
Anyone here stay in a marriage/ relationship where your significant other had a physical or emotional affair say 10 - 11 years into it? Mine, as you remember said he was depressed...stayed out at night...i found phone records and text messages. says they were just friends and nothing more. he misses talking with her - but misses all about me. i just found out and I can't just act like it never happened. in fact, last weekend I hit rock bottom and scared my family - i was drinking and not wanting to "be around" anymore. I feel stronger about that - no one will control me like that again....but I love him. I miss him....but I don't know how to go on. I keep thinking of it - all the times he wasn't himself and ran errands by himself, there's several phone calls. says he does love me..hmmm


Two things no woman should ever allow herself to get so down about that she'd consider "not going on": When she loses money (people kill themselves over money... are you kidding???) and when your man leaves. Yea, you miss him and all the experiences you had with him but there are just too many good men out there to open you up to new experiences which you will also come to love. As opposed to wasting one more minute pining for someone who thought it was okay to risk your mental and emotional health, as well as your life (HIV... hello!) by bringing other people into what you've come to understand is an EXCLUSIVE RELATIONSHIP.

You have friends who love you and support from people who care so pull yourself together and move forward!

BTW, him telling you she's "good looking" because he "just wants to be honest" makes me want to smack him hard. A**hole. Talk about passive/aggressive manipulation. Forget about bugging Her. HE's the problem and he's loving having two women obsessing over him SO DON'T. Drop it and he'll be standing around like 'What happened... she's not freaking out..." Make HIM feel like the loser.
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You ladies are tremendous...I thank you all from the bottom of my heart!!! Excellent advice and support and I appreciate it!

I continue to ask him to go to counseling and he says he doesn't believe in it. However, I'm still going for me. Also, what I was doing was not working (catering to his every need and begging him to stay....) so I changed it and noticed now when he says "it's over, you can't get past this..." I just simply say, "ok" or when he says, "you want me to leave the house again tonight?" and I say, "I don't care" he's changing - freaking a bit. I spent way too many nights alone worried about him when he wasn't home and was on the couch (texting her...) - so for him to be now mad at me for being distant in bed is crazy. He says he does not want to live like this - distant from me...says she was his support network but he's also angry my family found out --- hey, i need support, too....he says that put the nail in the coffin because my family will not love or support him again. Then he apologizes. I told him they would if they see us happy and work through it and I know they would - he's been awesome for many years. I continue to ask why he couldn't come to me and told him if he doesn't figure out why, it'll happen again. He continues to say he doesn't know why it happened. He told me last night I'm the love of his love.

he says I'm distant - well...I need more than a few days. On Christmas when he said he'd make a decision about us (mind you, I didn't know about her then...) I put it all behind and tried to have a nice Holiday week with him. Now I find out about her, he's not giving me time. I told him when he says he's still not 100% "right" (depressed he says) - he's been that way for 5 months....I'm in the first week!!

I did wake up and said, NO WAY will anyone have that kind of power over me to make me stupid.....or do stupid things...NO WAY. I'm much stronger of a woman - but the feelings and the alcohol that night pushed me over the edge - my rock bottom so to speak. Never again. I've made that promise to myself!

Also, it does bug me that a woman would do this to another woman. Again, he's 43, I'm 38 (39 in a few weeks) and she's 31... What gall does she have? I know it's him, too - but I keep wondering that - women know the pain another woman would feel!

I don't know what will happen. He wants me to be all normal ASAP and I can't. I don't feel like kissing him, I don't feel like saying I love you - right now just trying to be in the same room with him is a start, I'm digesting a lot of info. I just don't know how to act.

Thanks again for listening!
I just checked our cell phones on line.

she called him again this morning. he said he told her NOT to call anymore.............. a one minute call, he maybe didn't answer....

I sent him a message asking why and saying that I need to see an actual text message from him to her tell her to leave us alone......(he said he did last Friday, but of course deleted it).

Funny they didn't figure out other ways to talk...prepaid cellular, pay phone. They are not thinking smart....

sorry, had to vent...
I just sent him worried I made him mad, but have to be strong, told him tonight we will workout and then make dinner together and eat at the table as a family.

"It’s been about you and what you needed for the last 6 months and you chose another relationship to help get through it. You chose those actions and those come with consequences

Now it has to be about me, not my fault or responsibility in this, but how I’m feeling. I have a right to feel angry, sad, mad…doesn’t mean I’ll always feel like that, but I need to feel it now….

It can only be healed if you allow you and me time to heal. Coming to grips with what happened…getting it to be something that doesn’t consume me 24 hours per day. You need to figure out what was lacking in your life that she was the band aid for…and fix that.

Keep in mind, there’s no greater feeling of the falling in love stage – nothing sets you off about each other, you laugh, you don’t know everything about each other, etc.….but that’s not real love….you need to understand that and what we had together.

I need to get through this now. Am I saying it’s over, no. I’m not saying that – you are though… Yelling does us no good. We need to heal."
Don't worry that you made him mad. He made you mad, and he has to deal with it. What he did was wrong, and he knows it. You can't blame the other woman either - it's his responsibility to respect you, not hers. She doesn't even know you. Women do horrible things to each other - just ask around here how many who have been stabbed pretty hard by coworkers. But this woman...she did nothing to you - he did.

Don't give in to his stupid games either. My husband tried that crap with me (he's passive aggressive too). He'd go out without saying anything, and I'd ask my DD where he was - she also didn't know he'd left. It didn't bother me that he went out, I was glad, but it did bother me that he didn't say anything to his daughter. I never said anything to him about it, just pretended it didn't happen - or that I didn't notice. It was actually kind of fun for me. He does these things to get a reaction out of you, so if you don't give him one, he'll stop.

Keep going to the counselling. It's good for you and that's what is important now. I know this guy who writes songs, and your last post reminds me of one of his. He wrote it after his girlfriend broke up with him out of the blue, and he was having a hard time dealing with it. "You got you without me. I just got me without you." You'll adjust, and you're right to tell him you need time, so he has to be a little more understanding and patient.
Get ready for Hell...

If you think that this is hard NOW; wait until it happens the second time.

You'd think this would give you at least a taste...but you have NO idea what you are in for if you trust again. This only has to happen a SINGLE time, and the entire paradigm of the relationship is changed.

You need to understand this if you decide to stay together: Your relationship is now "OPEN"...and if you ever allow yourself to HOPE or TRUST that it could be otherwise, you WILL regret it. I'm very sorry for your loss, but just because you have BEEN compromised; doesn't mean that you have TO compromise.

You could stay together, of course. The 2 of you may in fact still have something to offer each other, but never what you always thought or wanted. Don't buy into your partner's DOUBLE-STANDARD...that is just another tool that they use to render you worthless. As in: "I'm allowed to do this, but not you." Your partner's feelings about YOU being with other people are completely irrelevant, now that they have done it.

I think your signature says it best: "What you do to one side, you do to the other".

One more thing: If the two of you are still screwing; PROTECT YOURSELF. And even if you were protecting yourself all along; GET TESTED for sexually transmitted doesn't matter that your partner claimed it was not physical, of course they would say that. If your partner is willing to risk your feelings, they will cheerfully risk your body and health at the same time.

I wish you luck whatever you decide to do...but whether you stay together, or not: Don't believe, trust, hope, or compromise. NEVER ALLOW YOURSELF TO SEE YOUR RELATIONSHIP AS YOU ONCE DID will regret it. I am sorry.

I am very reluctant to criticize another member's post, because that always seems to open a can of worms, but I need to say something about this Diseased Filth post. It's obviously from someone who has just popped on to cause trouble...probably just joined right now, has had only one post, and has a pretty nasty sense of humor. Not to mention, a very tacky way of putting things.
I continue to ask him to go to counseling and he says he doesn't believe in it.
This says it all, doesn't it? If he wanted to make it work, and if being with you mattered more than anything else in the entire world, he'd go to counseling.

I'm sorry, but he's manipulating you. He's also apparently using his "depression" to justify his behavior.

You deserve better.
Agree with above

I will never understand how someone who has betrayed another and says they want another chance then thinks they have the right to "not believe" in the counseling their victim is asking to share in!!! My brother is currently doing this to my sister-in-law, who is trying to mend their marriage after SEVERAL of his affairs :( He is finally in the counseling with her, but sadly is at best trying to warp it to his ends, and at worst just not taking it seriously. I love my brother, but he has problems that probably must be addressed before he can have a productive and happy relationship with anyone. I agree with the word manipulation - with my brother it is the same. He seems more interested in controlling my SIL's behavior than in having a life of his own.
I am angry this man is doing this to you!! And as far as the woman goes, I wouldn't even engage - she is NOT your problem. Your husband may be, depending on how you decide to proceed with him, but she is NOT!! In my opinion either your husband entirely disengages with this woman or he should be gone - he may decide to be her victim but you don't have to! Tell him to change his cell and email address; further communication of any kind - even one-sided on her part -demonstrates a commitment to her at the expense of his commitment to you!!! I cannot imagine expecting anyone to tolerate that kind of behavior in a relationship for any reason.
I am sorry you are going through this but you are NOT alone - so many women, and men, deal with exactly the same thing.
I am sorry your husband is not honoring you as he promised he would when he married you! This is a shortcoming in him and not in you. Just because you are good to someone and honor your commitment does not mean they will appreciate you as they should.
You and your husband are in my prayers.
Girl, that man is a train wreck. He has to go and you have to move on. The sooner you quit him the sooner you can build a life on a foundation of truth and happiness. The more you write about him the more I find myself scratching my head. NOBODY needs this kind of stupid drama. Continue with this circus and you'll wind up so angry you wasted valuable minutes of your life on this clown.

BTW, you have no idea what crap he's telling The Other Girl and, as a single woman, I can tell you it's so easy to fall for this stuff - if you don't have enough experience under your belt to know there are always two sides. I can't tell you how many times there was an attraction of sorts for me and then, I meet his significant other and she turns out to be FABULOUS. It's happened enough that it's become my rule that he must be completely free first. However, if you're bugging the heck out of The Other and he's telling her you're unstable... you're helping him to manipulate her, as well. Please stop. You may find cutting all ties difficult but you will eventually be so glad you didn't let yourself turn into someone else. Hang on to your dignity. Pull out now, cut ties, and move forward without regret.
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I am very reluctant to criticize another member's post, because that always seems to open a can of worms, but I need to say something about this Diseased Filth post. It's obviously from someone who has just popped on to cause trouble...probably just joined right now, has had only one post, and has a pretty nasty sense of humor. Not to mention, a very tacky way of putting things.

I don't think that the advice I give is really so bad...

-Testing for sexually transmitted diseases? Most modern infidelity-recovery books would recommend this; as would anyone who has been infected by an unfaithful partner. But then some people think that you can only get AIDS in Africa.

-Not trusting again when the partner is blatantly showing signs of still doing it, or doing it again; or refusing to "own" their behaviour? Even the most heartsick victim of infidelity would have to agree that this makes sense. Do you really believe that there is no way this could happen again, given what we’ve been told? You think that this gets easier to deal with if it happens more than once? Or that your relationship is ever the same after it happens even just once?

I wish that this were just my sense of humor.

When someone is recovering from something like this, they are in an unbelievably vulnerable state. Often they NEED to believe that it can work out, because that is the only thing keeping them together. Naturally, this very vulnerability is exploited by the unfaithful partner; often repeatedly over the years. The very things that you cling to, that you believe are keeping you going: Hope; Sentimentality; Love; Romance …these are the greatest weaknesses at this time, but also OVER time. Sometimes people really do stay together after infidelity…but if you let yourself believe that things are back to “normal” (which is generally what the unfaithful partner desires) you will suffer much more the next time it happens.

If my posting seems coarse, it is because I know what it is like; and I know how much worse it is the second time. You cannot discuss a violation this brutal and ugly with any honesty, unless there is some coarseness in your words. I truly wish the first time I found out, that someone had tried to talk some sense into me like this.

I know what it is like to be punished for doing everything you always thought was “right”…punished for forgiving; punished for believing; punished for trusting; punished for being vulnerable; punished for being gentle; punished for loving. Perhaps that will buy me the rights to a little cynicism…or perhaps now is not the time for niceties. Like I said, I truly wish the first time I found out, that someone had tried to talk some sense into me.

Or, I could just be a troll, and Tygra’s partner could be your prince charming. That is often how it works.

As for “worm-cans” and “causing trouble”; it is never the one declared the “troll” who causes trouble; but the people who try to bait other posters into public disagreements at inappropriate times and places; for their own self-aggrandizement. Or it may be that some are more concerned about the forums politically correct atmosphere, than they are about sharing practical advice on a very disturbing and painful topic. I will not fight you. I cannot INVEST any more hope here either.

I have said what I had to say. It is the soundest advice offered thus far from someone who speaks from experience. (It occurs to me that this could be one of those times where someone does not even want HELP at all; but SUPPORT…but I cannot in good conscience lend support to something like this, knowing how it ends.) I am trying to be the voice for Tygra that I did not have after the first time I found out...Try to imagine: After INVESTING all of that pain; what will you do when it happens again? How will you feel? It is so very easy to believe that it can be different for you, because you NEED to believe it…but after being fooled the second time, you will realize that even if it HAD worked out, it is just not worth the risk. If you decide to stay together, do not INVEST your hope again.

Good luck, Tygra.

It was the tacky "if you're still screwing" to which I was referring. This is not that kind of forum and we try to keep it a little less crass around here.

As for your opinion and experience, I'm sorry you went through that, but it doesn't mean everyone does. The majority do...sure...this guy probably isn't the best catch in the world. But it's a husband and not just a boyfriend, so it's not the easiest thing to end it. I've been trying for over a year just to get a separation agreement - it's expensive, it's annoying, and for's painfu. We're just trying to get her to realize that yeah, things can be better if they are addressed.

If he is clinically depressed, then THAT is the first step to dealing with this. He needs help from a doctor. As someone who has experience with depression, it's amazing what happens when you get on the right medication and all of a sudden, you realize what life used to be like before you were sick. He's missing something in his life, whether she wants to be the one to stick through the stuff that has to happen to help him find it is her decision - and kind of what we say when we say "in sickness and in health". I won't get into that debate because I was the one who ended our marriage - but my husband didn't have mental issues. I just didn't love him anymore. Having friends who've had severe depression, a family member who committed suicide from it, and a little personal experience as a new mom with thyroid disease, make me want to have those who love them stick with them a little bit.

This is why I don't ask for others opinions on what I should do. I just tell them what I'm going to do, because too many people put their own one-sided experience in the pot as The Truth. Everyone's experience is different and only the people living know what is right for them. Medical help for the husband and unbiased professional counseling for the couple is what she should be considering. Whether or not he wants to take the steps to make their lives happier is unknown - and will be a big indication of how serious he is about the marriage.
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