I am taking a little estradiol with the progesterone, per the recommendation of the doctor and the lab. I'm also taking DHEA but only a couple times a week since it can increase estrogen and testosterone. My DHEA was low which is why she gave me that to take.
I did notice while researching it all online that there are different recommendations on how often to take the progesterone cream.
One of my problems with menopause has been insomnia. I actually only slept one hour last night, although that's a bit extreme even for me. I was getting two or three hours until I started taking melatonin and now get more like five or six. But I can tell I still don't get enough. That may have something to do with the cortisol problem.
I just turned 50 but that is close to 48.
You have my sympathies. Not getting enough sleep is probably the worst and most difficult symptom.
Other than a calcium and magnesium supplement before bed, wearing ear plugs, and going to bed early (so that I have plenty of time to unwind before I turn off the lights), having a brown carbohydrate before bed has helped me enormously.
I borrowed this idea from Kathleen DesMaisons, Potatoes not Prozac. "The potato creates an insulin response that effects the movement of the amino acid tryptophan from your blood into your brain. Your body uses tryptophan to make serotonin..." according to DesMaisons the body responds to this like a Selective Serotonin Reputake Inhibitor.
A bowl of oatmeal at bed-time made a world of difference for me.
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