Good morning Lynn, Becca and all who follow!
Becca, I'm so happy you joined us!! I'm excited about our check-in and scriptural encouragement! I was reading today's Psalm and Proverbs, so I'm including the following scripture:
"A joyful heart makes a cheerful face, But when the heart is sad, the spirit is broken" (Psalm 15:13)
I'll admit that these days I've let some circumstances control my happiness, mainly my frustrations and unhappiness at work. I've lost my focus and therefore, my joy! We CAN be joyful in all things, Amen? It is so true that when you're sad, your spirit feels broken. I need to re-focus my thoughts on things above and the joy I have in Christ!
Today is actually my rest day! I did Boot Camp (the original) on Monday, KPC on Tues and MIS yesterday, so my body is happy with some light stretching today!
Becca, I hear you about the heavy lifting! I'm more into circuits myself! I've been doing a circuit rotation this month with 2 circuits, 2 cardio & 1 total body. My hubby and I just ordered 30 Day Shred, so I'm hoping to start that in February.
God bless!
Becca, I'm so happy you joined us!! I'm excited about our check-in and scriptural encouragement! I was reading today's Psalm and Proverbs, so I'm including the following scripture:
"A joyful heart makes a cheerful face, But when the heart is sad, the spirit is broken" (Psalm 15:13)
I'll admit that these days I've let some circumstances control my happiness, mainly my frustrations and unhappiness at work. I've lost my focus and therefore, my joy! We CAN be joyful in all things, Amen? It is so true that when you're sad, your spirit feels broken. I need to re-focus my thoughts on things above and the joy I have in Christ!
Today is actually my rest day! I did Boot Camp (the original) on Monday, KPC on Tues and MIS yesterday, so my body is happy with some light stretching today!
Becca, I hear you about the heavy lifting! I'm more into circuits myself! I've been doing a circuit rotation this month with 2 circuits, 2 cardio & 1 total body. My hubby and I just ordered 30 Day Shred, so I'm hoping to start that in February.
God bless!
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