Am I doing this right?


I am wondering now if I'm doing this right. I seem to be able to do more than my printed out sts sheet says. Yet it says 80% so then I should be able to. But Cathe says choose a weight you can reach about 9 reps with, which is your heaviest. Wouldn't that then be the 100% rep max?
After I've done a workout, I go into the Cathe Nation calendar, and check off that I did that workout, then I go into edit workout to put the weight and reps I actually did. But it didn't reflect that when I did a test viewing the workout card for that workout again, as well as the next weeks.
So then I went into the 1 rep max tab and updated the heaviest weights I used in the workout I just did, that seemed to have got the message to the workout card and made more sense.
Can anyone help me clarify this? Thanks. Autumn :confused:
Your 1 rep max is exactly that- the very most you could lift 1 time. You might hurt yourself finding that out so they are estimating by how much you can lift 9-12 times to failure. I had to adjust some of the weights both up and down the first time through. If you can lift more during the 12-15 rep in meso 1, I would adjust the 1rm in wo manager. As you get stronger in meso 2 & 3 you might need to continue to adj 1rm. Since I adjusted as I went along I have not had to adjust much in meso 1 the second time through. Hope this helps. Joan
That really helps, thanks. I have gotten stronger & just started meso 3, so it should be adjusted for the next time through, which I'm not sure If I'll take a week or month off to do another rotation. But I like it so much prob just a week.
Thanks Joan - Autumn

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