Advice about buying STS


I have read many threads here about what equipment is needed but i feel I need more advice - if possible.

i am really thinking of buying STS before the sale ends but....
I only have dumbells and don't plan on buying barbells
I don't plan on buying the squat rack
i have bands and weights from 3 pounds up to 30 pountds
i have a bench, a ball, a mat, a step

I have many cathe dvd's and plan on purchasing 4Ds as well - i have gym styles, slow and heavy (which i love), CTX, pyramid, many full body workouts too + lotsa cardio dvd's from cathe

also do I need Ab circuits? or can I pass on that? i have core max and so many ab workouts on her other dvd's

just looking for some advice on those who are experienced with this program cos so far the advice on her dvd's from here has been bang on for me.
STS Advice

I don't have a barbell, only dumbells. Not getting the squat rack. Doing Disc 14 tomorrow, even though my ticker says I am on Disc 1. Doing great with bands, step, mat, everything you have!! Go for it!!!
You don't NEED a squat rack...In meso 3 you can do plyo legs instead OR do the squat rack legs wearing a weighted vest.

You don't NEED the push/pull tower (which might be what you meant when you said squat rack-not sure). It's helpful but not mandatory.

You don't NEED a barbell. You can sub in DB's anywhere a BB is used and she doesn't use a BB at all in M1 and in M2 she shows one of the crew subbing in DB's!

You don't NEED ab circuits either. Do whatever abs you like!

Another vote for GO FOR IT! :)
I would jump on this sale, and I also agree you don't need a barbell. And who knows, in the future you may ask for extra equipment for your birthday. I have changed up my approach on STS the third time, this program evolves beautifully. I love Abs Circuit just as much as Core Max. Abs Circuit has a few more offerings, like one set that is done with a partner. And I'm not so sure that Core Max isn't a teeny bit tougher in some ways. Anyway, if you have other core workouts, its not necessary to buy Ab Circuits, just if you want it. However, it may be free if you add it in your bundle because of the quantity discounts. You will love 4 Day Split too!
STS is a great program and you have the equipment to do the program. Although I have barbells and dumbbells, I sometimes sub on piece of equipment for the other. I have AB circuits but it is not mandatory. As other have said, you can sub any AB workout or do your own.
I started the program with the weights you've got - it worked fine. I'd go for it :)

The usefulness/needs for a barbell really depends on how much weight you are ultimately able to use. At some point it is less expensive (and more space efficient) to buy either a barbell or a pair of adjustable dumbbells instead of buying individual weights. I used adjustables for my first time through the program, and it wasn't until the second time through that I bought my barbell, and it was the third time through before I really needed the squat rack. Nowadays I love my squat rack because my arms ache if I try to do more thaqn 50-60 pounds per hand, yet my squats are in the 150-180 range (at least, they are when I'm healthy which isn't now :mad::mad::mad: ).

But, up until my weights went over 100 pounds in certain exercises, the dumbbell-only approach worked just fine and I especially loved the adjustables. If you were to buy just one more piece of equipment, that's probably the one you'd get the most use out of, if you're maxing out on your 30 pounders now. STS will make you very strong!

As to Abs, while it is a nice set of workouts, I practically never used it after the first time. It was great for ideas, so I'm glad I have it, but it's not like the Mesocycles, which I pull out all the time.
Goodness gracious... I've been wavering again for these reasons:
- i am a certified personal trainer so feel pretty advanced in my abilities to change things up etc...
- i am new to cathe and have been buying up lots of her stuff cos i haven't been able to get to the gym (cos studying and working full-time and have a family, committed workout schedule etc so there's little time to spare)
- i have checked out many rotations shown on here and have even tried one by fitness freak which gave me great and quick results
- and I want to buy things like barre workouts, goudreau, katami etc... to keep things exciting in the home workout room
- so.... my husband will groan if he sees me tacking another $135 (which is how much it would cost) onto my latest cathe bill
- a split cathe/amazon bill doesn't look so bad but adding STS onto cathe makes my husband gasp
- that said, i am definitely getting 4DS

sooooo i am feeling ambivalent until i read everyone's comments

- do I forego for now my other than cathe wishes on amazon and get them later?
- or do I forego STS for now?
- my husband said to me: look, if yr gonna buy the stuff later, just get it now so I can save.... And i am a spaver - I can't save unless I spend... but then he talks about the kids future..... hmmmmm I'm torn. ha ha.
- do I forego for now my other than cathe wishes on amazon and get them later?
- or do I forego STS for now?
- my husband said to me: look, if yr gonna buy the stuff later, just get it now so I can save.... And i am a spaver - I can't save unless I spend... but then he talks about the kids future..... hmmmmm I'm torn. ha ha.

If you are going to get STS in the future, I would get it now considering the savings. This will be the biggest bang for your buck. I read somewhere that for every dollar you invest in your health, it pays you back $6 dollars down the line. Not sure how this was figured out, but I've never regretted any well-though out fitness purchase, and you will be a happy, healthy mother! ;) Also...give up a couple of dinners out, and apply it to the purchase of dvd's.
I agree, get it NOW! You can modify ANY move to make it work for you with the equipment you have! And, being a PT, you will get lots of ideas for your clients! Like your hubby said, if you are going to save $'s....Go-Go! :D
you will be glad you got STS & don't worry if you don't have a barbell. I didn't have one either when I first got STS. you def don't need if for Meso 1 or 2, and not for the Plyo Legs in Meso 3. since you have dumbbells up to 30 lbs, you will be fine.
i'm almost done w/ my 4th round of the whole program. it is a keeper!
and........... I bought it! The 40 disc set so I could grow with it when i get stuff like barbells etc... down the road. Thanks for everyone's input.
Maybe you can find used equipment. I bought my barbell and plates at a garage sale for $5.00. It is the old school kind too, the bar itself weighs 13 lbs. Peggy
Okay a big box arrived! in it was STS - which I plan to do in the summer. Also inside was High Step Training Advance, Ab Circuits, Circuit Max, Step, Pump and Jump, Pure Strength, Imax 3, MMA Fusion, Power Hour arrived too, Circuit Blast, and 4DS - OMG - 4DS I love! everyone was right. Each time everyone has been right so thanks for the advice. I haven't read overwhelming A+ on MMA Fusion but Collage Video said its a staff fav. so I thought I'd take a chance. My husband wishes I didn't like Cathe so much.
Okay a big box arrived! in it was STS - which I plan to do in the summer. Also inside was High Step Training Advance, Ab Circuits, Circuit Max, Step, Pump and Jump, Pure Strength, Imax 3, MMA Fusion, Power Hour arrived too, Circuit Blast, and 4DS - OMG - 4DS I love! everyone was right. Each time everyone has been right so thanks for the advice. I haven't read overwhelming A+ on MMA Fusion but Collage Video said its a staff fav. so I thought I'd take a chance. My husband wishes I didn't like Cathe so much.

Holy COW!!!!
Wowie! That HAD to be a very BIG box! How exciting! You can't go wrong with any of those workouts...each and every one is awesome! Have your hubby try one with you and he'll end up liking Cathe! :)

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