of good reviews written by people I know and trust first.

One more thing. The desire to acquire is never going to be satisfied. It is a bottomless pit. I am learning to enjoy what I have and clear out the stuff I no longer love that is just clutter to me. Fitness for me is about freedom above all else. It requires hard work and sweat and tears. The perfect workout that will somehow make all my dreams come true is not going to be created tomorrow.

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: My Observations and Thoughts


I'm OT here, so excuse me, but you mentioned Kari Anderson and I once excercised with her w/o's. I was interested in purchasing her new "Reach" w/o. Do you by chance have that one, and if so, what's your opinion?

RE: My Observations and Thoughts

I didn't see much resemblence to Cathe in Amy's clips. As far as workout clothes they kind of all look pretty similar to me. Black pants and cami or bra tops. The set has no resemblence at all to Cathe and I thought Amy's moves and choreography looked more like Seasun Zeiglers or Franny or several others.
Kari Anderson


I have not tried any of Kari’s newest workouts. I have and love DanceWorks and Classic Cardio. I just got Angles, Lines, & Curves and hope to try it tomorrow night. I think Reach is an updated version of that with more of a ballet feel. You can always order Reach from Collage Video and return it if you do not like it. Sorry I could not be of more help!

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: My Observations and Thoughts

I watched the clip from bootcamp and as some one said it above she is giving Sharon Mann a run for her right.
I mean come on zip it already!
What I saw wrong was she was so off the beat and not working on a 32-count which is standard in teaching aerobics.
I was so not impressed and would not waste my $$ on her at all.
Does not even compare to Cathe at all.
RE: Kari Anderson

Heather, thanks for responding.

I am a "wanna be ballerina", but that would be hilarious. I may order "Reach" for a change of pace.
Hi Jordan,

I am a huge fan of Cathe's and have never posted anything until now. I feel that I need to stick-up for us fellow instructors and shed some light here! I love Cathe. I truly enjoy her style, her team and her great success. Hard-working, driven females are my motivators to becoming a better instructor..been teaching for 16 years now. What if Amy was motivated by Cathe as well? It is certainly not fair to assume that she is stealing material or style. That is a HUGE insult to an instructor and this woman is just starting out..give her a break. After reading all of the posts recently, I checked out Amy's website and the video clips (took a while to load though). She does not perform any of the same moves as Cathe does and, in my professional opinion, seems pretty darned creative. What is up with that crazy shuffle??? WOW! All I'm saying is, if I just launched a new fitness company I would be mortified if people passed ill judgment on me. If you like Cathe and Amy reminds you of Cathe - you might like her, no? Just representing the fitness industry!! I am ordering Advanced Step and will post HONESTLY after viewing.
I wish her well too. I do think it would have made a much more favorable first impression if she had been introduced to us a different way (like through a link on Cathe’s website or an announcement on the Video Fitness website). That is just my opinion.

I personally would be much more likely to take a chance and try one of her workouts if Collage Video sold them. With all the unknowns and the fact that the video clips reveal things that I find distracting, the freedom of being able to return the DVD if I hate it would mean a lot to me. The market is saturated with advanced step workouts (in my opinion), but an advanced instructor can potentially make a mark with good hi-lo workouts because they are few and far between these days. I love variety, but to me that means something totally different (like functional fitness, gliding, or rebounding) as opposed to different choreography. The cost of these DVDs is a big issue too, and there is nothing about the video clips that makes me want to buy one.

I am probably in the minority here in that I am not a step aerobics lover. I strongly prefer floor aerobics and kickboxing. I hated step aerobics until I tried Rhythmic Step. There is something about Cathe’s choreography, cuing, personality, and style that makes it fun for me. There are a few other instructors that I like a lot, but I have not found another instructor’s step workout that I like. I am a cardio lover too, and I am much more likely to connect with a new instructor through a fun hi-lo workout. But that is just me.

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
Hi Moveyazz32,

I am glad to see that Cathe is a motivating force to women instructors in the fitness industry. I didn't say that Amy was stealing material (choreography). Although I don't see anything unique on her clips that would entice me to buy these workouts, I'll pass for now. That is my opinion on how I will spend my fitness dollars. An instructor can use consumers remarks or not. I believe that business decisions are their choice. I also believe that every good instructor inspires someone and that is what is important. So, if people like these workouts, go for it.

There are many fitness enthusiasts who see the similarities to style and marketing. My Ebay remark had more to with taking short cuts & not being original. I admit that this was a bit harsh for me, but I have seen this route taken one time too many in other areas of life. I guess that this was "the" straw for me & I spoke out. Some might say that this imitation is flattering. This thought crossed my mind, but in the end, I was left with a bad first impression. I am not trying to persuade you to see the same things that I saw; I just commented on them. Consumers pass judgement all the time. Reviews help people to make decisions. My above statement was an initial reaction to what I knew and saw. I doubt that my decision to pass is going to tip the scales. I admit that I could have stepped back a little but my opinion hasn't changed much (I made further comments below).

I hope that you enjoy your purchase,

ETA: thank you for giving me the opportunity to explain myself.
Does Mindy Mylrea only do step? I don't know anything about her.


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
Mindy Mylrea does much more than step. She's a very talented instructor. Her strength workouts are tough. Her original Bootcamp workout is one of the hardest workouts in my collection. She does a lot of functional fitness training, BOSU workouts, and gliding workouts.

Here's her website:

There are some gripes from people, and they certainly are legit, but Mindy has gotten much better regarding these two issues: her cuing, which was pretty bad, and she even admitted it, and her chatter. Some people find it annoying, but I find myself chuckling.

Mindy's cuing has definitely improved, and she isn't near as talkative as she used to be.
Mindy is a great instructor with alot of workouts out including spinning.
I did purchase the bootcamp and all pump yesterday.would like to get the step one to but will wait to see what I think of these.I have spent to much money these last two weeks with yoga booty ballet(love it)and p90 masters I have only done 1 so far(plyo legs very tuff) but love them so far by preview.I could spend alot of money at bb since I don't have any turbo jams.And I was doing so good nothing bought this year until 2 weeks ago now I feel a landslide coming on:eek:
I completely forgot about her spinning workout. I have this one and it's a good workout.

Mindy's new releases are due out soon. She has a new bootcamp workout in this lineup. I preordered all of them, and I'm really looking forward to them.
I'm glad to see this thread has taken a more positive turn. I think Amy Bento might be more successful if she found herself a marketing company that understands the distribution channel. No matter what her workouts are actually like, her Website is very similar to Cathe's, it's known she was on the Road Trip, and our "introduction" to her was a first time poster here and over at VF as well. If she really is as good as some people who know her say, then a marketing company will show her how to capitalize on her strengths. And I hope for her own sake she does try the Collage route as they do provide some credibility for workouts.

Now, I am so done on that topic!

On to something more interesting - Mindy. I have been looking at her workouts for some time. What do you guys think is a good first choice for someone new to her? I am fairly advanced, love step and kickboxing but am also looking for some hi/lo (that I can modify for the rebounder). Any suggestions welcome! :)

I think these look great! I think it is great that she has been influenced by Cathe. It looks like they are high intesity workouts which I have been looking for. It is a fact that noone will ever be as great as Cathe to us, but down the line there will be people teaching like her...Cathe is probably her mentor. I ordered the A team bootcamp. When I get it I will give a review and see what we all think. Anyway, just my 2 cents.


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