Am I a Neanderthal for Liking to Count Calories?


So I've been reading/buying into the notion recently that counting calories is stifling and it's liberating not to do so but. I've just realized. I like to count calories. I'm not trying to keep to some crazy-low number. I don't mind seeing 2,500 at the end of the day. And it doesn't freak me out to skip days if I'm traveling. But -- as a general practice -- it helps me stay accountable. And it feels sustainable. And I kinda like collecting data.
Anyone else? Am I alone in this?

ETA: That's not to say someone else shouldn't enjoy a feeling of liberation from quitting counting/measuring/whatever-ing. It's great when people find what works for them and feels most 'effortless'. But somehow, for me, I end up stressing out less if I just have it all written down.
No, I don't think you are a Neanderthal. I think each individual needs to find what works best for them. If it works for you, and you end up stressing out less, go for it. For myself, I get stressed out counting calories, a ballpark calorie count works best for me. I have a general idea of calories. I'm fine with that.
I don't think you are a Neanderthal at all! In fact the majority of girlfriends and co-workers I have count calories. I have tried in the past, but it just doesn't work for me. My issue is I don't know how many calories are in what and I don't weigh my food. I even have a couple acquaintances who calculate % of P/F/C. I sometimes wish I had the drive to do that because I would like to know if I am getting the right ratio. But in the end, even if I did calculate it all, I am not sure it would change my way of eating...
I think it's fine too! Everyone has their thing. I like the data collection too! It's a simple way of monitoring yourself. I don't watch my calories carefully but I am aware of what I'm eating, how many calories I need in a day etc. It's the hidden calories that scare me....flavored cream in my coffee, condiments etc. I bought a digital scale some years ago, I would weigh myself in the morning then again at night. I wanted to see the fluctuation due to health issues I was having. It gave me interesting data. I did it for a while and the end result was SALT!!! The devil hidden in food!! So my point is, watching or counting helped me! If counting calories assists you in keeping your health in check....why not!!
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I'm a natural list-maker and task-oriented person. I have counted my calories since 1989!! It's my security blanket. I actually feel more free when I do it, than when I don't - makes me feel organized and on top of life. I use an app now so it's really no work at all anymore. It used to be more tedious when I did it on spreadsheets. I think as a few people have said, everyone has their thing. Some people find it freeing (because there is no guesswork about whether we have gone off the rails) and others don't.

Thanks, all, for sharing your thoughts and experiences!
Stebby, I also feel organized and on top of life when I count calories. I think it also keeps my after-dinner eating in check. Sometimes I'll have a snack later in the evening, but I'm less likely to be like, 'whateverrrrrr!' if I'm counting. If you know what I mean. ;)
Roz - you're one of the least Neanderthal people ever! You put a lot of thought into everything you do, and are not scared to break away from trends and fads and plough your own path. You always seem very calm and unflappable too, so I doubt if monitoring calories will do you any harm.

It's been funny reading peoples' responses. I don't count calories (or weigh myself, or measure body fat etc) for the very reason that others do count. I love data. But I love data too much....I count stairs as I climb them, cars parked in car parks - anything, really. I had to stop wearing a watch, just to practice ceding control. :rolleyes: So, no, I don't count (I would have to end up EXACTLY on a particular count for the day), but admire those that can.
Roz - you're one of the least Neanderthal people ever! You put a lot of thought into everything you do, and are not scared to break away from trends and fads and plough your own path. You always seem very calm and unflappable too, so I doubt if monitoring calories will do you any harm.

It's been funny reading peoples' responses. I don't count calories (or weigh myself, or measure body fat etc) for the very reason that others do count. I love data. But I love data too much....I count stairs as I climb them, cars parked in car parks - anything, really. I had to stop wearing a watch, just to practice ceding control. :rolleyes: So, no, I don't count (I would have to end up EXACTLY on a particular count for the day), but admire those that can.

Justine, you crack me up. I count stairs, cars, and exercise reps. That's enough counting for me. One thing I don't count? Birthdays!! Not any more! Ouch!
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I count calories also, mainly because I love to eat! No matter how hard I workout or how often, if I eat too much I gain weight, counting calories keeps off the pounds! Plus I feel as long as I stay within my number for the day, I can have some sweet treats too and not feel guilty about eating them!

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Lurker...long time Cathlete here. I started using a Misfit in March of this year for my treadmill desk which I use every day. One of the apps which it talks to happens to be My Fitness Pal. I was like many ^^^never got into counting calories. Well I am here to tell you, I am now officially a believer. It has helped me stay on track eating wise and I never regret a minute of it. So, no, I don't find it weird at all. Now that my metabolism is slowing with advancing age, I NEED to know what I am putting in my mouth. It is not enough to say that I will just work off the calories on the treadmill desk and then workout at night. NO way! :) Happy Counting!

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