American Idol : booting the contestants


I've got American Idol on in the background: the 1 hour show that gets rid of 2 male and 2 female contestants. I can't stand the way the toy with the contestants. For example: when they booted the second-to-lowest male singer, they told a group of them they were safe, then went to the other group, had them stand up and told them 2 x 2 if they were safe or not. All of them were safe (WTF?). Then , Ryan went back to someone in the first group and said he was leaving.

I think I'd end up with an ulcer if I were a contestant!

And giving someone the boot, and then expecting them to sing? One girl was having a really hard time with it, and looked really pissed!

I'm glad the woman with the afro, the hunky music teacher, and the rock guy who left his band are staying.
I've been watching American Idol since the first season and each year they seem to come up with more ways to mess with them during the elimination process. This year it's worse yet and personally I think they've gotten a bit too mean about it. When you think about how hard those kids worked to get as far as they did just to have their dreams crushed on national TV is a little hard to watch sometimes.
I don't know who came up with the eliminating process that was done towards the end with the guys, but I wouldn't be surprised if they get alot of hateful feedback on this as I think it is a really nasty way of eliminating, and I don't like it myself. DIRTY!!
The first girl that was eliminated looked like she was going to pass out or was just weird the way she looked. I feel for her, but she wasn't "roughed around" like the guys were in the end, that just isn't right. All of them work their butts off and it is not easy to be singing on stage for all the world to see them. I hope the next eliminating process will not be like this one or I may not watch it anymore.

I agree with you all. At the end, that was quite possibly the nastiest way to eliminate a contestant. I wish they would just do a half an hour for the elimination night and be nice about it. I don't think that people watch that show for nasty suspense.

I think I may have to vote next week though. Just to help the ones I like.

I agree. This has gotten out of hand, IMO. It's like watching a train wreck and I can't handle that. The girl that got the boot looked like she was going to pass out or something, and I blame her reaction on how they mess with these people. The show is waaaayyyyy too long, a half hour would be quite sufficient. I couldn't even watch the guys get eliminated, it was almost sadistic.
Yeah, that was lame the way that went down with the 2nd lowest guy.

I was surprised about the first girl that got booted. I thought it was going to be the other girl that was up there with her because she was so shaky on Tuesday. The girl that got booted second (looks like Michelle Pfeiffer with dark hair), I knew she was going. She was dull. I was so afraid the first girl was going to freak out because she was so shocked. I was praying she wouldn't make a fool of herself, but she pulled it together.
I absolutely hate the results shows. The fact that they drag them out for an hour is infuriating.

I ended up going to the movies last night and missed it. It was much better to just check the results on the American Idol web site this morning. I might do that every week!

<snip>I'm glad the woman with the afro, the hunky music teacher, and the rock guy who left his band are staying.<snip>

I agree. At this point these three are my favorites.
I've decided to NOT watch the results shows (or maybe tune in every 15 minutes, when they are announced). They are getting too nastay and sadistic.
I know! It's hard enough on them, they have to make it so much worse? I also, think it's messed up they make them sing when they're on the verge of tears. That's really messed up.
I was confused at that too, for the men. When Ryan said the first row can "RELAX". Then he put the whole second row through that BS....
I am waiting for someone to just loose it up there when they are told they have to go home. And the funny part is that they want you to sing? I am also waiting for someone to say, "Thanks but no thanks"

Yes, the woman with the afro, that male music teacher (who sang Moonriver, excellent) and both rock guys are still there, I am glad. Also, the Hispanic dude, Mario (he can SANG).... the others, have to prove themselves.

But all in all, I think the type of songs that the persons choose who got booted really killed their chances. I hope the rest of the contestants were LISTENING to the advice that the judges gave.

I completely agree! Even in the early episodes with the judges they kept toying with the contestants and lead them to believe they were eliminated when they weren't or even vice versa. I think it's just plain out mean and it only makes the contestant who does get booted off all that more humiliated.

I thought the exact same thing when I watched that! I was so annoyed with Ryan Seacrest!! Simon gets all the grief, but it is for his honest professional opinion. Seacrest was just being manipulative to us as viewers and very insensitive to the contestants.

I have never really watched this show before, just started last night actually, and if that is how they toy with all of us I might not continue watching it.
I also was disappointed with the way they did that last night! I love Ryan Secrest and I am sure it wasn't HIS idea to do it that way, but I sure was disappointed. I don't know how they can sing after they get booted. I felt sorry for the last guy who started crying. I love the way Ryan is so caring and encouraging to each & every contestant. (With the exception of the elimination last night.) Hopefully they will get some feedback and handle it different from now on. There is some REAL talent this year. I am rooting for Carrie Underwood to go all the way. She has a phenomenal voice.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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