Advanced Step Video Suggestions


I put a post out on Video Fitness looking for suggestions for a new advanced step videos. (Note - I don't want "circuit" or "interval" format and I already own Powermax, Bodymax, MIC and Imax and soon ImaxII). I want the highest intensity possible. I did not think Rhythmic step was high enough intensity. The suggestions I was given include Kristen Kagen Step this way, Andre Houle Advanced step, Kristy Taylor Step Heaven and Cathe's step works.

Do any of you have other suggestions or comments about the videos suggested?

Is Cathe's stepworks as intense as powermax or the step portion of bodymax?

What about stepjam, is it as intense?

If I decide I want stepworks, should I buy the DVD even though I already have powermax on vhs?

Thanks for your help!
Yes! You definatly NEED Step Works. Use an 8 inch step and it's a killer. It is more intense than Power Max. I'd compare it to Body Max in intensity. I used to have Step Jam and it is more comparable to Power Max.

I know we all have different opinions - but I think powermax is more intense than Step Works. I do all my step on an 8" club step. I think segment one of Step Works is harder than segment two, segment three is somewhat hard with the lunges - but it doesn't last long - I think that segment is only about ten minutes. She does have a longer cool down.

I do like Christi Taylors Step Heaven, since it is 90 minutes - her choreography is tougher - it takes a little longer to get the moves down than on Cathes but she does have modifiers - it took me about five workouts to get it down - She has a 5 minute wwarm up then Stage One is 25 minutes, then Stage Two with the step veritcal is 25 minutes (really fun but intense) and Stage three is a mixture of Step and some strength training.

I have all of Cathes tapes and have been doing them for 7 years and I consider myself advanced - Christi just has a different style - but she is definitely comparable.

I concur with getting Step Works. I've had it for a few years and still find it tough! I also have Step Jam and it is a fun workout but not as intense as Step Works in my opinion!
Let us know what you decide! :D Susan

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