Advanced RT Training with the new workouts


Hi Cathe!

I'm sorry to bother you when I know how busy you are but I have a rotation question.

If I want to hit each body part twice a week using the new workouts and one of the previous RT series (like Gym Style, SH or Pyramids) how could I do that safely?

I feel like I've hit a stand still even going super heavy (to fatigue) once a week. I want to try hitting each bodypart twice using the new workouts-- I'm not sure about circuits for this reason, but these workouts look great!

Please let me know what you think.
Thanks :)
Cathe - I would be interested in knowing how to incorporate the other strength workouts with these as well. Thanks in advance!:)
missed her again! doh! :-( I'm also very interested in this question.

PS-- Hi everyone! Sorry I've missed you :( My grandmother is going through a very hardtime and I haven't had much board time!


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