Alywynn, TT'ers, Kettleballs- OH YES it's Saturday!!


Good morning everyone!

I am up early for a saturday hoping to get in a run (a 30 min itread) before the little monsters:) of mine wake up. later on going to hit the gym with dsis and her boyfriend (he too is a personal trainer!) to work our upper bodies. can't wait!!

wendy- now you know of course i just had to book mark that cosgrove site. haven't had a chance to look at it yet but you know i will;-) strength coach looks to be a good site. i haven't bit the bullet yet because you have to pay to belong but it's something i may look into. i do not have that KB workout. i have the first providence. however that one is getting rave reviews esp for first timers. i wouldn't doubt anything from anthony would be anything less than fantastic. go for it! btw- did you get wii fit?

jen- oh you are so lucky to have some alone time this weekend. that is something that is so rare for me and it sometimes takes it's toll:( enjoy!. how many children do you have?

shirl- do you instruct classes everyday?

jacque- awesome workout!! don't you just love the after lifting weights feeling!!

lori- i hope you are feeling better. it could be the carbs or is it close to that time of the month for you? i know the week before i can become a monster:(

talk with everyone later, off to get sweaty!!

ETA: oh no, i thought i would never again buy another amy bento workout however i just read she is making a no frills boxing workout. arghh...i am definitely going to have to get that}( !!
Good Morning:)

I am sooo tired! I still can't beleive I got up today and worked out but atleast I don't have to do it tonight! We didn't eat supper until really late last night, then we went over to the neighbours house for a drink. I guess tiredness is what I am feeling but every once in a while I get this wave of ickness come over me. I only had 2 drinks but I feel hungover!
I managed to do 4 seg of DM and a 35 mins run.
We are suppose to be going to a going away party tonight but there is no way I can go. Its not even possible for me to work all day, go home, get ready and go again on 4 hours of sleep. I think DH is gonna have to do this one alone while I hit the sack!

Sunny** Enjoy your workout. Nope, not time of month either! LOL I was just a monster last week. Prehaps its b/c I had so much to do this week and didn't have much time off.

I will be back later. Im at work, but no one is around so I am just kind of hanging and watching t.v:)

RE: Alywynn, TT'ers, Kettleballs- OH YES it's Saturday!...

Good morning, Sunny, Lori, and all who follow!

Sunny, Enjoy KPC! And yes, the weekends alone are something to cherish. I love being with my kids, they're a blast, but every other weekend they're with their dad and it's a great chance to recharge. I have two kids, a boy who's going to be 13 in a couple weeks, and a girl who just turned 10. I cannot believe I'm going to have a teenager soon.

Lori, I wonder if you're fighting some kind of bug or something. That'd make you tired, which will bring on the crankiness, and it would explain why you feel the way you do today after only 2 drinks. I only say that because I had something a few weeks ago that started with the weirdest symptoms, like fatigue and queasiness for a few days, and then turned into a really crappy cold. Thank god that's gone. But my daughter has been fighting headaches and nausea all week that would come in waves, so one minute she's fine and horsing around, and the other she's lying down goin' "Ohhhh, I don't feel good, I think I'm gonna puke!" She missed a full day of school last week and was sent home by the nurse two other days. The nurse said that she's seeing it in a ton of kids, and some are fighting it better than others, like my daughter, while others are really getting hit with it. But she also said it seems to be lingering in most. Maybe something similar is plagueing you.

So today is my third cardio for the week. I'm looking forward to doing it after I clean up my house a bit. Then, seeing I have all this time on my hands, I'm thinking I need to go do some shoe shopping. That doesn't sound too painful, does it? I have all these clothes for work for the summer, but not shoes that match, so it's time to correct that.

Have great workouts everyone!

RE: Alywynn, TT'ers, Kettleballs- OH YES it's Saturday!...

Good Morning Girls!:)

Sunny: Okay, I ordered The Kettlebell Way this morning!:) I will hold on to the Iron Core dvds (unopended) until I have a chance to check out TKW and then I'll decide if I should keep them or not. Have fun with KPC!}(

Lori: Sorry you are so tired but good job on the work out! ITA that your DH needs to go it alone tonight. A girl needs her beauty sleep, you know. ;)

Jen: Ooooh shoe shopping! Can I come!? ;)

So for my 3rd and final interval cardio and to bring week 1 of AfterBurn to a close, I will be doing hills on the TM. I'm going to pick a very comfortable jogging pace and alternate from flats to HUGE HILLS for the intervals. That oughtta hurt a bit, no? }( LOL

I am planning on resting tmrw but knowing me I'll stretch or do yoga. That's fine but I HAVE to resist the urge to do anything more. I haven't rested in a while and I really should. What will make it extra hard to resist the urge to do more is that I am going to my SIL's tmrw for a BBQ so the food monster is going to haunt me!:9 I've done well with my cals and ratios since wednesday and if I do well again today then I should be fine, right? :)

On Monday morning I am supposed to meet my long lost running buddy in the park for a short run (20-30 mins). I want to try to get there earlier then her to squeeze in interval work first but it depends on how early she wants to meet.

RE: Alywynn, TT'ers, Kettleballs- OH YES it's Saturday!...

Good morning, Wendy!

I'm looking forward to hearing how your hill run went. I think you should definitely rest tomorrow and not worry about the barbeque. In NROL4W, Schuler really stressed the importance of resting.

I saw your response in yesterday's thread that you're going to Atlantic City in a couple weeks. Where do you stay? I was there not too long ago and stayed at the Trump Marina. Beautiful hotel.

RE: Alywynn, TT'ers, Kettleballs- OH YES it's Saturday!...

Hi everyone! :)

Quick check in - I took a total rest day yesterday and it felt great. My body needed it. I like today's title 'kettleballs'. ;)

I teach TK this morning and then plan on doing some yardyork.

Sunny, I don't teach classes every day. I don't think my body could handle it. Enjoy the time with you sister and her BF. :)

Wendy, I have TKW and really like it. I typically just do the free stuff that's on the internet and make-up my own stuff. I really like this workout.

Jen, Have a great weekend; cardio, cleaning and shopping for shoes - 2 out of 3 sound great! ;) Actually, I don't mind cleaning, I love it when my house is nice and clean.

Lori, Hope work goes well.


A friend in fitness,
RE: Alywynn, TT'ers, Kettleballs- OH YES it's Saturday!...

Hey Gals!

Im at work and still veeeeeeeery tired! LOL

Jen** Im pretty sure its the 4.5 hours of sleep I got last night that is making me feel like this. I think sleep was more important then a workout today but foolish like I got up anyway:eek: I didn't go to bed till 1 and up at 5:30!

Sunny** Enjoy KPC!

Wendy** Its one thing to run fast but its another to run hills:eek: I usually add a hill or two in when I am on the TM and that really gets the HR up. Good luck with the BBQ! I did o.k with the meal portion last night but I had a couple of drinks and lots of salty chips when I was waiting for my meal. SOOOOOOOOO...major detox for me over the next couple of days! I already told DH he was going alone tonight, actually, I will be surprised if he goes!

Shirl** Good job getting your workout over with. Have fun at work!

Our family friend is moving in today. I can't beleive I am going to have someone else living in my house FULL TIME. I know I won't see her much but atleast when my dad came he would be there from Mon-Fri, and we had the weekends to ourseleves but now we have someone there all the time. There is an upside though, she is going to do my housework for me!:)

RE: Alywynn, TT'ers, Kettleballs- OH YES it's Saturday!...

Hi all.

I'm back from the gym. I think I found my "puke status". LOL I considered this week sort of "trail and error" as far as work outs were concerned. Especially the intervals. I needed to figure out what worked for me and I've pretty much got it figured out now!:)

So here's what I did today:

5 min warm up on TM: flat starting at 3.0 and going up .5 every minute.

High Interval: 5.5 pace on 8% grade
Low Interval: 5.0 pace on flats

High Interval: 5.5 pace on 9% grade
Low Interval: 5.0 pace on flats

High Interval: 5.5 pace on 10% grade (my puke status!}()
Low Interval: 5.0 pace on flats

5 min cool down: flat starting at 4.5 and going down .5 every minute.

So the next time I do this work out my high intervals will all be on a 10% grade at a 5.5 speed and I think I will lower my low intervals just a tad to a fast walk (4.5) instead of a slow jog(5.0).

I think I will do my flat run intervals with Grace. I have both sprinting work outs and both interval work outs of hers. That's plenty to keep me busy. }(

So I have all day alone with DS because DH is up north helping his dad put new kitchen cabinets in. He left at 7am and who knows how long it will take them to finish the job. This means that I'll probably work out again (at nap time) out of boredom! LOL I'm thinking of doing a Turbo Jam cardio just for the fun of it!:D

I have a 30 min stretching/yoga vid on tap for my rest day tmrw. ;)

I need coffee and perhaps a bit of food now.

I'll be back in a bit for personals.:+
RE: Alywynn, TT'ers, Kettleballs- OH YES it's Saturday!...

Lori, yep, that'd do it. I hope you feel better tomorrow after a good night's sleep.

Shirl, ITA with 2 out of 3, and though I do like when my house is clean, I hate doing it. It never stays that way for long.

Wendy, awesome workout! I wish I could bring you shopping with me! Does DS mind the shoe section?

Workout is done. I did my intervals on the treadmill at a high of 8.0 and a low of 5.0, three work periods. Then I did my steady state outside. It was supposed to be 20 minutes, but I pushed out thirty. Now I'm DONE until Monday a.m. . Tomorrow's a much anticipated rest day. :7 House is 1/2 clean.

Off to the shower.

RE: Alywynn, TT'ers, Kettleballs- OH YES it's Saturday!...


You aren't THAT far from me. I could probably be there in about 4 hours!;)
RE: Alywynn, TT'ers, Kettleballs- OH YES it's Saturday!...

Hi All!

Quick check in to say that I think it's going to be a nice long Spinervals today. It's a "light" cardio day, but Saturdays are going to be my more endurance based cardio instead. I enjoyed the BB complex yesterday - nice TOUGH workout.
RE: Alywynn, TT'ers, Kettleballs- OH YES it's Saturday!...

Hi Christine, enjoy spinervals!

Wendy, I'll meet you half way! ;-)

RE: Alywynn, TT'ers, Kettleballs- OH YES it's Saturday!...

Sunny - wanted to ask you if you used your jumpsnap for intervals and how it worked - could you get your HR up high enough?

Hi Jen! I'll enjoy Spinervals. I love Coach Troy - he's so delightfully evil. :p
RE: Alywynn, TT'ers, Kettleballs- OH YES it's Saturday!...

Late getting here today - was so tired yesterday I took a nap but just couldn't wake up this AM. Slept until 8 !

Sunny – I’m with you on the run today, though don’t have the itreads yet. Next purchase is an Ipod, then itreads ! SAHM’s have it tougher than most believe – that was what I was lucky enough to do for 12 years and wouldn’t have traded it for the world. It is nice that my DD (19 yrs old now) told me recently that she was happy I was at home too. Ooops – see it is now KPC ! LOL ! You are on your own for that today ! Ha !

Lori – glad you got your workout in already. Sending some <<Sleepy bugs>>> your way for a good nite sleep tonite ! Hope work doesn’t get too boring today for you. If your friend gets tired of cleaning your house, she can come to mine for a few days !

Jen – Enjoy your weekend by yourself – was divorced with 3 kids about the same ages as yours and it is very difficult to raise them with only a few days off per month and work at the same time. Especially as they are getting older. Have a great workout to get the stress out before you get to relax and enjoy !

Wendy – have fun with your HILLS today ! Will be quite a weekend for most of us in the food dept I bet. We have a niece’s Bday party and also a festival today so I’m aiming for a long picked up paced run this AM and should rest tomorrow but will probably do something. Maybe a Cathe step or HILLS but at a fast walk and high inclines. Not sure yet, but have watched the scale creep up a bit and am crossing my fingers it is muscle? LOL! OK – now I see your workout – OMG what a great one ! Super job, I have a hard time walking at 10% !

Shirl – good for you that you rested and it felt good. Hope you have fun with kettlebells and your class today.

Christine – hope your spinervals was a good one. Sounds like fun. I am looking forward to endurance and steady state today though I do love the HIIT’s.

Off to WO for me, then festival, then tiling the bathroom, then Niece’s Bday, then tiling. Long day but will be productive !
RE: Alywynn, TT'ers, Kettleballs- OH YES it's Saturday!...

Shirl: Thanks for the feedback on the kettlebell work out. I'm looking forward to trying it.

Lori: So is DH going to the party alone tonight?

Christine: Have fun with Spinervals?

Jacque: Wow, busy day for you today! What kind of festival was it? I hope you had a good time! Those incline jogs I did this morning only lasted a minute each. :)

I just finished TJ Cardio Party. FUN! Now I have to get showered up and have a little something to eat. I think we are going to take DS down to the boardwalk to go on some rides in a little while. DH should be home soon. :)

BBL or tmrw ladies!:7

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