Advanced Firm videos?


Active Member
I love Cathe videos (and Gin Miller), but am looking for a new face to workout with every once in a while.
I always hear about the Firm, but there are so many of them that I have no clue which ones are advanced.
So, could anyone tell me which give a great cardio (or cardio/strength) workout?

I have tried Firm cardio and never found one that felt intense enough for me. I do like some of their strength videos, though - my favorites are Lower Body Split and Firm Bootcamp 3 in 1. I also like Standing Legs and my heart rate is usually in my target zone for most of the workout. I know a lot of people like Tough Tape also - I'm not crazy about it, but it is popular.
I like the classics, Vol 1 & 3 (forget the "New" names for them). These are prtty tough--but have a lot of cardio. I also liked Super Sculpting--one of the newer tapes. However, it has NO real cardio except that the rotation gets your heart rate up a little.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-05-01 AT 09:04AM (Est)[/font][p]Hi,
All time fav is volume 1 with Susan Harris ... it goes very fast and has a killer floorwork session. Firm Strength is one of my favorites, it is part of a cross trainer set and has slower moves with 4 limb aerobics, Pam Cauthen leads it and has a very calm way of teaching. Firm Cardio is lead by Heidi Tanner and is a bit faster than Firm strength and switches from upper to lowerbody, some people like this one a lot. Cardio Burn is high impact cardio with 4 limb aerobics WARNING: instructor is very perky. Super sculpting is all weights with 4 instructors ... one of the first firms to have more sets and works upper and lower seperately Warning: Leg press pulses and curtsy dips(huh?).Super Cardio is also known as PLYO HELL, high impact but fun. SL is a parts tape for lower body...dated but tough. I used to do this one until I got LL. Tough Tape is a compilation from Tortoise and Hare minus the ballroom is 45 minutes all weights with the legpresses, it switches from lower to upper without time to switch weights. It is another favorite.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-04-01 AT 03:34PM (Est)[/font][p]I've owned most of the Firm videos and have since got rid of them all. They never really seemed intense enough for me. I adore Cathe's tapes, but I too sometimes need a change of face once in awhile. I like Karen Voight's videos. Her Power Packed Workout, Energy Sprint and Cardio Sculpt are all quite good. I also think Mindy Mylrea of CIA videos is also good. For a change of pace for strength training, I like CIA's Power Bar Training, which can easily be done with a barbell if you dont have a powerbar. Alot of people also enjoy Christy Taylor but I find her choreography way too dancey fo me. Hope this helps!
:) Stacy
I think the SuperCardio tape is pretty tough--4 instructors, several routines, some on step, some hi-lo, and a few with 5 lb wts for 4-limbed aerobics. It's a solid 65 minutes long and ends with a brief abs section. It pairs up with the SuperSculpt tape. I agree with some of the other responders that Vol. I with Susan Harris is pretty tough and especially on the floorwork--a lot of reps. If you are looking for some lengthy cardio, you might like Christi Taylor. Her Stepping Zone and the most recent one--Still Steppin'--are as challenging as Rhythmic Step.
I like some of the Firm videos when I want an efficient total-body workout. My favorites are Firm Cardio (misnamed), Firm Strength, Total Body Shaping Mix (which takes the tough segments from several tapes) & SuperSculpt. While I started w/ the Classics in 1989, I rarely reach for them now.

Except for the Basics for beginners, most of the Firm tapes can be used by any level by adjusting your weights. The Tri-trainer tapes are pretty easy too. Firm strength or cardio-strength workouts are their niche. Look elsewhere for cardio. Their ab work is often ineffective. But their leg work is tough if you go heavy enough. Even after doing PS, I'll get sore when I do a Firm workout. They've got some good floorwork too.

I hesitate to recommend the Firm tapes for 2 reasons. The instructor & cast are usually heavily made-up in skimpy clothing. Sex kitten voices. That irritates many. But if you can giggle about that or tune it out, go for it. Second, they're equipment heavy. Lots of switching around, & one usually needs a tall box, short box, barbell assorted dumbbells & ankle weights.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-04-01 AT 10:07PM (Est)[/font][p]I started with The Firm when they released their first video, Vol. 1, and I consider their workouts to be good. I would go with one of their more recent releases if you are set on trying them out. I think as the years have passed, The Firm has gotten a lot smarter about their workouts... fewer and slower reps, heavier weight, more efficiency. A lot of people swear by Vol. 1, which I consider to be very dated.

If your looking for personality in your instructors, don't go with The Firm. Their workouts are tightly scripted and even minor mistakes are left on the cutting room floor. I have to agree with Debra on the heavy make-up, sex kitten-ish tone, although some may find this motivating.

I'm sure I'll take fire for this (I seem to have a way of sparking controversy), but I find Cathe's style to be alot more "grown up". I can truly appreciate her down to earth, and very real personality. I think the fact that she will take time away from her business and her growing family to personally answer questions on this forum says alot about her. Edit: Ok, this forum is her business, but still, it says alot!
I like Tough Tape (a Firm Parts Tape)- lots of standing leg work, decent upper body, no real choreography. The downside is the absense of abwork.
This is so funny. People on the Firm forum ask about Cathe and people here ask about the firm. Over there they worry about being put off by the slow reps and Cathe's gym style teaching while over here there's the issue that the FIRM instructors are sex kittenish. Both complement each other very well from what I have experienced. The FIRM has good production and the time goes by fast, there are quick equipment changes and yes we do have an incredible amount of toys. Some tapes are losers just like in any video series while some are excellent. Volume 1 is dated, but Susan Harris is the FIRM. That volume 1 can shrink dress sizes off of you per week. Dont ask me why it works ( from everything I have read it shouldnt but it does)... it just does and if you ask me it is the only firm tape anyone really needs.
The other tapes I recommended are the good ones, they are solid workouts that the FIRM has put together lately. The FIRM uses weights to elevate your HR, anyone who says the FIRM isnt aerobic hasn't done the workout. Even SL elevates the HR. The reps are faster and fewer than Cathe's, you guys use 35 and up for leg work but you dont do the reps at the speed we do them...dont ask me if it's safe to go at warp speed, I only know my legs are okay even with just 15 pounders. They do make good tapes, it's just a matter of not buying the bad ones! And adjusting to the style! Goodluck!
hello im new to this forum, i own all firm tapes and love em.
i was told to add cathe cuz she compliments the firm tapes.i ordered 5 new tapes of cathe was wondering i have tall step up box ,can that be used instead of this long bulky box?please reply tapes on there way.
The tall box can be substituted when Cathe does leg presses in PS Legs, Leaner Legs. But it is no substitute for a step for step workouts. You need a much wider surface area for the dance moves on it. Sorry, you have to buy a step, but they do have a lifetime warranty. Other people have found them on Ebay and stuff.
Anybody that can do The Firm's "Standing Legs" and not call it advanced is a better woman than me! It is a parts tape, but one of the all time toughest Firms in my opinion. It isn't cardio, but you'll definitely get your heartrate way up there!!
A side note: I do this tape with 15 lb dumbbells and 5 lb ankle weights.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-07-01 AT 11:24PM (Est)[/font][p]I just have to reply here because I was very suspicious of the Firm at first being the Cathe-type cardio junkie that I am. I thought the Firm tapes were not going to challenge me because they are not "real" cardio tapes or "real" weightlifting. I have found that I can make them as advanced as I want to by increasing the amount of weight I use or raising my step higher. But, like someone else said, the style really complements Cathe's, and it's nice to switch things around to prevent burnout. I find that my body feels the most toned when I do a lot of Firm tapes while doing Cathe's tapes improves my cardiovascular capacity and my strength. The ones I would recommend are Total Body Shaping Mix, Vols. 1, 2, and 3 (if you can get past the 80s cheesiness), Standing Legs, and the Super Shapers (Super Cardio and Super Sculpt). I also like Bootcamp 3 in 1 Mix. Theirs is just a completely different style than Cathe's, but it still works, IMHO.


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