Advice for the 50+ gang

>I would love for us to start a over 50 group in the "Check-in
>and Challenges" area of the forum.

That sounds like a fatastic idea! Having challenges and keeping tabs might help me with my problem:

Has anyone else in their 50s found they can't take repetition as much? For the past year or so (I'm 52, 53 in August) when I do cardio workouts if the same movement is done over and over and over I find with each repetition my form gets sloppy and I get irked! It's not so bad with weights but even then there's days I just can't stand doing a movement to death. I've never enjoyed stretching and now holding a stretch for more than 15 seconds makes me annoyed and forget planks! I was thinking it's a time of menopause type thing but if I'm the only one maybe it's a boredom type thing and I should try something else besides videos for awhile.

>I would love for us to start a over 50 group in the "Check-in
>and Challenges" area of the forum.

That sounds like a fatastic idea! Having challenges and keeping tabs might help me with my problem:

Has anyone else in their 50s found they can't take repetition as much? For the past year or so (I'm 52, 53 in August) when I do cardio workouts if the same movement is done over and over and over I find with each repetition my form gets sloppy and I get irked! It's not so bad with weights but even then there's days I just can't stand doing a movement to death. I've never enjoyed stretching and now holding a stretch for more than 15 seconds makes me annoyed and forget planks! I was thinking it's a time of menopause type thing but if I'm the only one maybe it's a boredom type thing and I should try something else besides videos for awhile.

Hi Cathy! Your not alone I'm the same way. I had gotten a new dvd from Tracey Staehle the Cardio Sweatfest that has kickboxing & hi-lo on it. When doing the hi-lo section there's a TON of jumping jacks. My mind starts to wander & I breath in & let out a huge SIGH of boredom. I don't mind it either when it involves weights but in cardio I can't stand it. I found I was doing the same thing w/Cathe's warmups (10" warm-up is LONG) in BM2 and LIC. Its only cardio where I have the problem not in anything else. I'm finding I have no patience for anything anymore. That's been the biggest change in me. Kathy
Hi Cathy! Your not alone I'm the same way. I had gotten a new dvd from Tracey Staehle the Cardio Sweatfest that has kickboxing & hi-lo on it. When doing the hi-lo section there's a TON of jumping jacks. My mind starts to wander & I breath in & let out a huge SIGH of boredom. I don't mind it either when it involves weights but in cardio I can't stand it. I found I was doing the same thing w/Cathe's warmups (10" warm-up is LONG) in BM2 and LIC. Its only cardio where I have the problem not in anything else. I'm finding I have no patience for anything anymore. That's been the biggest change in me. Kathy
There is an "50 and over" group over in the Check in forum.. only 3 of us usually post.. we would love to have more input over there:)

There is an "50 and over" group over in the Check in forum.. only 3 of us usually post.. we would love to have more input over there:)

Can I just say that you are all an inspiration? I am 27 and can only hope to be as motivated and in shape as you are. I got my mom doing Basic Step this past year and have felt proud of her as she progressed-she's not a natural athlete, though she golfs a lot.
Happy Mother's Day to you all!
Can I just say that you are all an inspiration? I am 27 and can only hope to be as motivated and in shape as you are. I got my mom doing Basic Step this past year and have felt proud of her as she progressed-she's not a natural athlete, though she golfs a lot.
Happy Mother's Day to you all!
Thanks rilbe4!

Hi KathyH!!! :D

Cathy and Kathy, I am not proud to say that I have never, in my entire life, had the patience to learn a step routine. When I want to work out, I want to do it NOW, no time to learn anything. But I'm fine on the treadmill doing repetitive movements as long as I've got my music. For me, cardio has always been all about the music. With enough rock 'n roll, cardio time is like party time. :7

I'm going to check out the over 50 check-in right now! :D
Thanks rilbe4!

Hi KathyH!!! :D

Cathy and Kathy, I am not proud to say that I have never, in my entire life, had the patience to learn a step routine. When I want to work out, I want to do it NOW, no time to learn anything. But I'm fine on the treadmill doing repetitive movements as long as I've got my music. For me, cardio has always been all about the music. With enough rock 'n roll, cardio time is like party time. :7

I'm going to check out the over 50 check-in right now! :D
Lora, I used to eat an entire quart (or more) of ice cream or frozen yogurt almost every night, and now when I try to eat that much, I started to cough from the sugar, and, if I try to ignore the coughing (which I've actually done :p), I start to cough so hard I can't eat anymore.

I still like ice cream and frozen yogurt, but I try to buy the ones with the lower sugar grams now, usually just plain chocolate or vanilla, without all the sugary extras.
Lora, I used to eat an entire quart (or more) of ice cream or frozen yogurt almost every night, and now when I try to eat that much, I started to cough from the sugar, and, if I try to ignore the coughing (which I've actually done :p), I start to cough so hard I can't eat anymore.

I still like ice cream and frozen yogurt, but I try to buy the ones with the lower sugar grams now, usually just plain chocolate or vanilla, without all the sugary extras.

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