>I would love for us to start a over 50 group in the "Check-in
>and Challenges" area of the forum.
That sounds like a fatastic idea! Having challenges and keeping tabs might help me with my problem:
Has anyone else in their 50s found they can't take repetition as much? For the past year or so (I'm 52, 53 in August) when I do cardio workouts if the same movement is done over and over and over I find with each repetition my form gets sloppy and I get irked! It's not so bad with weights but even then there's days I just can't stand doing a movement to death. I've never enjoyed stretching and now holding a stretch for more than 15 seconds makes me annoyed and forget planks! I was thinking it's a time of menopause type thing but if I'm the only one maybe it's a boredom type thing and I should try something else besides videos for awhile.