After Cathe...Is Everyone Else Too Easy?


Has anyone found that after sticking with Cathe for a while, other instructors' workouts are not challenging enough?

I've been mixing in other DVDs in my rotation, and I'm finding that I want more after the workout has ended!

Anyone else?
I'm going through the exact same thing, and have pretty much given up on the rest of my DVD collection. Cathe simply gives me everything I am looking for in fitness, no need to look elsewhere.

Cathe is the instructor I reach for the most for many reasons, but I can be challenged with workouts like P90X, Barry's Bootcamp and Amy Bento. Have you tried any of them?
Billy Blanks early Live Taebo videos still take me to my limits--just like Cathe. That's about it though. Amy Bento's Hi Lo Extreme might do it too. It's on my "hmmmmm...." list.

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
Come to think of it, I think this question should be moved over to the Open Discussion forum as we're discussing other instructors, not really talking about Cathe workouts...:)
I don't think so, because a lot of step workouts by others, such as Christi Taylor, have their own style of moves and technique, laying steps down, etc. Cathe for me is the most advanced, yet I find Cathe's stepping technique far easier to pick up than say Christi taylors.

Having said that, I seem to always do cathe on a daily basis, and rarely use anyone elses w/outs.
>Come to think of it, I think this question should be moved
>over to the Open Discussion forum as we're discussing other
>instructors, not really talking about Cathe workouts...:)

Thats true ! Ooops ! :D
I do nothing but Cathe, treadmill and trail running. That's it.

I tried another instructor lately and hated the style. I lasted about 10 minutes. Sent the DVD back (NetFlix is awesome!!) and returned to my trusty Cathe dvds.

I'm in a quandry now about pre-ordering the 4 day split series since it's the last day. I really only want 2 of the workouts so I'm thinking to wait for the workout blender. It's a perfect excuse to buy a video iPod. ;)


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