Thanks for the website. I'll check it out. My Dad doesn't qualify for much assistance b/c they make too much with retirement and he has too much money socked away. But he can certainly afford to pay for some assistance, he's just extremely stubborn about it. I'm learning that being here. I actually think that it's because he's worried that no one can care for her like he can. She acts like a spoiled child and he gives her everything she wants. I think he worries that other people wouldn't be so nice. She might have a few more rules and he probably thinks she doesn't deserve that. Who knows? She's extra angry at him today b/c she had an accident in bed and then on the laundry room floor and he tried to clean her up (this was before I was up - about 5am) and she bit him. She's threatened to kill him numerous times today. She keeps asking me if I have a gun. Too bad they don't understand that you're just not allowed to do that.
Bless my Dad's heart because he just loves her to pieces anyway. He knows it's not really her.
Nancy - I wish there was a Ride To Remember near me (Denver maybe or is it just a local event?). I'll have to check it out. Since I'm a cyclist this would be perfect.
She's refueling at the moment. Hopefully this power nap will be a little longer.
To everyone who does this full-time - I commend you! I have no idea in the world how you do it. I know my time is ending Tuesday morning so I have a light at the end of the tunnel.
"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France
Thanks for the website. I'll check it out. My Dad doesn't qualify for much assistance b/c they make too much with retirement and he has too much money socked away. But he can certainly afford to pay for some assistance, he's just extremely stubborn about it. I'm learning that being here. I actually think that it's because he's worried that no one can care for her like he can. She acts like a spoiled child and he gives her everything she wants. I think he worries that other people wouldn't be so nice. She might have a few more rules and he probably thinks she doesn't deserve that. Who knows? She's extra angry at him today b/c she had an accident in bed and then on the laundry room floor and he tried to clean her up (this was before I was up - about 5am) and she bit him. She's threatened to kill him numerous times today. She keeps asking me if I have a gun. Too bad they don't understand that you're just not allowed to do that.
Nancy - I wish there was a Ride To Remember near me (Denver maybe or is it just a local event?). I'll have to check it out. Since I'm a cyclist this would be perfect.
She's refueling at the moment. Hopefully this power nap will be a little longer.
"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France