American Idol

LOL, Kathryn, I agree!!! I pointed it out to DH when they were showing the clips of Elliott's start.

I've been a big Taylor fan all along, so I'm happy! I don't think there are enough people on this planet who are following their dreams and their hearts while living every day like they mean it. Taylor seems pretty good at communicating that when he is on stage.

I really hope Kat didn't know how her words last night were coming across... that's something she should work on! When Ryan asked her if her family was a big support and she said "weeell, I haven't talked to them"... and then they moved on and she said "there weren't thousands of people there" at her high school... it came across rather shallow and not thought-out...

And anyway, there's TAYLOR! :D
>I really hope Kat didn't know how her words last night were
>coming across... that's something she should work on! When
>Ryan asked her if her family was a big support and she said
>"weeell, I haven't talked to them"... and then they moved on
>and she said "there weren't thousands of people there" at her
>high school... it came across rather shallow and not

She sometimes says things that sound really, I don't know quite what...snotty? Like this week after her first (?) song, when she was getting criticism: "you guys have been really hard on me these last two weeks'." Well, duh, they are there to critique you, and if you're not doing a great job, they will be hard.

It's almost like she's a bit arrogant and full of herself(though maybe only 1/2 full: not full-tank full like Jade on America's Next Top how I connect two threads here?:) ) !
I'm just not into the show any longer. I watched Tuesday night, but had no enthusiasm about it whatsoever. I didn't vote, because I don't care now. I didn't watch the results show. I don't care who wins. I wanted Chris to win.

>I'm just not into the show any longer. I watched Tuesday
>night, but had no enthusiasm about it whatsoever. I didn't
>vote, because I don't care now. I didn't watch the results
>show. I don't care who wins. I wanted Chris to win.

I have a feeling there are a lot of people who feel the same way.
I didn't watch the whole show (just during commercial breaks from "Lost,") so I don't know if they announced how many people voted, but one could interpret the very close results not as 'these are three strong candidates" but rather as "there is really no strong candidate here," especially if the vote totals are low.
Hopefully Clive is waiting in the wings for Mr. Elliot :) I think he, Chris, Taylor, blah blah blah, they're all gonna do just fine!

Live with sincerity, love with passion, and dance like you mean it.

Kathryn- ROFL :D You hit it on the head! THe girl is definitely conceited. As my dad says "a good investment opportunity" (you know buy her for what she's worth, sell her for what she think she's worth)! Her and Jade have to be long lost sisters or something!!!
I was disappointed w/elliot leaving, Taylor will be getting my vote simply for the fact that I don't want Cat to win.
Katherine also said something when Seacrest asked how her trip home was like "Well, it was pretty boring". I know she meant because they are so close to her home anyway, but that still wasn't the best thing to say.
I know I said I was done with the stupid show, but I wanted to see what FOX said about all the Chris drama. And, I wanted to hear the judges and see how depressed they would be without Chris there. I was bummed without him. I did watch Taylor a little bit...still don't care for him, but now I am wondering something....

IS TAYLOR CONSTIPATED???? This must be the reason for all the grunts, faces, and spastic movements....

My dear Miss Sara, I'm sure you and most of the other Taylor haters are not aware about what was said about Elvis when he was getting started. Actually, it fits your description of Taylor! I'm sure he will be laughing all the way to the bank while you're still dissing him in about a year or two. He's an original, which is why I've been rooting for him since the beginning of this series.

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
>IS TAYLOR CONSTIPATED???? This must be the reason for all the
>grunts, faces, and spastic movements....

When he does that 'crunch down' move, it does look like he's constipated...or like he has to pee and is trying to hold it in.

From the beginning, I've seen him as a Joe Cocker imitator. If anyone saw Cocker in the 70's, he had some kind of neurological problem, I think, and would do strange contortions (I think he got better meds latter, because the contortions mellowed out).
I just bristle at discord that borders on unkindness, that's all. Some of the descriptions I've read about Taylor are WAY over the top - I think it's better to expand one's vocabulary with better adjectives than to resort to words like "epileptic," "spastic," etc., which have been used to describe him.

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
Yes, the first time DH and I saw Taylor, we said Joe Cocker!!!

Taylor is not my favorite, I think Elliot has a much better voice, but Taylor entertains. I find myself smiling and a couple of weeks I was up dancing around the room with him. Despite Kat being snooty, how much is the fact she is just a kid. And she really does have an incredible voice, it is something that someone with no how can really market. Not sure Taylor is as marketable for an album, tour yes. Elliott and Kat have better album voices, IMO.

Who knows, I went to Absent Elements website and bought Chris' CD, still waiting for it, tap tap tap.
Thanks honeybunch. It disgusts me when people use Neurological disabilities as lightly as they do.

Clearly they have not walked in the shoes of someone who suffers from these disorders. Even with meds they can not always be controlled. Life is tough enough with them but we don't need people to make matters worse.

I'm trying to educate people but I get so angry.
>Thanks honeybunch. It disgusts me when people use
>Neurological disabilities as lightly as they do.

No one here has made light of neurological disabilties.

Stating that Joe Cocker had one, and that explained HIS way of singing early in his career, is not making light of it nor making fun of it, it is just stating a reality.

Taylor, on the other hand, is just imitating Cocker's moves, NOT because of a neurological disorder, but for whatever reason. As far as I can tell, he's putting on those moves, not unable to avoid making them. If you have a problemm with someone, it should be Taylor!
Constipation is a neurological disability????

I just think his spastic movements make him look constipated. I never said anything about him having any disorders.....

The first time I saw Taylor, he reminded me of Ray Charles. No, I am not saying I think he is blind. He just moves like him.

I have to chime in as well. I agree Kat makes comments that reflect poorly on her personality, but I attribute that to her being young, and, so it seems, the shining eye of her family. But, hopefully she will mature and become more refined. I can understand her family being so proud of her - I would be of any of my children in similiar circumstances.

Taylor is "OK", he is my kid's new favorite, since Chris is gone. However, comparing him to Elvis (in any fashion) is way, way, way, out there.

Also, I think Carrie Underwood is awesome, I am surprised at the negative comments about her talent. IMO, Fantasia was the worst Idol to date. Again though, different strokes, as I explained to my kids when they were distraught about Chris being voted off.

Bottom lione is I think Taylor will win. He was NEVER in the bottom grouping - Carrie Underwood was never in the bottom groupings, so pretty good bet is on Taylor...


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