

I got myself in a little bit of a pickle. Well, I subbed the other day and called out a student who was giving me a great deal of trouble, (he’s a senior with a whole lot of attitude). I subbed today for another class and one of the kids asked me if that was me who called the other kid out, and I said, Yes, I did have to talk to him. Apparently, he’s been very angry about this since Friday, and has spread it all over the school that he was going to get me. Should I be worried??? I have to sub for the same class he’s in Wed. and Friday.

I just don’t know…

With all that's been going on lately, I would not hesitate to act on this. I would let the principal know what's going on IMMEDIATELY and if you both feel it's necessary, you should not sub for the two classes that this boy is in on Wed. and Friday. Highschoolers need to realize that crap like this will not be tolerated. You can't get away with telling people that "you're gonna get someone"--especially in this day and age. This boy needs to know that you can NOT say things like this.

Yep, you should definately speak up. Most schools now days have zero tolerance policies with such statements. The kid either needs to deal with a little discipline - or with an anger problem, whichever it may be. But don't take a chance, say something to the principal just to be safe.
>You should tell the principal. Let them handle it.

Ditto to what the previous posters said, tell the principal.

It just blows my mind in what kind of a bind teachers are nowadays, you have to treat every student with kid gloves, can't say anything, can't do anything without the parents making a big stink.
I remember when I went to school and got in trouble, my parents would say, well, you deserved it!
I remember in 4th or 5th grade the teacher hit one of my class mates on the head with a notebook (not that I think it's right) because he wouldn't stop making trouble and disrupting and the parents said "good for you". That would be a lawsuit nowadays.

It's unbelievable how teachers have to tippitoe around their students now. It makes a lot of good people think twice about becoming a teacher.

Don't worry too much about it.

Yeah - I'd be a bit nervous about it too. Definitely, I would say something to the principal. High schoolers aren't children (physically anyway) and can be very dangerous.
Here's a little advice from your friendly neighborhood school psychologist. While you don't want to over-react (hence giving him and his actions the attention he desires), you also want to make sure school is a safe place for everybody. That said, many rumors get started and you have to make sure he made that threat. His anger could have been misconstrued or other students could put their own "spin" on it. What I suggest is that you let the administrattion know ASAP and they will take care of determining if this threat was real and what steps need to be taken. Since ost schools have zero tolerance, if he really said that, there should be consequences according to school rules and procedures. If he is still talking about the incident after the weekend, it shows that he is (so far) incapable of letting it go and needs to be spoken to.

Thanks everyone. I taught the same class today, and instead of going on a word of another student, I decided to wait and see. Nothing more was said, and he was really well behaved today.

If I actually hear him or another student say anything next time, I will definately say something.

Thanks again. You just never know what to think anymore...

Glad to see all went well, but I would still let the administration know the rumors you heard about him.

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