Alternative to slow and heavy



For those of you who recognise my name you may know that I have said before I am a big slow and heavy fan :)

I am looking for a bit of a change to slow and heavy now. However, because of doing s&h I now do not feel that I have worked out unless I exercise each muscle group for about 20 minutes.

Does anyone have any suggestions of any other workouts I could get where you do 12-20 sets per muscle group?. I do have pure strength but I do not like it that much.

Thanks very much
It looks like you should definitely preorder the new Gym Style workouts. They do a lot of sets and spend a lot of time on each muscle. There really isn't anything else already released, other than Pure Strength and Slow and Heavy, that spends 20 minutes per muscle. You might like the Pyramids, they certainly do a lot of reps per muscle, but never more than 12 reps to a set, and never more than 5 sets to a muscle.

If you have the PP/SS DVD, I find I can use the mix n' match menu, repeating the exercises 2 or 3 times each, to get a good workout using this tape, and going way heavier than Cathe. But if you don't already own it, I don't recommmend it.
Hi Andrea:

I like the format of S & H as well. Hands down, its my favorite way of working out, and I always like the results I obtain.

Not sure what Cathe workouts you have, but if you have PUB and the CTX series you could do each bodypart from both of those tapes per day. That would give you about 20 minutes per bodypart. It will be a bit more of an endurance based workout than S & H, but it should hit that bodypart hard that you are working that particular day.

Also, the workouts will work each bodypart a bit differently in that PUB is all dumbbells and the CTX series does some of the exercises with barbells. I would think that would really hit all parts of the muscle group you are working on that day.

Take care, Lynn M.
What I did this past weekend was Pyramid Upper Body, then a couple of segments of S&H bi's and tri's. It kicked my butt. Your fitness level is probably higher than mine, so you would probably want to do more than a couple of sets of the S&H...and you would probably want to combine it with S&H Chest & Back, as well.

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