all i want to do is cry


my poor dog can hardly bare any wt on his back legs. I take him for x-rays tomorrow and i am afraid i will have to put him down. he is only 1 1/2yrs old. my kids have been crying,i have been crying. we love him so much. he has the best personality out of all the boxer dogs we have had. he is so good with my kids and he is so lovable to everyone. my heart is breaking because he is a big p;art of our family. nothing is broken, the vet checked two weeks ago. he put him on pain meds to see if it would help and it hasnt. larger dogs are known for hip displasia but i didnt think we would have to worry about it this soon. I just am so sad. my husband says if that is what the vet says it is tomorrow then i need to just do it right then. he says dont stay when they do it. i cant just leave him though.i want him to have someone there but it does make it harder on me to actually see him being put to sleep. i had to put one of my other boxers to sleep 6yrs ago because he had cancer and it was hard to see that. but i am so worried about my kids. they have never had to experience losing anything or anyone they love yet. it is really going to affect them. my sister in law said her small dog was doing the same thing and the meds didnt help him until they put hime on prednisone and she said within days he was doing good,so i will ask the vet about that but i think our problems are different. has anyone else had to experience this?:-(
Dear Laura, I hope you get good news at the vets. It's so hard to lose a pet. They are definatly part of the family.
Oh Laura, I am so sorry. Our pups are so important in our lives. I will pray for your family and your doggie. Please hang in there -Christina
Laura I am so sorry. I have a siamese cat 15 years old and I can't imagine life without my dear cat. He is part of my family. It's the love they share with us that makes the absence so hard, but truly they teach us so much about love. I'm sending lots of love and hugs your way and I will pray for your family and your doggie.

I'm so sorry about your pet. Those little rascals sure do worm their way into out hearts. I'll keep your dog and your family in ly thoughts and prayers.

I'm so sorry about your dog. I have two dogs and I can't imagine losing them. I tell my friends and family they will have to send me with them when they go.
I know how you feel, stay strong and know that your dog will go to a wonderful place and not be in anymore pain. Take a hug for you and one for your dog!:)
That's so sad. I'll keep you all in my thoughts!

I had to put my dog down several years ago. It SUCKS but ya know what? He was suffering and THAT is worse! There is really no other advice I can give you to make it easier...just remember that if you all really love your dog, you need to do what is best for him even if it's what is going to hurt YOU the most!

(((HUGS))) to you and your family!
(((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))) Ugh, this is awful for you and your family. I hope the doctor has something else that you can try.

Consider a second opinion. Vets, like "people doctors" have different thoughts and methods of treatnent. Maybe a different doctor will see something that yours didn't or suggest something that works.

If you have to put him down, do what you feel is right. My mom went with our family dog and stayed with him and she was so glad that she did. It was hard but she just petted him and he went to sleep. It is not painful for them at all and I think it helped her to see that he was at peace.

Good Luck, I will be thinking of you and the puppy today.

My heart goes out to you. I know how pets can become such a large part of our families. Hopefully, there are some meds or other treatment that may help.

I had a cat who I had for 20 1/2 years and putting her to sleep was the hardest thing I ever did (I still get teary eyed thinking about it and it was 7 years ago!). I stayed with her because I didn't want her to die alone and I'm so glad I did. It's hard, but just keep reminding yourself that you love that dog so much that you don't want it to suffer any longer.

Sending hugs,
Ask about Lymes disease. This happened to our Lab and he was diagnosed correctly. Was walking again with hours after meds. Good luck - our dogs are such special members of our family.

{{{Julie}}} {{{puppy}}}
I hope that things aren't as serious as they seem.
Pure breds do seem to run the risk of certain ailments (like hip displasia) more than mixed breeds.
Awww I'm so sorry .I know how you feel ..I've so been there . I dread the next time I go through it ... I will pray for all of you ..Hugs
I'm so sorry to hear about your sad situation. Obviously, there is no right or wrong way in dealing with putting a beloved pet to sleep, as everyone handles loss differently.

I can say, however, that years ago when I had to put down my sweet one year old cat (he had FIP), I did not stay with him for the "procedure". I've regretted it ever since, and I vow that I will be there when it's time to do it for my current kitties.

But again, you've got to do what feels right for you.
Take Care,
he says dont stay when they do it. i cant just leave him
>though.i want him to have someone there but it does make it
>harder on me to actually see him being put to sleep.

I've had to have several cats put to sleep over the years, and those last moments are so hard. But I want to be there with them. To pet them. To tell them that I love them, and to talk about all the wonderful times we've had together. Being able to say goodbye is so important. Don't even pay attention to what the vet is doing, just comfort your puppy when he needs you.

Is there any chance that whatever is wrong with him could be remedied by a 'walker"? I've seen paralysed dogs (who are otherwise in good health and happy) with those devices. Just a thought.
Oh, Laura, I am so sorry. Many years ago it fell to me to take one of our family pets, a lovely peke we had had for 14 years. Everyone was heartsick and no one could bear to do it. I took her, stayed with her and then brought her home for burial. It was very difficult and I cried my heart out all the while but I think I would have been just as sad and torn had I not taken her and I have no regrets though the thought of it still brings tears to my eyes. If you can't bear to stay, don't but if you feel you should, do it. It's one of the most difficult things you will ever do but it may feel like the right thing to do. Your husband is trying to protect you. Listen to your heart and it will guide you.
Elves rule!"

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
Oh, Laura. I'll be thinking about you (and crying a little bit too) until you give us an update. My cats just came up on the computer as I was typing this, so it seems they want to help, too. Many many hugs for you and all in your family.
thank you , all of you. I will ask about lyme disease,if its that hopefully it wont be too late. this has been going on for about 6weeks. they did tell me his liver count was up a little bit. i dont know if that has anything to with that or not. I will ask about prednisone or however it is spelled also. I will update you all tomorrow afternoon. I drop him off for xrays in the morning and then have to come back around 11:00 so i will know then. keep your fingers crossed for him and say a little prayer,we love him sooo much!!! thanks again, laura

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