Aerobic Steps to buy


New Member
Hello. I just was introduced to your tapes from a friend, and they have been great. I've done Maximum Intensity Strength and love it, and now am starting to do some of your cardio tapes - specifically Power Max and Step Works. One problem is I don't have a stepper. After looking at your website I saw you use and have links to The Step (by Escalade?.) I've looked around at the vendors listed by the links you provided and can only find one of the products at a local chain - the blue and pink or green and purple original health club step. I was going to buy it but saw that in your newer tapes (?) you are using a revised or different version of the product - the Super Step. It's black and grey and the risers are very large. I just love the look of it and 'think' that it would serve me well. I've found it online for just under $100.00 ($99.49 which includes s&h) I wanted to know if you find that this new Super Step, which costs a little more, is good investment given that the regular health club Step sells anywhere from $69 to $89 online and at local vendors (chains mostly) or is there really much of a difference. I have a small area to work in, live in an apartment, I have no bench and always have to improvise. I just want to buy the best aerobic step because I really love your tapes and am tired of doing them on the floor and I don't want to find out in a few months I should have gone for the gusto and bought the super step. I have in the past done mostly floor tapes (kickboxing) and The Firm which I still love and do often. I use two smaller box steps for that. I love all weight tapes and do them regularly too. I can't find any reviews of this new Super Step Bench. What do you think of it?
I think the Super Step (in Power Hour or Slow and Heavy) can only be used as a weight bench, not aerobics bench. However, the platform itself (without the risers) can be used as an aerobics bench. If I am not mistaken, the Super Step platform is about 5.5" height. So if you buy the Super Step, you could use it as an aerobics bench at ONLY 5.5"... no height variation. I do not own one, but I heard it is a good weight bench, more stable when inclined.

I have The Step, it's an aerobic bench and can be used as a weight bench. The platform is 4", so you could adjust your bench height from 4", 6", 8", etc. Personally, I think it's a better aerobics bench just because of the height adjustment. When you are starting out or learning a tape, you could use 4". Usually I use 6", but on occassions, I do increase it to 8". For weight bench, I bought extra risers to increase the height to 12". BTW, The Step bench also comes in black platform and gray risers... if that's your color preference. You can get them (if they are not out of stock) at for $65 or for $70.

THANK YOU! I hadn't looked at Fitness 1st. They are $20 cheaper than SportsUnlimited - the vendor I had planned to use. Online, the Super Step is described as an aerobic step and bench, so I thought it would be okay. But you (and a friend who told me the same thing you did) are right regarding its limits as an aerobic step. Thanks again.
THANK YOU! I hadn't looked at Fitness 1st. They are $20 cheaper than SportsUnlimited - the vendor I had planned to use. Online, the Super Step is described as an aerobic step and bench, so I thought it would be okay. But you (and a friend who told me the same thing you did) are right regarding its limits as an aerobic step. Thanks again.
Hi Mguzman!

Could you post where you found the SuperStepper online for just under $100.00? I have two on backorder and have my option to cancel it. They are a bit higher priced. Do you know if the place you found them have them in stock? Thanks so much for any info.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Hi Mguzman!

Hi Debbie:

Karen Voight has the Super Step on her website for $ 89. Thought that's a pretty good price, was gonna buy it myself, however, my credit card needs a rest! Maybe next month.

Hi Carola!

Thank you for the suggestion. I called their 1-800 # and their SuperSteps are also backordered for a couple weeks! :-( If anyone knows of a place that has them in stock now, I'd appreciate the info.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Hi Mguzman!

According to 'Stepping Fool' (Haslina) who responded first,
you can get them (if they are not out of stock) at for $65 or for $70.
I originally was going to purchase them at
for $86.99 + $12.50 for s&h which right under $100.00
They also (along with are backordered until the end of June? I went ahead and placed my order at fitness1st since they have the best price. The problem of these steps being out of stock is due to a poor transition when Bollinger's "The Step" was bought by Escalade Sports. I contacted Escalade, and they assured me that the delay won't be much longer, however only time will tell. Wishing you well with your purchase, thanks!

RE: Hi Mguzman!


If I'm not mistaken, fitness1st carries the aerobic step (i.e. The Step) not the Super Step. And the price I quoted was for the aerobic step (The Step). I have not looked at their site lately, but they used to only carry the aerobic step.

I also noticed a lot of people complaining about The Step and Super Step are backordered due to the transition. I saw somebody was selling a used aerobic step in Firm Ya Yas swap for $40 (1 platform and 1 set of risers) + $20 shipping. I don't think this is any cheaper, but at least you could get your hands on it. You could get extra risers at for $15/pr.

RE: Super Step Bench

Just got mine from Palos Sports for $87 includes shipping & handling now that's the cheapest I seen it. It also came with the ABLASTER. I got it in less than a week . It's has the Bollinger name on the side. I also ordered The Original Step for me. My old man (dh) liked the Super Step alot and I wanted the original one because of 4, 6, 8 increments.
Club size step

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-28-02 AT 07:11PM (Est)[/font][p]If any one else is looking for the full size step,
Wal-Mart online is also selling "the original health club step" for $57.84. Their website says it's in stock. I don't want to hijack the thread, but if anyone has ordered one from wal-mart, will you let us know how the quality is? Specifically, if the mat is peeling up. I'm also curious if the quality will be better now that Escalade is taking over.
RE: Club size step

I saw The Step at Sports Authority for 50.00. I use that as my weight bench. I also just recently purchased the aerobic step cube from " A Novel Notion" for 108.00. It's a 14" square wooden box that goes from 4 to 14" 's (in 2" incraments). I haven't received it yet so I don't know if I like it or not.
RE: Club size step

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-29-02 AT 09:02AM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-29-02 AT 09:00 AM (Est)[/font]

I'd be very interested to hear what you think of the Novel Notion box when you get it! I believe The Step at Sports Authority is $69.99:

Looks like Wal-mart is the winner for the lowest price at $57.84. (I love to shop for other people because I get to shop without actually spending any money!)

RE: Club size step

Awhile back there were a few posts about some people that had purchased an aerobic step at K-Mart that came with a Cathe step tape. I was suprised and went scouring the KMarts and Walmarts here in Phoenix. I don't remember the size of the step they said was included.

Today, after seeing the post on Sports Authority, I went to my local store and they did have the Original Step for 69.00. On the cover, it said it included a video of some step even had it pictured. But when I got home and opened the box, a Cathe tape fell out!! It was "ALL STEP". Don't know why it didn't say that on the cover, but it definitly was a plus. And NO shipping charges. So I got the step and a tape for 70.00....pretty good....

For those that purchased their Cathe tapes at KMART, is this what you purchased as well, or did it say on the box a Cathe tape was included???
RE: Club size step

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-30-02 AT 00:36AM (Est)[/font][p]naughtoj-
Sorry I was off on the price at Sports Authority. I live in Mesa. It's a small world after all. LOL.

I will definitely post on how I like the step cube.
naughtoj-- 2 questions

naughtoj, if you don't mind answering 2 questions, I'd really appreciate it! What color is the step you got? I've been seeing in all the pictures for it that it's still teal. I bought mine 2 years ago and it's grey with black risers. They told me then that they were phasing out the teal steps.
But more importantly, is the mat on it intact? I've been hearing that some people got their step straight out of the box with the mat peeling up. I hope that that is not the case for you!
p.s. Sure, I need another step, it IS a DIFFERENT color!
RE: naughtoj-- 2 questions

The step is teal and black on top, with fuscia risers. Yes, I believe it is the old style,but in perfect condition!! If my mat was peeling, you bet I would take it back and complain!! It really was a great deal with the tape and all, so if you have a Sports Authority, I definitly would get one....
RE: naughtoj-- 2 questions

Firm it up...
I don't think I even paid attention to how much you said it was on your first post. I was not dissapointed with the price. More than I would like to pay for a bunch of plastic, but oh well! I would be inerested to know how the Novel Notion step works out...isn't that a step for "sit and stands" and not aerobic work?? Perfectly square instead of rectangular, isn't it???
RE: naughtoj-- 2 questions

I use my step for a weight bench and for my step tapes (step heat, step jam, cardio step challenge). But I got the step cube for the various levels the Firm uses. It's better than buying multiple stools from this store and that.
RE: naughtoj-- 2 questions

A stool is used a few times in the PS series, where the DVD says you need a stool between 10"-17", but the 17" height is just used for sitting. Extra step risers would do the same job. I'm interested in the Novel Notion box because I don't have a step, and now that I've heard that Cathe doesn't make any low impact step workouts, I may not ever get one. :-(

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