Alwyn, TT, Kettlebell'ers- Thursday June 5th


G'mornin' all!

today's workout is AB stage 3 day 1 workout (i poster earlier this week i am on stage 2, nope on stage 3) followed by HIIT on my bike.

wendy- how are those legs feelin'}(

have a great day all!!
Good Morning Girls.

Remember those personals I promised you y'day afternoon? Well I'm finally back to make good on them!:7 I got home late last night from helping my friend with her move so I didn't have time to come back and catch up.

Jen: After Burn was about $70.00 with shipping. You can also get the e-book which is probably a few bucks less since there's no shipping involved. Yes, it comes with calorie and macro guidelines. He gives an example of a menu every time the guidelines change but no set meal plan for you to follow. There is also an After Burn II!}(

Shirl: Did you enjoy your yoga?

Jacque: Yeah, the bands will be great for when you are babysitting. I've brought them with me to A/C and done my own little resistance work out in the room. :)

Judy: Good job on the muscle gain! I guess you are happy with the results as you are continuing with the program. :)

Sunny: How'd you get your 2 year old son to potty train? Mine is 3 now and still doesn't want to do it! x( Congrats on no accidents! How were the swimming lessons?

So today's work out is intervals. I am considering doing that at home via an Imax premix or Interval X+ and then heading to the gym for a regular run. We'll see if I am motivated enough. If not I can do it all at the gym.

Well, my weight and BF were up after my indulgent weeekend in A/C (ofcourse) but I've been checking it every day and the #'s are going back in the right direction. I will check them OFFICIALLY on Monday. I'd say tmrw but I want to give them a little more time to come down since they are still up a bit from where they were before I left! ;) It's amazing how quickly and easily everything is affected. Makes ya wanna eat clean I'll tell ya!:)
Morning Ladies -

This morning I did WSFL cardio on the Ellipitical, Treadmill and punching and kicking the heavy bag. I put my 10# weight vest for some of it on the TM and ellipitical. Workout was 50" and I burned 400 calories. I had difficulty getting my HR up. Not a very high calorie burn. I'm still not into these workouts. Don't know what's wrong with me. The first time I did them, I was into the workouts.

Have great workouts everyone.

I'm not really following the diet, as I'm a vegetarian and it's way too low carb for me. I'm a picky eater. Wouldn't be enough for me to choose from. My yesterday workout did have cardio tacked onto the end, and I still didn't burn that many calories. Must be having a bad couple of days. I've not been getting that much sleep.......but then, I never do.
Good Morning:)

How is everyone? Today was suppose to be a rainy day again but i was surprised to see the sun shining when I woke up:) know what that means??? I run again today...and a tan}( At some point I also need to squeeze in the weight work from P90X that I have been putting off. I wonder, does it matter if you follow it to a "T" LOL

I also feel like I am getting the cold or something. I really don't know where that came from. I don't know anyone who as the cold but my troat is sooooo itchy!

Sunny** Good job on the workout today!

Wendy** Nope, your right, it doesn't take long for weight to creep back on. No wonder people who have alot of weight to lose get discouraged so easily. Now, weather its water weight or actual fat is a different story but I can really see a difference in last weeks drop. My scale is holding steady now, which is o.k with me as well. I don't expect to keep going down and down.Enjoy your workout today!

Jacque** Sounds like things are going good? I have to say, I haven't had a lot of major DOMS when doing P90X! Seriously though, I get way more DOMS when doing Cathe workouts and thats why I end the week with a weight workout from cathe. I really don't know whats up with that. I use a heavy weight, what I would normally use but have very little DOMS later.And then I don't want to go real heavy b/c I don't want to put on size. Im hoping that the next 4 weeks, with different workouts will get me good}(

Jen** Good job with the workout yesterday! Yes, I probably did sleep better b/c of my work issues are resolved but I always sleep good after doing day shifts and getting to sleep in the following day. For some reason I was toast yesterday evening as well and could have went to bed at 8! LOL

Shirl** Check in whenever you can and let us know how you are doing!

Lora** You snuck in on me...good job with the workout. I can't follow an eating plan either. Just eat clean and everything should be A.O.k!

I think that catches me up with personnals.I have to run out and do a couple of things in the a.m and will get my workout in this afternoon.

Good Thursday morning all ATK90X'rs !

Judy – we have a short 11 hole (play around twice but go up the hill (2 holes) on the second time around and it is about 6,900 feet. I believe a -0- course is 7,200 so your 5 – 6 miles would be very close depending on the length of your course. (Should be on your scorecard . . .) I’d probably be a double bogie these days, but would love to hit some drives which were farther than many of the guys ! It was my best part of the game, chipping was the worst for me. The matrix looks tough – have fun with it.

Sunny – glad you took a well earned rest day yesterday – hope your Stage 3 goes well. My plans are Aug 06 Bootcamp, but I may review June 08 ‘cuz it looks good too. I am hoping a circuit with some extra cardio will reduce the cottage cheese look on the backs of my thighs a bit and lessen the fat padding around my thighs. At least I can always hope. After doing NROLW alternated with running as my only cardio I am going to see if switching it up for a couple weeks will give my body a “jolt” ! Great to hear about your recent milestone. Nothing like getting the last one out of diapers ! Just remember to keep them close as long as you can ‘cuz they grow up too darn fast. Next thing you know it will be your grandchild potty training !

Wendy – at least you waited to see if your leggies felt good – guess it just goes to prove that the mind really knows better than the body, huh? Hope the DOMS go away quickly. Maybe a nice long bath or spa treatment and I always believe in stretching or a mild weight training to just push that lactic acid outta there ! Good job on getting the workout memorized better so it goes quicker. I think I was spoiled with Stage 1 of NROLW ‘cuz it was only 5 exercises for each Workout. Looks like Stage 2 will be a bit more to remember. Hmmmmm. . .
I’m in complete agreement about a couple of “indulgent days” just tossing the body for a loop.

Lora – so sorry that you aren’t enjoying your WS workouts. Maybe now isn’t a good time for them? I am sending <<<happy workout>>> vibes in hopes that something helps. At least you are sticking it out – way to go.

Lori – woo hoo ! Sunshine for you ! Hope it “burns out” whatever is making your throat itchy. Have a great run and 90X workout today.

Off to workout – still toggling on what to do. May wing it today and sit down and review a few rotations this afternoon, or may just figure out a generic and make up my own since my Cathe DVD’s are getting dusty ! Course TJ’s should be showing up soon too ! :p

Until later . . .
Good morning, ladies!

Today was WSFL cardio, 45 minutes, half intervals, half steady state. I have a nice long walk planned with my sister this evening, too. Looking forward to that.

I'm intrigued by Afterburn. Working very hard at staying away from that for now. I don't need any more options! But it sounds so good...:)

Sunny, have a great workout!

Wendy, the scale is so frustrating! The rise is only temporary though. A girl's gotta live, for cryin' out loud! Don't know why we have to pay for it for days afterward. I don't think men have this problem. A couple of days of clean eating will do the trick ;)

Lora, 400 calories is still a great calorie burn! Are you measuring with a heart rate monitor?

Lori, I hope you fight off that cold. What's worse than a cold in the spring/summer? I hate that. Healthy vibes headin' your way.

I am soooo not in work mode today, and I'm not motivated enough to change that either :+ Oh well, BBL and likely, often ~


P.S. Morning Jacque! You snuck in when I wasn't looking!
Good Morning! Another busy day; how do you ladies manage to keep up with the boards?

Ok, workout was TT big 5 circuit B and I teach TK early evening. My eating has been very good for me. I'm excited and proud of myself!

I promise to catch up with everyone at some point! Keep up the great work!

A friend in fitness,
Hola Ladies.

Well, I walked into the daycare at the gym to drop my son off (I work there too)only to find out that there was only 1 gal working as the other 2 had called out-one was sick and one had broken down car. I was never called to cover but knew this poor woman would have hell to pay if she had to stay there for another 2 hours alone. Plus the fact that she was due to leave at 11 and had a doc appointment so she couldn't cover until 12 anyway. That being said, I did my interval work out and then punched in for work. I was not thrilled about staying there until noon especially since I had nothing to eat with me. Thankfully the one with the broken down car was able to get into work by about 10:10 so I was able to go home. I never did get my regular run in. I knew DS would put up a fuss if I tried to walk back out to continue working out at that point so perhaps I'll do my regular run after the 4pm meeting this afternoon. YES, I have to go back again. ACK!x(

So anyway, I warmed up on the TM and then hit the EXT for my interval work. I pushed it harder on the high intervals then I did the last time. I stayed at the same resistance level as last time but put more effort into it. OMG, talk about puke status! :eek: }( :eek:

Today my legs feel like gold. No DOMS at all. Go figure. I am hoping to do Awaken the Body at nap time. The stretch always feels good and the little power yoga section at the end makes me feel strong. ;)

Wendy, as frustrating as your morning sounds, think of all the moms who got their workout in today because of your generosity :7 ! That was incredibly good of you to help out.

Glad to hear your legs are feeling better!!

HI Friends :)

Wendy- you were very nice to stay and help out today. :) I hope you can get your run in later.

Sunny- Congrats on DS2 staying dry! I did not realize you had a little guy so young! You and Wendy are in the physically taxing parenting years! I am in then mentally taxing parenting years! (like please don't crash the car or do anything stupid....) DD did drive into the garage 3 days ago. She has had 2 accidents in 3 months! Now she is off limits to drive.

Jacque- I actually have worn my Garmin GPS on a round of golf and put in 6 miles before. The girls were asking today if I would wear it again this weekend. Today was a better round for me . Our course is very hard and has loads of heather weeds on the sides. It is a links style course that looks like it should be in Scotland.

So I do not know if I will get to a cardio work out or not. Perhaps yoga would be better. Right not I need to do some chores. DH and I have meeting tonight for DS's summer lacrosse. We may step out for a bite alone afterwards. He has to work the weekend, so this will be our date night.

[font color=lime green][font size +3]Judy "Likes2bfit"
wendy- we bought the potty out when he turned 2 (same thing with ds#1) just to peak his interest. each time he goes to the potty we give him a sticker (he is currently into power rangers) and it gets him really excited. he had been resisting doing #2 in the potty but he is now letting us know when he has to go. can't wait to not have to buy pull-ups anymore. your son will go eventually don't worry. boys are harder (so i've heard). glad those legs are finally DOMS-less.

judy- i am laughing at your post...:D yes i have two little boys 7 and soon to be 3 in aug. i got a late start at having children;) sounds like golf is going really well for you!

lori- i am sure you will get in that weight workout. missing one won't make any huge differences.

shirl- did i tell you i am certified in TK? however i have never taught it as i don't think i could ever remember a whole routinex(

Lora- IA , 400 calories is a good calorie burn!

jacque- agreed, they do grow up quickly. i am not looking forward to the day they leave home. to be honest not really looking forward to the teenage years either. currently my 2 year sleeps in the bed with us (will not sleep in his own bed) and dh was complaining. i told him one day when he is a teenager and he misses curfew and we have no idea where he is we will wish for the days we knew he was safe and sound in our bed. dh quickly agreed.

jen- oh just go on and get AB, you know you are going to get it eventually;) :7 :p . hope you found your motivation!

ok, off to get my workout on!!
Hi Girls.

After the meeting this afternoon at work I hopped on the TM and ran for 20 mins. I'm trying to put an end to this crazy frustrating issue I am having with it so I started out running uber slow and upped my speed by .1 every 2.50 minutes. I made it from 5.0 to a whopping 5.7. *twirls finger in air and rolls eyes* I really don't get it but I am going to concentrate on trying to fix it. As slow as I was going I had several instances where I felt unsteady and out of control. Luckily I was able to right it before having to stop or slow down though. This is really frustrating me!x(

I never had a chance to do Awaken the Body today. I chose to nap instead. :p Perhaps I'll do it while DH is at bowling tonight. We'll see...

Tomorrow's work out is Iron Core 2 with the kb's. We'll see if I have more crazy leg DOMS come Saturday/Sunday!}(

That's all for now but I'll be back. :)
Oh Sunny, you should give it a try. I don't do the exact choreography of the rounds. My style is more athletic and that's what I'm most comfortable teaching. So, I do what Chalene says to do - "make it your own". The classes seem to really enjoy it and so do I. Sometimes I surprise them and shake it a little - the class gets a kick out of it.

A friend in fitness,

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