Aging Skin Questions


Hi Educated Group, Just wanted to know if anyone has any expertise on what kind of creams, dermatological chemical peels, etc, for aging skin? I am going to be 40 and would like to turn back the clock a little without surgery. Thanks.:D
I'm no expert, but I'm doing whatever I can, short of surgery, to keep things looking as young as possible. I'm lucky that I don't have much in the way of wrinkles (not a sun-bunny), but gravity is no friend! And what's with those weird folds that suddenly pop up around the mouth?

I think a microdermabrasion-type product (I like the vitamin-C infusing ones by Philosophy and Serious Skin Care) is an essential, as are serums (they are lighter products that go on before moisturizers and contain concentrated amounts of stuff good for your skin). Some ingredients to look for: vitamin C (Philosophy has a powdered version that you mix with moisturizer before using so it retains its potency), alpha-lipoic-acid (one of the most powerful antioxidants), DMAE, hyaluronic acid, Co-Q 10.

I have used products by Philosophy, Diane Young, Dr. Denese (all on QVC) and Serious Skin Care (HSN).

Take a look at this month's copy of "More" magazine, with Diane keaton on the cover. It has an article on just this problem if I remember correctly.

Retinol is another ingredient to look out for, used in ROC creams.

Basically, as you age, the cream gets thicker. But depending on your skin type, this may be a difficult process of trial and error to find a cream that's not too thick it causes break outs on oily, acne prone skin like mine, and not too thin to be of any use to you.

I am using a couple right now both of which I like. They are a Co Q 10 cream by Avalon Cosmetics, an organic cream available in health Food Stores and Whole Food Stores, and Olay's Total Effects with Niacin. Neither makes me break out, but I can only use the Olay at night, it's too thick for me to use by day. The Avalon cream suits me perfectly, sinks in quickly and I recommend it, my skin is beautifully smooth with it.

I am frightened of chemical peels. I saw the "Sex and the City" episode where Samantha had one and looked like she'd been roasted on a spit. Skin wasn't made to go through that.

Now is the time to concentrate on that delicate eye area, and Olay's Regenerist Eye cream is supposed to be good for this. I have seen it recommended in several magazines recently. I am going to try it myself.


what serums do you use? How do you use them? What type of skin do you have? Do they cause break outs? Thanks!

Hi Pam,

I am very "into" and read a lot about makeup and skin care. I used to work for Prescriptives and was able to sample many products from other lines. When I worked for Px, I found that many people were either addicted to or hated their Super Line Preventer serum ( Lancome has a nice range of products but many contain fragrances that may irritate some people. Clinique & Estee Lauder seemed to be popular for basics. Dr. Perricone's products were also becoming very popular. I wish it were easier, but it's usually all about finding what works for you.

Here's a link to Oprah's interview with dermatologist Pat Wexler about ThermaCool laser treatment:

Also, I've heard lots of hype about StriVectin but haven't had any experience with it. On the expensive side and was apparently created for stretch marks but works well on wrinkles: and

There are also prescription products like Renova that are supposed are supposed to improve wrinkles and texture:

My personal favorite skin care brands are Ole Henriksen and DDF: and
Both of these lines are also available at Sephora:
DDF seems to have more products geared toward aging than Ole Henriksen, but I have found both to be true to their claims as far as the products I've used.

Finally, here's a link to Cosmetic Connection, a website with tons of product reviews categorized by brand:

Good luck!!!
Since I turned 40, I noticed the little lines under my eyes getting a bit deeper so now I just started using Copper Peptide CP night eyes premier by skin biology. Also, my skin has become very sensitive to alot of products like Oil of Olay, Avon, etc. So now I am using Jojoba oil/Emu oil as a moisterizer. The Emu oil is the closest to the skins own sebum so it penetrates deep down. I use Origins cleanser but I am going to switch to an aloe vera cleanser for sensitive skin once this runs out. I also use the CP serum from skin biology. Ofcoarse upping your water and vegetable intake will help too.
I've noticed, since my hormones have been all over the place, that my skin's really been suffering, too. Even though I've been slathering on the potions and creams - currently using Merle Norman stuff - it seems really dry and has lost its elasticity. When I smile, I can see wrinkles/creases at the tops of my cheeks under my eyes. Also seeing a lot more in the undereye area, too. It's almost like I've aged overnight. Very discouraging on top of the other hormone-related problems I've been having. (I'm 37.)

I was wondering if anyone saw any skin improvements when getting on low dose birth control pills?

Hi Pam, I've been on Retin-A off and on a long time. Off and on because I live here in Texas, so I don't use it in the summer when the heat can burn off one's skin so easily. But it's been really good at controlling the onset of wrinkles. I also use a peel that my mom sends me from abroad, which is great in bringing out the younger skin underneath in about a week.. The problem with it, however, is that for a while you will look like you're molting.

My problem is my undereye area. Since I can't slather on Retin-A or a chemical peel there, the lines are really having a ball spawning out there.:)

There's a glycolic peel kit you can buy at They have great products that last a long time. I have the 40% kit that I use when I tire of "molting". The peel sloughs off your skin without peeling it completely and keeps it soft. It took me about three weeks to see a difference.

Hi Pam,

I know you've already received a lot of advice on this topic but I'd thought I'd share mine as well. I am 38 and have noticed changes in my skin over the last couple of years. I am getting brown spots on my face (due to sun damage) and I have about 5 or 6 tiny broken capillaries. I am planning on getting a photo facial to take care of those issues and have an appointment with a dermatologist next week. I went to see an esthetician two weeks ago for a consultation and she said that I would be a good candidate for the photo facial as well as microdermabrasion. The only problem I had was with the cost. It would be $1,100 for the facial (which uses a laser)$115 for each microdermabrasion treatment and of course, she recommended a skincare line that was similar to Perricone's which would have set me back another $350. OUCH! I decided to do some more research and that is why I am going to the dermatologist. I would like to get her opinion as well. Other than the problems I mentioned above, I have decent skin and I use all over the counter products.


How are you doing? I've been wondering if you saw the doctor and what you decided to do.

I had mixed reactions on the pill. They first put me on Alesse and I started having breakouts. The doctor switched me to Mircette and my skin improved. Evidentely, it was the progestin that was causing the problems I was having. Now, however, I am noticing more dryness as I get closer to menopause, but my skin looks better if that makes sense.

I use Renova which contains Retin-A but it also has moisturisers in it so it's not as harsh. But, I only use it about once a week to help slough off dead skin cells.

I understand the tricyclic BC pills work really well for skin. I also understand there is now a tricyclic pill in the low dose version.

I feel I am your twin sister! I am going through exactly the same as you with dropping and fluctuating hormone levels and I too am horrified suddenly by what I see in the mirror. I have aged overnight too. It's awful. I'm 38 and suddenly feel aged 55.

Tell me: did you manage to get a visit to see a specialist/gynecologist? What happened? Any useful info and insight, recommendations come out of it?

Any and all info helps!

Clare, have you decided on a treatment for your sypmtoms yet? I know what you guys are going through. It's a really tough time.
When I turned 40 I went to my dermotologist and she advised me to use a cleanser for dry skin, Renova (or Retin A) and sunscreen. After I wash my face, I wait a minimum of 1-2 hours before I apply the Renova ( it was very irratating at first). My skin peeled in the beginning but it no longer does that. Using a sunscreen is very important if you use Renova. Like Pinky, I won't use the Renova during the summer because I am outdoors more and the sun and the heat really irratated my skin last summer so I will switch to an over the counter moisturizer again til next Fall.
In the a.m, I use a vitamin C serum (from Serious Skin Care) because vitamin C is great for collagen. At night, I use a serum called "Save me" from Philosophy that contains retinol (a form of vitamin A) peptides (they're supposed to be good, but I don't know what they are, LOL) and some other stuff. I've also tried three serums from Dr. Denese (QVC). One is for firming, the other for wrinkle reduction, and the third for moisturizing, but they seemed to cause me to break out after a while.

Serums usually go on after cleansing and before moisturizing, since you are supposed to put skin care lotions and creams and "stuff"on in this order: water-like textures first, then gels, then lotions then creams.
Ex sun goddess here! Here's what I use.

Gentle cleanser- something not too drying. REALLY like Paula's Choice cleansers.

Topical exfoliant- either an AHA or a BHA to help exfoliate dead layers of skin cells to bring up healthy new skin. Some research has shown a stimulation of collagen by doing this. I use Paula's Choice 1% BHA lotion for day and 2% Hydrquinone/BHA gel at night (Hydroquinone helps lighten dark patches and uneven skin tone).

Good eye cream- I love Christian Dior Capture Ride for eyes.

Daytime SPF- The most important daytime step. Good ones to consider are Paula's Choice Daytime SPF 15, Clinique Repairware SPF 15 Cream or lotion, Prescriptives All You Need+ broad spectrum SPF 15 Cream or lotion.

Night cream- For evening hydration. Clinique Repairware Night cream or Prescriptives Super Line Preventor cream.

Anti-oxidant serum- to prevent free radical damage. I LOVE the Paula's Choice Anti-Oxidant serum for this. Skin feels like silk once this is absorbed!

Since I also suffer from acne I use a topical disinfectant (Benzoyl Peroxide) once a day.

That's it. I have to give myself props and say that I have wonderful skin that I get frequent compliments on.
Hi Clare,

Paula's Choice is available at (there's even a special $3 flat rate for shipping this month). Here are the products I like and would recommend. I used to be such a product snob and thought I could only get good results from expensive products. These products proved me SO wrong!

Cleansers- One Step Cleanser for Normal/Dry, Skin Balancing Cleanser (if you have more of a T-zone), or Skin Recovery Cleanser (for very dry skin).
Exfoliants/Skin Lighteners- 1% Beta Hydrody Lotion (day), Clearly Remarkable Skin Lightening Gel (evening).
Daytime SPF- Essential Moisturizing Sunscreen SPF 15, Normal to Dry
Anti-Oxidant serum- Super Anti-Oxidant Concentrate

Prescriptives is a line that can be found in most major department stores, at, and The products I like from this line include

Daytime SPF- All You Need+ Broad Spectrum Sunscreen Cream (for drier skin) or lotion (for normal to dry skin)
Night cream- Super Line Preventor + Cream
Thanks Sabine, that's super! Do I take it you are a dry skin person?! I'm at the opposite end of the spectrum: oily and acne prone, now with amassing wrinkles. Pleasant! I will definitely check out these ranges and see what they have for me. Thanks.

Your welcome Clare,

My skin type is not typical. I can get very dry in the winter months, combination to oily in the summer months, I have struggled with acne in the past, I can be very sensitive to products, and I'm having to deal with sun damage from my sun goddess days. OY!

The Paula's products for combination/oily skin are great. She has this awesome mask that doesn't make your skin feel like the sahara when you take it off. Also, because her products don't cost the world it's not a huge investment to give her stuff a try. Finally, she has a very generous return policy.
Have you checked out Arbonne International( Their products are 100% cruelty free and contain no animal by products or nasty things like mineral oil. They have a line aimed at reducing aging signs ( This is some good stuff. Check it out. You can get some real good deals - I'm an indpendent consultant and can tell you more about the stuff if you want. Or you can find a consultant closer to you through the website (I think you can order through the website too). The website has good info plus I can send you some more info, if you are interested. Good luck!

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