My sister called, bless her heart, she’s getting very frustrated with her hair. She has Alopecia on one sides of her head and now a she noticed a tiny spot on top. I told her to wait before buying women Rogaine. I don’t know to much about Rogaine, if it works or not. Has anyone had this problem I’d appreciate any suggestions. Thank you!
Hi, TeddyGirl -
After 41 years on this planet with a very full, thick head of dark hair, I got alopecia areata out of the blue back in early 2003 and lost about 95% of my scalp hair within six weeks. It took about two-three years for the hair follicles that had been rendered non-functional by the alopecia to ramp back up again, and I can see and feel that most, but not all, of my hair-growing has returned. I came to like the bald look fairly early on in the game, so I now keep my head shaved, but I can still see some pure bald areas.
I think your sister needs to see a dermatologist and/or an endocrinologist. However, I'll caution you - in my readings on alopecia, there is a great deal that is unknown about the condition in all its permutations (areata, totalis, universalis), and I saw nothing in my own readings that indicated a reliable treatment for alopecia, including Rogaine. I personally had/have no intention of taking drugs for this, hair being about 99.99% emotion and maybe .01% function (function that can be easily replaced with a wig, scarf or hat). Alopecia is unpredictable, and that can be very, very frustrating. Thankfully, however, it's only about hair and not about health.
You're welcome to PM me if you have any further questions about my own experience. I hope things work out for your sister.