adequate rest between weight workouts


Is there enough rest time for muscles to recover if C&W and PUB or PLB are done on consecutive days? I was just curious how people have felt after this combo.:*
I don't think that these should be done on consecutive days. PUB followed by PLB is fine, because different muscle groups are worked, but C&W back-to=back with either of the other two would be working the same muscle groups two days in a row. This would be counterproductive, I feel, because you wouldn't give the muscle group enough time to rest and repair. It MIGHT work if you went extremely light on C+W, but then why bother, and why not just do a cardio workout on its own?
Because I go heavier on C&W, I won't do PUB the following day, but I am doing a rotation right now where I do PLB the following day. I don't consider the few reps of squats and lunges in C&W as lower body because they are just that, a few reps, and they aren't the primary focus, the upper body part is, so following C&W with PLB has not been a problem for me.

Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!
Thank you for your input folks.
Donna I was thinking along your lines with PLB OK next to C&W, and put a day between PUB and C&W.(especially because I use a little higher weights on some upper body exercises)

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