Alternatives to lunges????


Active Member
Hi Everybody!
Any suggestions to an alternatiive to the lunge that will target the quads and glutes as well? I injured myself 3 years ago (slid down a flight of stairs on my tailbone) and had serious injury to my hip and tailbone. Everything is fine now but everytime I do a lunge, especially with weights, I get this pain (sciatic?) right on my tailbone region. This is the only uncomfortable feeling I've had working out. With every other leg exercise I do problems at all. Any thoughts?
I get great results from the leg press- HSTA is a great workout with several leg presses that do wonders for the glutes.

Hope that helps, Wendy
Reverse lunges always feel better than forward lunges for me. Or static lunges. Had knee probs for a while. You could try doing them on or off of a 4 inch step too.

Step-ups on a 14 or 16 inch box will do a similar job if they don't bother you. Otherwise, you can do squats for quads and find another exercise for glutes, such as a floor or stability ball exercise.
i also like reverse lunges. i fractured my tailbone too, but thankfully i have zero residual effects. when i forward lunge, i am all over the place, but i have great control, and great range of motion when i dip back! i hope you find a solution.
Safe exercise that is effective on glutes

The stability ball hamstring bridge attacks the glutes and the hamstrings and is very effective although it uses no weights.

How to do it:

Lye on your back with your legs straight, arms on either side of your body, feet on the apex ball (as little of your feet as possible - from calf down or just feet based on your balance). 1. Raise your hips/body so that your body is in one straight line. Your shoulder blades will lift off the ground. Your arms stay on the ground on either side of your body. Hold for a slow 4 count. 2. Use your feet to drag the ball in towards your glutes. Hold for a slow 4 count. 3. Extend your leg back into bridge position ( back to 1). Hold for a slow 4 count. Drop your hips to the floor and relax. Hold for a slow 4 count. This counts as 1 rep. I do 3 sets of 12 and really feel the burn in hamstrings and glutes. (this link shows a similar exercise but not the same so you get an idea

Lying floor work with leg weights is another safe way to target quads and glutes. Karen Voight's Great weighted workout has some effective floor work for glutes and quads.

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