Am I not doing something right????


I did my 1RM testing for STS. I started STS Sunday and have done disc 1 and 3. I used the weight from the workout card, but I don't feel like I worked hard enough. Is that because this is muscle endurance and I shouldn't feel the "burn" yet? Is that to come in the upcoming Mesocycles? Or, am I not using heavy enough weights? Also, I wasn't sure about the paper plates, but I LOVE using them! I did them with little to no weight because this was my first time. I will be doing a 6 month rotation so I can do it again next week with weight!
the first week I didn't feel much either, but just wait its comming!
disk seven is great! You'll feel it!
I thought my weight selections were too light also...but when I increased them I wasn't able to do 15 reps with strict form. Cathe does suggest in one of the STS DVDs that you can were weighted gloves if you just need to add a pound or two. That may be more challenging for you, but still allow you to get thru 15 reps without breaking form
Was the last rep or last two reps of the set challenging? Then the weight was probably right. If you felt like you could do 2-3 more reps with no problem, it probably was too light.

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