AM exercisers: how do you do it?


I have come to the logical conclusion that I should be doing my workouts first thing in the morning - my days are so busy, that by the end of the night, it is very easy to convince myself that I am too tired. My husband travels often and I am home alone with the kids, so I have to wait until they are all in bed, which sometimes means I am starting my workout at 8:30 or 9:00 PM. It would be much more convenient for me to do my workout early in the morning before everyone is awake. I even have a built in alarm clock - my 5 month old wakes up at 5:30 for a feeding, and my other two kids don't get up until 6:45 or 7:00 am - so there is my one hour for doing Cathe! In theory this should work perfectly...however, I have such a difficult time getting out of bed....

So, does anyone have any advice about how I can make this a part of my daily routine? Do those of you who workout in the early morning hours have anything to eat or drink before you start? Or does it depend on the type of workout you are doing? How do you get the mental strength to haul yourself out of that nice, warm bed every morning?

Any encouragement or advice would be greatly appreciated.
Question is how do you PMer's do it

Somebody has this in their signature....."just do it"

Do it for 21 days and it will become a habit. I've found that once I get that workout in in the AM I feel great all day long. If I miss the workout....I'm a bear and nobody likes to live with me. And, it's not worth being crabby all day. Everyones motivation is different. I just can't wait to get up in the morning to workout, maybe it's just the time alone, the endorphin rush. Try it for a few days and you may feel those same feelings. I will add that I know it's tough with little ones, but your right, if you can put that baby down after the feeding, then you can get that hour in and you will feel great all day.


(I'm amazed at you night exercisers, I could never do it, just too wiped.)

I have to agree with Brie, you just have to have the determination to do it and make it a routine. It's getting past that initial hurdle where it feels odd. Try visualizing how happy you'll be to have it behind you and not having to worry about fitting it in later and possibly missing it. Do NOT listen to that voice that says...I'll do it tomorrow morning and then you roll back over in bed;-)
RE: Question is how do you PMer's do it

Yup, just do it. I would rather get out of that nice warm bed than be unhealthy and sick and overweight like I was at one point. I feel much better on the days that I workout in the morning. I am just too wiped out at night to do anything but walk my dogs or go for a little bike ride.
If I don't do it early, I won't get to do it (I have two kids)- and that's what I tell myself when I don't want to get out of bed! After you start, it does become second nature - and it is such a feeling of accomplishment to get a jump on the day....

Good Luck!
I get up 4:00 a.m. and am working with Cathe by 4:30. I have been
doing this for about 10 years, (since my kids were babies) and I will
tell you that my mental focus is sooooooo much better. I feel better. I look better (going on 40 and in the best shape of my life, thanks to Cathe!). When you are done, you will have such a sense of accompishment and will enjoy your day so much more. You won't have to worry about when you can squeeze your work-out in or miss your favorite t.v. show. In the beginning you will be tired but give it some time and start off slowly.

You will be amazed at how much better you will feel!

Good luck!

If I get to bed by 10:00, then I can get up at 5:00am with no problem. I just had to discipline myself to get in bed at a decent hour and not stay up to 'relax' (watch Letterman and such) after my kids went to bed.

Everyone's right. You have to 'just do it' and then it'll become easier and easier. I will say that having a nursing baby might make it more difficult...depending on if he/she sleeps through the night, etc. Once patterns for the baby (and the other children) are established, then it's more than doable. It's a MUST! Like others, exercising once the day has started is hit and miss for me. I'm consistant with exercise and consistantly happy, when I'm up early to get my workout in.

I always have my exercise clothes out and ready the night before. Also, to answer one of your questions, no, I don't eat or drink anything before the workout. I do drink water during it.

Good luck! You'll be so glad that you made early morning workouts a habit. :7
I do eat beforehand, and I started really slowly like this: just did one section of Quick Fix abs (10 min) and called it a workout! Just 2 days the first week, then moved up to Crunch Boot Camp (half hour).

Probably one ab segment from any CTX, with a nice stretch, would be even better. And to work up to cardio, the C&W timesaver step!

I think of the alarm clock going off as the "stickpoint (a la CTX Kickbox abs)" that you have to work through.

That helps. Occasional unplanned rest days (not too often) help too.

As long as you don't forget how much activity you are doing aside from workouts- sometimes you have really strenuous activity you don't even remember doing, then it's no wonder you are tired. You can skip days when that happens. An active lifestyle is what we're aiming for!
I am up at 3:45 and exercising by 4:30. I make my rotations for the week in advance so I do not waste any time shuffling through my workouts. Since I have a family and I work outside of the home the early morning is the best time for me to treat myself with regular cardio and weight bearing exercise.

Beth K.
Hey Beth,
I used to have to get up early enough to eat a light breakfast and then workout. I read somewhere that Cathe said to dilute 4 oz. of orange juice with water. Now I do that. I use a carrot fruit juice blend I get from the natural isle at Bilo and eat a light breakfast after. This has helped me greatly and I am usually working out by 5 a.m. I too tried exercising after work, but just didn't have the energy after a full day of teaching in special education. Plus, I never got home when I planned to and I was exercising later than I wanted to. Gool luck in finding a plan that works for you!
I don't really have much to add here, but thought I would anyway.:+
If I don't work out when I get up, it just ISN'T going to get done. LIke someone mentioned before, a lot of it depends on habit. I think we all have an internal clock and mine has always been set for a.m. workouts. I don't even work outside the home and I get up at 3:30-4:00 to get started. If I don't, my day goes horribly. I've done this for 21 years, so maybe that plays a big role!:7
I started working out in the morning 10-15 years ago when I was taking night classes. I figured 2-3 days a week exercising wasn't going to cut it so I switched to mornings and have been doing it ever since. My alarm goes off at 4:30a and I am usually up 10 minutes later. People think I am crazy for getting up so early but at least my workout is done and if I can get some stretching or an extra walk in the evening then that is a plus but the major workout is done in the morning.

I do have a problem with Cathe's longer workouts because I only have a max of 45 minutes to work out and that is if I actually get my butt out of bed when the alarm rings the first time. So my workouts are usually 30-45 minutes long. I know that may seem like a short workout time but it is Cathe time and I enjoy it : )

I am an am exerciser. I generally get up about 4 and I try to start working out by 4:45. I definately need that 45 minutes to get moving. I usually only drink water before working out (often 16oz spread out over the 45 minutes.) During that time I'm taking care of pets, packing lunch for myself and setting up my coffee etc for my breakfast after the workout. Sometimes I'll have a 4 oz gatorade (oj is too sour for me, and diluted it is just yuck) Occasionally I'll have 1/2 scoop protein powder in 1/2 cup skim milk about 15 minutes before a 'heavier' weight workout.** I have a couple more "hints." **I ALWAYS schedule my rest day/days during the week. Even if you are a SAHM you probably find a little more time in the mornings on Sat and Sun. I also schedule my long workouts (more than 869 minutes) for the weekend. Same reason. Now I don't know what time demands you have on you each day, but sometimes just little things like that help. I definately agree with knowing what workout you will be doing and having your clothes and workout gear set up in advance.**Oh also, I have to be in bed, lights out by 9 pm or I'm too tired. I haven't seen prime time tv in a long time! (haven't missed it either even though I have no idea who most celebs are!) Best of luck. Borrowing Cathe's words "You can do it. Yes you can!" :7 -joy
425 for me

I've been getting up in the morning to work out since I started, 10 years ago. It was a necessity at the time because I had a 3 year old and a 7 year old, and it was the only way to do it. Now, it is just convenient to get it over with when everyone is asleep.

I started by getting up at 530, and doing 20 minutes, or so. Over the next 5 years, I backed it up to 425, and I'm usually moving by 435. I get up, go to the bathroom, get a glass of water, put my exercise bra/socks/shoes/sweatband/gloves/etc. on, and get moving. I'm usually totally awake by the end of the warmup! I don't drink water before I workout, but drink during it.

The most important thing for me to do is get the workout planned and setup the night before. That means equipment ready (barbell on first weight used, for example), DVD or video in and ready to go, and clothes hanging on the treadmill rail.

I have to be in bed by 1000, or I feel crummy. One night a week, I occasionally have to stay up until 1130, so I might delay and shorten the workout the next morning. I usually workout for 60-70 minutes M-F. If I workout on the weekend, it is always after I sleep in!

RE: 425 for me

Hey ladies, I really appreciate you posting your AM workout schedules and detailing what works for you. Like you, I have to work out in the AM or it doesn't get done and my day doesn't feel complete. I am glad that others out there make the effort; it simply motivates me more. Thanks! Dawn

I, too, am a morning exerciser. I am a mother of ten children, with eight of them at home. I also homeschool which I have been doing for 11 years. So, morning time, when everyone is sleeping is the best time for me to fit it in.

I have been doing this for 8 years (since I started doing Cathe's tapes). It is what many others said in their posts. Once you start to do it and it gets to be just a habit.

I get up between 5:20 and 6:40 (without an alarm). I have everything set up in my basement and my workout clothes all out and I know in advance which workout I will be doing. So, I can be exercising within 10 minutes upon waking up.

I just grab a big glass of water and I am ready to go. There are some mornings I might feel a little more tired at first, but by the end of the warm up - I am energized and want to continue.

Just do it for a few weeks and see if you like it!

With all my little ones at home - I enjoy working out in the quiet time of the early hours. I also enjoy my workouts better without all the interuptions.

My $.02
It is hard and takes alot of determination.
Don't think about it(or you may talk yourself out of it).
Have your clothes, shoes and tape ready to go. I have a couple drinks of coffee for my treat before the work begins.
I drink a little bit of orange juice before I work out(no matter what kind of workout I'm doing). It was noted in a previous thread that the body absorbs it very quickly and it gives you the energy to get through the workout without pooping out.
I also agree if you do it several days in a row, it gets to be more of a habit.
Give yourself some slack too. You have a 5 month old. You will get back into the swing of things when your 5 month old gets a few more months older.
I think everyone has given you great advice and tips so far and I don't really have anything new to add. Just thought I would tell you what has worked for me since I've never been able to stick with an exercise program for more than a couple of months before I found Cathe.
First of all, the best thing for me was to have my workouts planned the night before. That's why I enjoy doing rotations because it's already planned out for weeks in advance.

Second, it just became habit after a couple of weeks. I will add that if I hadn't found Cathe I probably wouldn't be as excited about exercising still. I started out with Firms and never did get into much of a routine.

Third, don't give up if you skip a day. Just tell yourself that your body must have needed the rest and you'll get up tomorrow. And then make sure you get up tomorrow. ;)

Lastly, give yourself a big pat on the back for trying to exercise when you still have a 5 month old. I couldn't find the time for it until my second one was 3 1/2 years old.

Good Luck and just stick with it.

- Traci
My experience: I started working out in the morning when I changed jobs and couldn't do it in the afternoon. It was really hard at first and I think that I even became a little more depressed because of it (too many changes at once), but I have learned to love them. I now get up without an alarm clock. I go to the gym and workout at home o alternating days. When I have a workout that I look forward to, I get up easily. Sometimes, I do have to give myself a motivating idea to get out of my warm bed and freeze for a few minutes to get me started.

I have also found that I can sometimes find more time to exercise in the evening for a little added bonus.

I have read getting up just 15 minutes earlier to get started. Then, the next week a little earlier. Until you have the amount of time needed to get your workout in.

Keep us informed of how you are doing. It may not be easy, but it is well worth the feeling of accomplishment after it is over and your day has yet to begin.

Tracy - All I can is YOU CAN DO IT! Trust me, I use to be a total NON-Morning person! I could sleep until 10:00 on saturdays if I had the opportunity! Then came kids, a fat butt and no time! I quickly learned (about 2 years ago) that if I was going to work out most of the time it was going to have to be in the morning.

Now.... I wake up at 4:45 WITHOUT an alarm clock on most mornings. However, I still will usually hit snooze at least 2 times just for the glory of it!

I recommend starting with a time you can live with. Go to bed early the first couple nights you do it. I also use 2 alarm clocks. I use 1 next to me that I hit snooze for. I set this one a little earlier giving myself enough time for the snooze button factor:) Then, I set the other alarm clock across the room. That one I have to get out of bed for! So, every time you hit snooze on that one you must get out of bed (unless you want to be knocked out unconscious (ha ha ) by your sleeping hubby. This has worked wonders for me.

I also keep my clothes, shoes etc. in the bathroom. So when I wake up I go straight to the bathroom where I sit on the pot for a few minutes, put on my clothes etc. I also get all my workout gear ready the night before usually. I move the coffee table, bring out the step, put the DVD in the player. I find that waking up in the morning to a moved coffee table and a step all in place make it easier:) Also, sure sucks if you don't get up and you have to walk downstairs to be reminded of how lazy you were and you then have to put the step back, move the coffee table etc.... all b/c you didn't get your butt out of bed! Helps motivate me a lot!

Once you get use to it you will LOVE it! I never thought I would be a morning person but now I live for my morning workouts. It is the only time no one else in the house is awake. It is truly time I get to myself and I feel oh so much better the entire rest of the day!

Good luck! Let us know how it goes!

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