Amino Acids & Creatine Supplements


Active Member
Would you recommend using amino acids and/or creatine as supplements to increase muscle tone along with your workouts? If so how much per day? Will these supplements tend to put on weight? My goals are weight loss and toning.:7

If anyone else has an answer as well, please post!!!!!:7
Hi Zandy,
Cathe has previously said that she doesn't use supplements herself and that she doesn't feel qualified to recommend any to other people.
As for creatine, I have used it before. Save your money. I don't feel that it's worth it. Other than cramping in my calves and some water buildup in the muscles, I got nothing from it.
T. :)
Hey again Zandy!
I don't have any experience with amino acid supplements. I do eat a high protein bar such as "Vital Bar" after my workouts, or I will eat 4 egg whites. That's all I do for extra protein. I try to follow a 40-30-30 ratio of carbs-protein-fat otherwise.
Others here may have more suggestions....
T. :)
Amino's help only if you eat high protein. It helps the body break down protein and use it where the body needs it. I use to take amino's all the time and never really noticed a difference. It seemed to help wit DOMS, however, not sure why.
Debbie in OH
Hi Debbie!!
Where did you get the info that AA's help break down protein. I never heard that before but I don't know much about these supplements. Amino Acids are the building blocks of proteins so that didn't quite make sense to me. Usually various enzymes("-ases") are involved in molecular breakdown within the body. If you could tell me more I'd appreciate it. :)
As for DOMS, I always find that a good stretch helps with that.
I tried a couple of supplements a long time ago. I did not find that they made any difference in how I looked. One was l arganine the other I think was l glutamine working these in with eating certain foods at certain times in relation to workout. I felt like I wasted my money. I find eating things like egg whites that are pretty complete in protein to be the best way to go.
Diane Sue
Well Diane Sue, whatever it is you are doing I think maybe all of us should be doing it as well. You look great!
T. :)
Not Debbie, and this is directed more to everyone than any one poster in particular. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. If you break down protein, you have the individual amino acids. If you break down amino acids, you have the individual atoms of a molecule - the acids are themselves molecules. (Trevor - former biology guru - tell me if I have that wrong, please. :) )

Here are a couple of links I found. The second one has some interesting stuff about artificial sweeteners at the bottom. Every link I clicked on under a general search for "amino acids" said basically the same thing. If you really want pictures of them, or to find out which ones are "essential" - meaning your body can't produce them but instead you need to get them in your diet - there is plenty of detailed biological information out there.

Happy reading!!

Thanks Trevor,
You are so kind. I just feel like a lot of the supplements and such are just a waste of money. I think we can get the same results by eating right. I also tried weight gain supplemnents and protein powders. I did not see anything different than what I was already gaining from working out and eating well.
Diane Sue
Trevor, that's what the guy at GNC told me when I was looking into buying the supplement. And I didn't mean it helps "break down" protein, just that it helps the body supply the protein to where it needs it most. I guess his info was wrong, huh???
Debbie in OH
Hey Deb!!

Hi Debbie!
I know as much as you do! LOL!! Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins but perhaps there is something additional in the supplements that promotes some sort of breakdown of protein. I don't know. I was hoping you'd tell me!! LOL!!
If anyone else knows anything more, please chime in. :)

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