Happy "Hump" day ladies !
Hey there Sunny - guess we'll TTYL
Lora - was your workout today weights only? That doesn't always burn more calories at the onset, but supposedly keeps burning them longer during the day and increases your metabolism. What do we need to help you with to get ya motivated?
Judy - a round of golf and closet cleaning sounds good to me! I always walked my rounds so felt I was getting exercise, plus, I was at least a bogie golfer so that was loads of swings

Figured quite a good UB workout ! Enjoy the celebration today.
Lori - glad you got some good sleep since it is so important. Hope your 90X goes fast}( and then reminds you with DOMS later, LOL!
Wendy - LOL about the infomercials. I usually don't pay attention to them, but have seen so many using TJ that I thought, what the heck - I have to wait for STS for anything new and NROLW is a bit boring for me so went to town on my computer}( I am looking forward to getting the bands - thanks for the hint - will be babysitting my grandson this summer and they live in an upstairs apt so no "normal" workouts for me. Way to go on adjusting your TM workout to get in a good one !
Jen - good workout and glad to hear that you are seeing results from such a tough plan on the willpower side of things. Always nice to get back into clothes that you haven't worn for a while.
Shirl - good to "see" you again. I need to limit my computer time too but am finding it helpful for me to stick to my guns, or am I building them up? He he he ! Glad to see you are still getting your workouts in and teaching too.
Did my last AMRAP today so am done with Stage 2. Found that I had a hard time with the smaller muscles fatiguing during this one than the last. I could have gotten in quite a few more reps but my forearms or my hands would get tired, for the Swiss Ball crunches my neck began bothering me. Bummer, but lets me know that high reps isn't really in the cards for me with my aging bod! }( I am enjoying lifting pretty heavy for me and am looking forward to a 2 week hiatus from NROLW.