Aerobic Index - Higher Hear Rate


In order to use our work fitness center, I had to undergo a fitness evaluation. While I scored extremely high on the strength and flexibility tests, my aerobic index was under average (based on some YMCA criteria inclining the treadmill and measuring HR).

I've been doing your tapes at least twice a week for a while now (LOVE the new ones!), in addition to taking a very intense kickboxing class twice a week for about a year. I do strength workouts on top of that. Prior to that, I was doing the FIRM workouts, and have always been in what I thought was pretty good shape (I'm 40, 5'6", 128 lbs), and have always exercised. My heart rate does get very high, and has as long as I've been measuring it with a HRM (about 2.5 years now). When working very hard, it is in the range of 165 - 180bpm. When undergoing fertility treatments for 2 years recently, they checked EVERYTHING, including my thyroid, so I don't believe there is anything physically wrong with me - I just don't seem to be getting in better shape aerobically.

To cut to the chase, the trainer said that I should be keeping my heart rate during workouts between 132 and 148 bpm. I have to really cut back to keep it at that level. She claimed that this was the only way to increase my aerobic index. Do you concur? How long do I need to do this? I really feel like I'm missing out a bit in my workouts. Thanks, in advance.

I am curious about this also. I am 47 and my HR will avg. 145-165 when running and swimming. My HRM does not work in front of the tv, so I don't know what it is with Cathe's w/o, but I know it is up there!! Will I benefit more with a lower HR during cardio?


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