Amy Bento Advanced Step 2


WOW! I really thought I was an advanced stepper until I tried this workout. I usually do pretty well with advanced step tapes and classes at the gym, I got through the moves on her preview but had a hard time with some other moves in this workout. I think I will really enjoy this workout once I get it figured out. Should I purchase Amy's Advanced Step and learn her "moves" first? Are some of the combos in #2 like the 1st one or do I just keep on trying until I get it? I still love Cathe's step, it is just a change of pace for me. Any suggestions would be appreciated!
I just got this one too, and last night I went through combos 1 through 4, rewinding where needed and I managed to get them all down. She's very different from Cathe but so much fun! I love complex choreo!

I would say just take it slowly, do the preview moves section and it'll come!
I'm also a big fan of this one. I have done her ASC - the original - and honestly it did not really help me learn the moves or anything as everything she does is pretty new.

With ASCII - I just worked on getting the first 2 down, then the 3&4 (and added the first two). I have attempted combo 5- but stupidly tried it after I had done the first 4 so I was tired mentally and physically. It's on my rotation again on Thursday, so I'll do it again with Combo 5 first. (those spins throw me for a loop - literally). But I so totally love this workout. It's fun, fast paced, and I burn a ton of calories. I also like her Kick Box extreme and her Hi/Lo extreme.
This workout is a blast! I used the tutorial for the problem areas and it was a big help. Stay with it, once you get this one it is the most fun I have had in a long time doing a step workout.

ASC is the same as far as style and speed of movement, but the moves themselves are different. I am not sure one would help the other, except to get the style down.
I'm still working on this one myself. Its the first Amy step I've done and I couldn't believe how complex it was. I'm sure it will be a blast once I get it all down. My HRM said I burned 950 calories with this. Don't know if that is possible but heck....maybe.
>I just got this one too, and last night I went through combos
>1 through 4, rewinding where needed and I managed to get them
>all down. She's very different from Cathe but so much fun! I
>love complex choreo!
>I would say just take it slowly, do the preview moves section
>and it'll come!

Yes! This workout is so worth the learning curve! It is on schedule as my workout for today and it is my favorite, favorite step workout!

I like that it is cued without lengthy descriptions of the upcoming move that I have to listen to over and over when I do the workout and I love that the music is slightly louder than her voice. I feel like I'm in a step class.

Keep at it. This workout is a total blast. Amy makes sweating and working hard fun!

I thought it was complicated choreography too, and initially, I would get a little peeved with not understanding her cues and getting lost, but I am happy to report that this is now one of my favorites--mostly because of the challenging choreography. I had to do this one in pieces before doing it in its entirety. At first, I thought she had horrible cues, but others on this board helped me to realize it was probably more the lack of a breakdown; in fact, she really does cue well.

I don't know if it would help to do her other step workout--it couldn't hurt. I only have one other DVD by Amy--it's her kickboxing one but I am considering more. She has a very likeable personality--imo.

Funny Keli - I've heard a lot about how poor her cueing is, but you're right - it's spot on, it just not broken down so at first it seems poor. And it's one of the most fun step workouts I've done.

I have her Kickboxing and will be pre-ordering her two new kickbox workouts. I also have Hi/Lo Extreme. I want Hi/Lo Dome, but I'm waiting until I get a BOSU. I just really enjoy her workouts - they push you HARD!
I think I will buy this one. I am afraid to stray from Cathe, but I am always looking for fun, challenging choreography!
Lainie - the crazy shuffle is just straddle taps around the bench. Once I picked that up, I got the shuffle - although I do occasionally end up on the wrong side. :p
This is tough choreography.

Next time I try it, I'm going to keep hitting rewind until I get it.
And I'm going to do it on a lighter workout day b/c I won't get as good a workout trying to learn the moves..
I love Amy Step II. It's a challenged but so much fun once you get her steps. I've beem working on this DVD all month. Each Saturday I break it down into sections or chapters(1,2, 1+2, 3,4 etc.). I usually work on it for 45 minutes.

I also love Amy Step I, but it is not as challenging.
This is my first step workout by Amy. I love it. I need to learn combos 4&5. Also the other day I discovered at the end of the stretch it goes into a total body workout from Slo-Mo.

Hi/lo dome rocks also. I love her hi/lo workouts.

KBX is also a goodie.


I just found Amy and what a great find. That step workout has a learning curve, but it is so worth it. There is so little down time. Once you pick up on how she cues, if yo listen, she usually tells you exactly what is coming up.

I never really liked Hi/Lo, but her Hi/Lo workouts are awesome.

>I just found Amy and what a great find. That step workout has
>a learning curve, but it is so worth it. There is so little
>down time. Once you pick up on how she cues, if yo listen, she
>usually tells you exactly what is coming up.
>I never really liked Hi/Lo, but her Hi/Lo workouts are

I'm not a Hi/Lo person either but love Amy's Hi/Lo. Actually, Amy is one of my favorite instructors (along with Cathe, of course) and I look forward to her two upcoming cardio workouts. I also like the creative twists she puts on traditional weight work. Some complain about it or call it unsafe, but most of us buying advanced workouts know our bodies and what is safe for us. I'm glad to be shown some innovative options when it is so easy to modify to a more striaght up traditonal move if I don't like what Amy's doing (can't think of anything I modify at this point though). I've acquired almost everything Amy has put out except Boot Camp and APX (a lot of that footage is on HLX though) and I use and enjoy them all on a regular basis.

I agree with the others who realize that Amy's cueing is spot on. The more I do ASC 2, the more I appreciate this. On the 50th run through I hate hearing a lengthy description of the upcoming move.

Amy has really found her niche and found a way to make workouts that appeal to a majority of her customers without being wishy washy and changing her mind or her style too much. She has come a long way fast and I'm excited that there are up and coming advanced instructors on the scene as I've learned to enjoy the variety. Her workouts give a whole lot of bang for very little buck, especially if you take advantage of her presales.

To those who recently acquired ASC2...have fun!
This was my first Amy DVD and while it took me a very long time to get it, once I did, I love it! I ordered this on her pre-order so I have had it a while. I had to get used to Amy's terminology and cueing, both a bit different from Cathe - but now it makes complete sense. I can see how intelligent Amy's approach is. She builds the combos using the base routines from the warm up and combo 1. Even the complicated moves are just variations. The "fly away" was so hard for me, but it is really just a variation of the "hop-hop-stick" which is a variation of the 6 count mombo.

I too was so frustrated at the beginning, but learned each combo before moving to the next and then kept adding on, same as was said above. While I generally have 2 left feet, I knew that if I stuck with it, I would succeed. Now I am so glad that Amy doesn't give much cueing because if she did, it would drive me nuts!

You definitely have to be careful and pay attention since it is so easy to trip on the step. I do it on 8" step as I do ALL work outs, but would probably be better off on 6" - but I am afraid that once I drop to 6 I won't be able to go back to 8". My best advice is to take it slowly and modify the moves as you need to. Good luck!

Has anyone done the Slo Mo premix that is at the end of ASC 2? I was curious as to how long it is, and if it is the same as one of the premixes on the Slo Mo DVD itself.

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